sat 7 dec 2013

Amnesty International letters

Last weekend I was getting a head start on Amnesty International's Write for Rights.

I wrote letters of protest and notecards of solidarity for 7½ of the ten cases! The letter writing campaign goes through to the 17th of December, and I think I'll have time to finish up the rest before then.

I hope you'll join me in writing letters! Amnesty USA provides sample letters that you can just print up and sign, stick it in an envelope and send it on it's way... and you've made a difference in the world!

Write for Rights, Scotland 2012: How Letters Change the World

This week, I decided to keep going with my drawing project. I won't be able to continue the "daily" part for much longer, since I get distracted with family stuff at the end of december. But until that moment arrives, I am going to go where the inspiration takes me...

I wanted to give the Peaceful Prairie turkey some colour...

peaceful prairie turkey

And then I had to search for some pics that interested me. I found a spoonbill and a dolphin:



And then, moving some of my piles around, I rediscovered my Charley Harper book. He is one of my favorite artists. I thought copic markers would lend themselves wonderfully to the flat colours that Harper uses!

a Charley Harper knock off

Charley Harper Nuthatch

Yeah! Oh my gosh! I had so much fun doing these!!

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