frosty morning walk
fri 27 nov 2015

Our first frost of the season occurred on the morning of last saturday, 21 nov. Since then, it's stayed pretty cold, with below freezing temperatures most nights. brr! Especially since normal low temperatures for this time of year are around 37° (3°C).

When I headed out for my walk, mid-morning, it was right at freezing. There was still frost in the shadows. And when I got to the garden I saw all our borage had been frost killed in the past week.

On the way home, I discovered a hawk! He or she was just a little bit too far away to get a decent photo... but it's adequate for attempting a species identification! I'm pretty sure this is a California Red-Shouldered Hawk, just at the northern edge of their winter range. (NatGeo) (Audubon)

red shouldered hawk

(Identifying hawks is hard!)

In the past month or so? there has also been a new Kingfisher patroling the creek. I've never seen one in our area before! No pics yet, other than a couple blurry ones. But if he sticks around, it's just a matter of time before I get his portrait! :)

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