sat 25 july 2015

Ha. Last time I typed here was three weekends ago, with a tenative goal to post here at least once a week. Maybe even twice a week.

And then the following weekend, I had some homework that I brought home from the day job. 6+ hours of overtime, but no time for the blog.

And last weekend, I don't know. I was just totally disorganized and a bunch of projects fell by the way side. Arg!

So now I'm back to my tenative goal to post here at least once a week. Maybe twice. You'll have to keep an eye on me to make sure I follow through! ;)

I have been a bit stressed out, due to the day job and such, and have been considering my options to help me manage. Meditation? Extra Exercise? Journalling?

eh. I've done all these in the past, but I want to try something new. How about Colouring?!

I've thought about Colouring for a long time. A couple years ago I bought a few posters of line art meant to be coloured. I'm not sure what's kept me from working on them... worried I'm going to ruin the whole thing by choosing the wrong marker colour?! Anyway.

A good friend sent me an awesome postcard... line art of an owl! I scanned it in, increased it to letter size, and printed it on marker paper. I started colouring the background on Monday.

I'm taking my time.

Well, I have to take my time because the design is super intricate, so it's slow going. But that's okay. It's not exactly relaxing... because I accidentally go over the line with my marker and then I cuss... ;)

But: Colouring is one of the best forms of meditation. Even when you cuss... I think! :)

I will upload a photo of my colouring once I get a little further along. In the meantime, some links:

  Doodle Art Alley I've been a fan of Samantha's free printables for many years, and now she's got a couple of books out!

  Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book and Enchanted Forest The surprise Best Seller on Amazon. And this is where the postcard art I'm colouring came from. Guess I'll have to buy this book now, since I'm using it anyway! :)

  Stuff 2 Color This is where I bought the line art posters, that I haven't coloured yet! I totally adore the Sea Horse! Maybe I'll colour it next?!

And a colourful photo...


I don't know how that awesome background happened! But I would do it some more if I knew how!

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