drawing class
sun 1 nov 2015

I logged on to my drawing class website, all excited and looking forward to watching a video and reading the intro stuff... um? why isn't there anything new? *reading* oh. shoot. The class doesn't start until the 3rd! foo.

So I pulled out my new sketch book and a nice purple blending group of Copics and...

Horse sketch #1

Yes, it's a Horse and Pony Drawing Class! I used to be a horse person. I rode horses as often as my parents would pay for. And I graduated college with an Equine Science BS.

And then I was not a horse person. I didn't have the cash to get regular lessons any more. and I had begun my vegan journey and understood in my heart that turning horses into slaves, forcing them with bits and whips, was wrong.

But horses are still my first love. Which is why I'm taking this drawing class!

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