sun 17 aug 2014 |
We have new summer-time neighbors at the day job...
A mom and four kids. We have been putting out cracked corn for them... along with the sunflower seeds we give to the local squirrels! The above photo was from a month ago. The four kids are quite a bit larger now. The family wandered into the warehouse last friday, just as the FedEx guy was picking up. Gil snapped a few pics on his cell phone before getting our packages into his truck! haha. Art Journal. I've worked on a couple pages in my new art journal...
... and there have been experiments. For instance, the back of the left side page of the above spread, had some watercolours on it. The next page after the above spread has a background "painted" with beets. Beets from my community garden plot! ha! How awesome is that?! I don't know what I'm going to draw on that page. Maybe nothing. It's a lovely shade of red-violet. :)
Tag: august, art |
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