sat 24 aug 2013

We almost have a sunflower...


We brought home almost 10 pounds of food from our garden plot today. Mostly zucchini, lots of cherry tomatoes, several cucumbers and six lemon cucumbers. I suppose we're averaging about 15+ pounds of food per week?

Yes, I'm kind of sick of zucchini. So I've been trying to keep up with the lemon cucumbers instead.

making babies

The bees are still very busy and soon this flower will turn into a lemon cuc. Along with dozens more!

Sat, 24 Aug 2013 18:03:42 PDT

Weekly Mail Check-in
This Week: 49 mailings
Total This Month: 110 mailings

I've met my goal of beating my February mail count, which was 108. And I've still got most of a week to bump up my numbers even more!

I've now completed my extra "non-month" postcard mail and I am two postcards shy of completing my June mail. Since I don't yet have a photo picked out for my July mail, I'm going to focus on some replies in the final week of August.

Yay Mail!

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