Stuff in Sept: Vegan MoFo
sat 27 sept 2014

I am not a foodie, and I hate to cook, so I tend to ignore the fact that September is the Vegan Month of Food. But for many of the vegan blogs I watch, this is the only time of year that they post, and it's easy to get excited about some of the great food they write about!

And so the discovery of vegan mac & cheese.

I don't buy very many convenience foods: expensive and not healthy. But I like to try new things from Vegan Essentials every once in a while, and I had a box of the Earth Balance White Cheddar Mac & Cheese laying in the pantry.

And when Vegan Chai kicked off her Vegan MoFo with Mac & Cheese Mondays, I figured I'd give my box of mac & cheese a chance.

Yeah, I loved it. I got addicted in one meal, and now only wonder when I can get my next fix. It's all on backorder... so Earth Balance is pretty much evil for not making enough!

gold finches

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