
Garden Complainings!!
Saturday 1 June 2024

*deep breath* Yesterday I found out the garden plot was not in compliance and I've got until Jun20 to fix the problem.

So I ordered a stirrup hoe, it will be here on Wed afternoon.

So let's discuss the fact that I have to buy a hoe. *grr!*

The Community Garden should be providing everything gardeners need to succeed... with your plot rental you get access to the garden, your plot has a water faucet, and you get access to the tool shed which has wheel barrows, shovels, rakes, hoes, and various other garden tools, like the lawn mower and a post driver.

Except someone got into the garden over the winter, removed the gate padlocks and stole a bunch of stuff from our tool shed. The wheel barrows were replaced.

But we have zero garden hoes. None, Nada.

And if I'm going to remove grass in pathways I'm going to need a hoe.

Sighs. So here I am, buying a hoe. SIGHS!

Saturday Market today, to get ever more veggie starts. And then I have partner drop me off at the garden plot with the hand hoe and the Strawberry plant we got today!


The hand hoe is too big to fit in my backpack, and it will stay here at our plot. I hide it under the 5gallon bucket... I've never heard of any problems with people stealing things from the plots. (just outsiders stealing from the tool shed!)

So I don't worry about leaving it, except keeping it from the elements... the forecast says rain is due tomorrow!

And then I go down the east side of the plot and rip up grass with my hands...

Garden Plot

I am so angry that I have to do this! It's a ridiculous waste of time, when I should be forking the new area for the big trellis... I can't plant the Wax Beans until that's done and it's freaking June already!

Arg! Just Arg!

AND THEN! And then! I realize those pissant Pot People have left a digging fork IN MY PLOT...

garden plot

And it's not even leaning, they've stuck it in the ground, those effing jerks using MY NON-COMPLIANT, GRASSY PATHWAYS to get around their stupid plot because they put their beds right up to the border and didn't save their own goddamn path.

On top of all that, there are only two good digging forks left in the tool shed, due to the theft I mentioned. And when you don't put the fork back, others can't use it! And I get it, they just forgot because they are stupid newbies, but GAH!

I hate them! I seriously hate them!

But really, I hate everyone and everything for the moment. I'm just frustrated.

I rage for a little while and then I get over it.

And anyway. Look at how happy the new Strawberry is!

strawberry plant in the ground

And I've taken an even better photo of the Love Mist with the Brandywine in the background!

Love in a Mist

And then I go wandering and look at someone else's Love in a Mist.

Love in a Mist blooms

White Love in a Mist bloom

Orange Dahlia bloom

And then I take the digging fork back to the shed... Since those jerks left it in my plot, it's like they were framing me for stealing it! Which makes me angry all over again. Pissants.


I'm glad I get to walk home. That kind of exercise is good for my soul!

AND I get to check on the Barn Swallow nest!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

Garden, More Complainings
Sunday 2 June 2024

On Sundays I usually like to stroll to the Post Office to check my PO Box. But that's an extra 20mins of garden work I could be doing, sighs, so I'm heading straight to the garden today.

And I'm taking some veggie starts in the backpack! A Green Zucchini and a Yellow Zucchini. The green Zuc doesn't quite fit!

Squash leaf sticking out of a backpack

I've bought so many veggie starts, there's LOTS left to plant. They are sitting in the porch room, and I'm hoping a little extra growing time before they meet the slugs in the garden will give them an edge!

Squirrel standing on the sidewalk

Once I get to the garden, I note how bad off the plants in the Squash Square are... the Butternut is fine, not munched at all, the slugs must not like that one. But the Zuc and Spaghetti Squash are well on their way to dead, and the Crookneck doesn't look far behind them.


So okay. I'm going to start a Supplementary Squash Square! *laughs* I planted the Zucs at the end of the Tofu Patch. That'll be less room for Soybeans, but it's a pretty big area. I think it'll work out.

I fork and weed another line for the big trellis, future home of Wax Beans.

It's been sprinkling... but it starts to rain while I'm working here. Usually I draw the line: I don't work in the garden in the rain. But I have a deadline for the non-compliance grass thing, and I need to plant things as well. There's too much work, and I cannot pause even tho it's uncomfortable and annoying to work in the rain! I keep forking!

And then I obsess about the Big Comfrey. The new Supplementary Squash Square is a little close to the root ball of Comfrey I'm trying to kill.

Comfrey roots in the ground, with a leaf budding off one

It's nice that the Comfrey roots are easy to pick out. Unfortunately, they break very easily. And even small sections of roots left in the ground will come back to life. Killing this thing is a long term project.


I really should be working on GRASS! They don't care about the stupid Comfrey. They want the grass in the pathways gone, not this thing.

Comfrey roots in a bucket

Well. There's a couple grass roots in there! ha.

There's no one else in the Comm Garden, which is nice, and I wander around.

Pink and red violet Snap Dragon blooms

Pink and red violet Snap Dragon blooms, with orange poppies in the background

Bachelor Button blooms in light and dark blue

Bachelor Button blooms in purple and light blue

And then I come around the corner and see this...

Raised garden beds

Grass in the pathways.


And guess what? This guy's plot IS NOT on the non-compliance list. Even tho he has some serious, well established, lawn-looking GRASS IN THE PATHWAYS.

OMG. I fume!

The double standard.

I am so mad I could scream.

I'm beyond cuss words.

I need to learn new cuss words.


But I can't do anything about the unfairness.
Don't let the bastards get you down, and all that.

damn them.

lots of Bachelor Buttons in different colours

Monday 3 June 2024

It rained most all night! It quit at some point this morning before the sun came up, but then started drizzling again around 9am.

I decided it would be a perfect opportunity to take a break from the garden.

Rose Garden! And maybe I can check on the Cliff Swallow nests I discovered last year!

Heritage Cherry Tree at the Rose Garden


My favorite rose is Silver Lining...

pink rose bloom

pink rose bloom

yellow roses

(Laughing at myself because I can't choose which angle I like better!) ...

yellow rose blooms

orange roses

Ha! Both our common squirrels! Our native Western Grey, and the non-native Eastern Fox Squirrel near the tree!

Two squirrels sitting in the grass

I can hear Ospreys yelling, as I'm walking along the river, but they haven't set up camp at the big platform nest across from the Rose Garden yet.

Osprey standing in a tree

Art Pavilion next to the river

I'm so glad they have left this beautiful sculpture...

Heron Sculpture made of chrome

It's called Naseem, which means breeze in Arabic, and it's made from salvaged chrome car bumpers and motorcycle parts. It was supposed to be a temporary art installation, but it fits here so well, with the Art Pavilion made of the same chrome stuff!

And the real thing! *laughs*

Great Blue Heron standing in the river

Some Camas Lilies are still blooming!

Dark blue Camas Lily blooming, surrounded by seed pods

Oh, there is an Osprey at this platform nest! ... and a lot of trash is up there too. bleh!

Barely seen Osprey sitting in a platform nest

Killdeer standing in a landscaped area

Killdeer standing in the grass

Song Sparrow standing on a thorny vine

Song Sparrow standing on a vine, singing

The bridge is 2miles from the Rose Garden and is usually the end of my usual loop. But today I'm going across and going out further.

Bridge over the river

As usual, I pause on the bridge to take in the sounds of the river! I love it here.

Looking down at the river flowing around rocks

Out past the pond, where the invasive Yellow Flag Iris is trying to take over. That's a shame.

Pond with yellow irises growing on the banks

There's bugs flying here, but I don't see any swallows swooping over the water. hm.

And here I am at the bridge with the Cliff Swallow nests. foo. They are all empty and cobwebby!

Empty Cliff Swallow nests

I wonder if I am too early... or if they don't return to their nests like the Barn Swallows do?? Humph!

Empty Cliff Swallow nests

red columbine bloom

Haha, the sun got a Suspish fish!

Yellow ball with faint graffiti

This mixed up Mallard has been in the area for years! It's good to see him now and then!

Mallard paddling on the water

And a rat?! Ha, that's unexpected! Hi Cutey!!

Rat, sniffing on the path

Towhee standing on a stick, forest behind

Back at the Garden
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Okay! Yesterday's great walk at the river has renewed my spirit and I am ready to tackle the problems at the garden!

It sprinkled thru the night again... which is mildly concerning. I won't be able to hoe until the dirt dries out again: You can't hoe mud! Well. The new hoe doesn't arrive until Wed, so I don't need to concern myself yet.

This morning, it's cloudy, but nothing is coming out of the sky. I take the rain jacket with me, but I don't need it.

Squirrel standing on the sidewalk

Okay... Here's what I'm working with...

Garden Plot

The black dirt areas are the places where I've forked and weeded for beds, and there's some stuff planted here and there.

On the left side is the Tofu Patch and the new Supplementary Squash Square. On the right side of the pic is the Front Garden Square with Lemon Cucs and two tomato plants. oh, and that tall bunch of green is volunteer Elephant Garlics! And then, back right corner of the plot is the main Squash Square and the future big trellis area for the Wax Beans. You can't see the Sugar Snap Pea Patch, because it's as green as the grass, but it's back there at the end of the grassy path going down the middle.

I've been forking the dirt over a month now. It's hard, slow work because I'm trying to do a really good job of sifting out ALL the grass roots!

But! My mission now, is to get rid of all the grass in between those forked spaces. I've got until June20, just a bit over 2 weeks.

And I'm planting some Lemon Cucs, today, too!

Backpack sitting on the ground with squash leaves coming out

Okay, here's where I'm working today. I've got a couple tomato plants in front of the big trellis area I'm forking... Before:

Garden plot

I'm just ripping up grass with my hands. It's too wet to do anything else, and forking to get at the roots just takes too long!

And After:

garden plot

And, yep. I'm leaving the Dandelions! Because, seriously, I hate that dead dirt look, in between the plants. That's what they are requiring, but I NEED a little bit of wild in my space!

And that tall grass in the top of the photo above, is technically over the border, in the Pissant Pot People's plot. I will prob be ripping up their grass, in order for my plot to look better. Sighs. oh how I love to do other people's work.

And the Lemon Cucumbers are planted. They were in small seedling pots, and I was able to fit all four in the backpack.

Cucumber plants in the ground

Okay. I've been hard at work for 1.5 hours. Ordinarily, I could be here for 45mins or an hour, so I def did more work today than usual. But I think I need to aim for closer to 2 hours of work to get this all sorted, in the time frame I've got. SIGHS.

Garden Plot

Hmm. I wonder where the Bluebirds are nesting this year? Nobody's using the nesting boxes at the Comm Garden.

Bluebird standing on a post

The poisonous Sweet Peas.

Sweet Pea blooms in pink and lavender

All the different colours are certainly a delight. Supposedly they smell lovely as well... but I don't have much of a sense of smell, so that part is lost on me!

Sweet Pea blooms in different colours

As I was finishing up in the garden, this one was having an argument with one of the Flickers who hangs out occasionally. Well, honestly, I think the Flicker was just teasing our furry friend.

Squirrel sitting on a tree branch

She was still mad about it, even tho the Flicker flew away five or ten minutes ago!

Oh good, the homeless people have cleared out from under the bridge. So I get to spend a moment at the Barn Swallow nest! Hello My Dear!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

*laughs* You got an itch?

Barn Swallow wing and tail sticking out of the nest

Squirming around, trying to get comfortable.

blurry Barn Swallow moving aroud in the nest

Blurry Barn Swallow moving around in the nest

Is that better?

Barn Swallow in the nest with just his head showing

Not really?

Barn Swallow in the nest with just his head showing

Barn Swallow moving around in the nest

Oh, this is better, after all? *Laughs*

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

More Lemon Cucumbers!
Wednesday 5 June 2024

Aw, I love it when I get to meet the wildlife right outside the door!

Squirrel standing on the ground

Hello Dear Heart!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

I brought four more Lemon Cucumber starts to plant in the front Garden Square...

small cucumber plants growing

Lemon Cucumbers are my absolute favorite, and I like to have a LOT of plants! I decide to separate the four plants I've got today, and I plant two in the Supplementary Squash Square...

Garden plot

So that's the Green Zucchini, top left.
Today's two Lemon Cucs, top right.
A Yellow Zuc, bottom right.
And the very small Columbine, which finished blooming a while ago.
And some stupid grass and a Dandelion! *laughs*

I fork and weed some more for the big trellis. And I rip out some more grass in the front.

Garden Plot

And then the left side neighbor shows up. Oh my gosh, it's been ages since I've seen Mia and we chat for a while. Well. That would be me, mostly just complaining about the non-compliance notice I got about the grass in the pathways!

She was nice about it and said my plot was not a problem, but what are you going to say, right to someones face! :)

But I also complained to her about the double standard, that guy with raised beds and grass in his pathways is fine, but my grass in the pathways is out of order.

And she told me about the guy with the Lesser Celandine plot...

He let the Celandine get totally out of control, the last couple of early springs his plot is completely covered with it.

And they are giving him a new plot, while they try to rehabilitate the Lesser Celandine plot.

I am flabbergasted. So you LET the invasives get totally out of control, and they just give you a new plot? Yep.

Like I said, I need to learn new cuss words.

And unfortunately, I'm noticing a pattern here... The guy with raised beds and grass in his pathways, and the Lesser Celandine plot guy? They are bending the rules for the white men.


Well. I'm pleased with the work I've done today. I've only worked 1h10m today but that wide spot at the front where I've ripped out grass... is noticeable progress. So I head out.

The same parent is sitting in the nest.

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

Underneath the bridge, there's two older ducklings...

Ducklings walking on the creek bank

But their Mama has a droopy wing. :(

Female Mallard

I pause a moment to collect myself.

Poison Hemlock blooms against blue sky

And then keep walking home.

Squash Seeds and Barn Swallow Identification!
Thursday 6 June 2024

I woke up at 4:40 this morning. I had opened up my bedroom window as wide as it would go last night, and I delighted in the cold air coming down on me. Of course, I also had all the blankets and quilts on top of me too... 55° is pretty cold!

The morning chorus began with a Robin singing in the distance. And then a crow... Close, probably in a tree in the parking lot, but not right outside the window. She Caws 5 times in a row, steady, with no pauses. The Crow the other day said 5 caws as well, but said it like, Caw, Caw, Caw, *pause* Caw, Caw. And then my current 5 Caw friend decided that 4 Caws was fine.

After she flies away, I'm listening to the Robin again... and I realize that's not a Robin! Similar tone, but the actual song is very different, and a bit faster than a Robin's song as well.

I remembered looking up a bird and the page said they had a song similar to a Robin... but who were they?

Me: Hello? Brain? You got anything for me?

Brain: GAH! It's Five O'Clock in the Stupid morning! Leave me Alone!

*Laughs* oh fine then!

Heading to the garden. Same parent in the nest as yesterday.

Barn Swallow in the nest

I get to the garden plot and start accessing today's work. I've brought a second Butternut start to plant in the Squash Square, and some Spaghetti Squash seeds. And I will continue forking and weeding the area for the big trellis.

Garden Plot

But then I hear a Swallow singing. I look around and see a Barn Swallow...

Barn Swallow standing on a wire trellis, singing

Oh my gosh, he is so beautiful in the sun!

And this has to be the Papa, right? Singing about his territory while Mama sits on the eggs!

He knows me, so he lets me get really close!

Barn Swallow

So cool!

And now I'm getting some work done!!

I've put the Butternut in the Squash Square...

Garden plot

That thing with the big yellow leaf is the Crookneck. I think I've watered it too much!

and never mind the Zucchini with no leaves, the slugs did that. And there's a Spaghetti Squash in there as well, in the same condition.

That's okay, because today I've brought my saved seeds! When I ate last year's Spaghetti squashes, I cleaned some of the seeds and dried them out.

I don't know if they will grow. And I don't know if the slugs will munch them. But I've giving it a try. I've also got some old Crookneck seeds, and I throw them in the mix as well.

I forked and weeded a bit. And this part of the plot is looking... well. Pretty Grass-less I guess. ugh. That's what they want. But Ugh!

garden plot

I've still not forked enough to fit the big trellis, so I've moved it over to the pathway. I just got tired of moving it around every time I fork there!

The slugs are so hungry they've even been eating the Giant Marigolds! This one has a bit of green at the top, yet, but most of them are becoming two foot sticks, of the main stem with no green leaves at all.

Marigold plant

Heading home. And now I can say Hi Mama!

Barn Swallow in the nest

The Papa is still out singing, but when he's here he sits with his tail sticking out of the nest.

Garden Work
Friday 7 June

The garden is kind of drying out from the decent rain we got at the beginning of the week. I've decided to bring the new stirrup hoe tomorrow, since I'll be driving to Saturday Market.

I will have to hoe like crazy, to get all the grass gone by the June20 deadline. But I think I can do it!

Today, I'm walking to the garden.

Hey, Papa!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

Are you still sitting? Still? I thought for sure some babies would be born this week!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

[oh, oop! I review the numbers, and actually today was the earliest the babies would be born! So I don't need to freak out yet!!]

Okay! I'm at the garden... and oh crud! Both of the heavy digging forks are out of the shed, being used by other people. Shoot! That kind of kills my plan of forking and weeding and expanding the trellis area.

Okay, switching gears! This little spot in between the Snap Pea Patch on the left and the Squash Square, is bugging me.

Garden plot

So let's take care of that today...

Garden plot

I've freed up the Strawberries which were back there. And I'm thinking about experimenting with a summer cover crop... maybe that would be a good place to start.

Behind the Tofu Patch, there are some volunteer Sunflowers coming up! That makes me happy except the slugs are doing a number on them.

Small sunflower plants coming up

The Lemon Cucumbers seem to be doing well, except for that one droopy one.

Small cucumber plants under a wire trellis

And ya know... the Eggplant looks like it might be trying to make some buds. The slugs have chewed it all to pieces, but it might just live after all!

This is the little Love in a Mist that I almost pulled out when I was weeding the Lemon Cucs the other week... I'm glad it lived!!

Love in a Mist bloom

That's a lot of grass to deal with! Revving my engines to start hoeing tomorrow!

Garden plot

Ha, that tiny orange thing right in the middle of the above pic is one of the Giant Marigolds... The slugs ate all the leaves so it's just a 2foot stick with a bloom at the top! haha!

Heading home. Papa is still taking his turn at the nest.

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

There's a Steller Jay, bouncing around on the bank of the creek... Oh! She's a fledgling! You see the bit of gape, the pink part at the edge of her mouth?

Steller Jay standing on the ground

I realize I'm trying to photo thru a bit of grass. *laughs* Stupid grass!


Steller Jay standing on the ground

So Cute!

Steller Jay standing on the ground

Blurry Steller Jay bouncing on the ground

Once they get some knowledge, Steller Jays become a lot more shy and careful around humans... but as kids, they are still just figuring everything out!

Steller Jay standing on the ground, looking down

Steller Jay standing on the ground

And then she flies away... probably going to find a parent to harass about some food!

Stirrup Hoe!
Saturday 8 June 2024

Put the new stirrup hoe in the car to take to the garden! and I'm going to Saturday Market this morning to buy some more veggie starts from my favorite farmer!

Veggie starts in small pots

The big leaves belong to a Sunflower. I like the rusty red ones, but this will be just a plain bright yellow flower. A Black Tomato, something new! And then four more Lemon Cucumbers, because I'm crazy for them. There's also a Yellow Patty Pan.

But I'm kind of feeling the heat today. That rain at the beginning of the week kept things blissfully cool, the highs were 62° on Sunday and 64° Monday... But now the highs are mid-80s, and I'm struggling to adjust so quickly!

So I decide to forego planting any of the veggie starts and focus on the hoeing. That's what actually needs to happen anyway!

I am going to put a dent in the grass!! Here's before:

Garden Plot

And here's After:

Garden Plot

The hoeing needs to be a precise balancing act... long enough for me to build new muscles, but not so long to kill myself. I've just got 12days left for the deadline on removing the grass and I need to be able to keep working, and not be in any kind of extreme pain!

Along with that big chunk that I hoed up the middle of the plot, I also hit the pathway along the back of the plot, next to back neighbor's raised bed.

I've done great work today, and I am pleased!

And Look! The first of the Sugar Snap Peas!!! Yay!

Snap Peas on the vine

I ate them and they were wonderful!!

There's strawberries coming along as well, but I ignore them today.

Strawberry plant with a blossom and fruits under the leaves

I'm going to leave the new hoe at the back of the plot with my other junk. I don't think anyone will steal it, but there's no sense in leaving it out. Especially since it looks like a normal Community Garden tool! I've marked it with our names and our plot designation and I've hidden the hoe part under the 5gal bucket, which also contains the hand hoe.

Garden plot junk

I've got some short stakes, and heavy bricks. I use the planter pot to gather trash before I pull out a trash bag to haul it out. A small grid, I've used in the past to support plants, and under that is a section of row cover.

I probably should have tidied things up before I took the picture, laughs! But that's how it is, stuff just thrown down there in a pile!

Barn Swallows are Born!
Sunday 9 June 2024

Walking to the garden today, and when I got to the bridge there was no one sitting at the nest. For a split second I was terrified!

But then Mama flies in! *phew* She gives me the barest glance...

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

And then...

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, poking her head down into the nest

Oh my gosh! We have babies!!!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, looking down into the nest

She makes sure I'm not doing anything weird...

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

But she is looking hard at her babies!

Barn Swallow standing at the edge of the nest, looking down into the nest

Barn Swallow standing at the edge of the nest

I'm wondering if I can tell how many babies there are, just from where she's looking in the nest. I'm gonna guess there's at least four in there. Maybe five.

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, looking down

Okay! Let's sit!

Barn Swallow sits in the nest

Everybody okay down there?

Barn Swallow in the nest, looking down


Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

So that's super exciting!!

But there's work to be done. Today I've brought seeds...

I've hand forked the Tofu Patch to kill the weeds and re-sowed the Soybeans. I didn't find a single soybean growing here! I'm not sure what's wrong, but hopefully this second round of seeds will do something.

garden plot

And I'm going to experiment with a summer cover crop to maybe help keep the weeds down. I had bought some Buckwheat seeds ages ago... But when I got it, I realized it was a summer cover crop, would not survive a cold night, and I actually wanted a winter cover crop. Haha, silly me... you should do the research before you buy!!

So anyway. The seeds are old, but we'll see what happens. The internets told me Buckwheat should be soaked for 20mins before planting... so I threw a handful of seeds in a ziplock bag with some water, right before I left the house.

I put them in the ground here, between the Snap Pea Patch and the Squash Square at the back.

Garden plot with a purple square indicating where seeds are planted!

I'm starting small, just to see what happens. But supposedly, Buckwheat grows very quickly. So I can plant it basically any time during the summer, and it'll take just 6 or 7 weeks to get to flowering!

Okay! There's still lots of grass to hoe before June20. But I'm not hoeing today, to give my muscles a chance to catch up with the heavy work I did yesterday.

Garden Plot

Couple more Sugar Snap Peas on the way. *laughs* I try to get artsy!

Snap peas on the plant with blue sky

And the Strawberries.

Strawberry plants with fruit

I head out, but these pink Lupines catch my eye!

Pink Lupine blooms

Mama's still on nesting duty.

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

Barn Swallow in the nest, looking down

Barn Swallow sittin in the nest

So Sweet!

Garden Work
Monday 10 June 2024

As I'm loading up my backpack this morning in the porch room, I notice how cute the little Pansies are!

small Pansy plants growing in a clay pot

And then I'm out the door. Some ducklings, and the creek water is gross. It gets like that sometimes, I don't know what gets dumped but it should be illegal!

Ducklings paddling on the water

And Papa is sitting at the nest today.

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

And I'm at the garden! I've brought a big Spaghetti Squash start in the backpack today!

Backpack on the ground with green leaves coming out the top

I plant it in the front Garden Square, next to the trellis for the Lemon Cucumbers.

And then I get to work! Hoeing more grass down the middle pathway. And then I fork and weed for the big trellis. I keep going with the hard work for just over an hour, and then I water.

Garden Plot

The baby Lemon Cucs had gotten sunburned when I planted them, but they are putting on new leaves and growing happily now that they aren't harassed by the slugs!

Garden Plot

There's some Amaranth coming up on the left side of that pic. It's a weedy plant at the Community Garden and the birds will be happy with the seeds, so I don't mind about that growing. And Borage on the right... it's flowers brings in the bees and other pollinators, so it's very welcome!

Aww! This one landed right next to me as I was admiring the Lemon Cucs! A new damselfly, I will have to look him up!

Damselfly standing on a stick on the ground

And I discover he's a newborn Tule Bluet! His colours will darken to sky blue as the blood flows! How cool is that!

Behind the Lemon Cucumbers is the poor Eggplant. Just a single leaf survived the slugs...

Eggplant with a pathetic leaf

But there's new growth at the base! I think it's decided to live!


That's exciting. I've never been able to keep an Eggplant alive!

And blooms on the Old German tomato plant!

Tomato bloom on the plant

Yay Garden!

But this evening, my back is pretty sore from the hoeing. I think hoeing every other day is a good idea... I just hope I can keep it up! There's still lots to go!

Happy Barn Swallow Parents. And Garden Work.
Tuesday 11 June 2024

Here's Mama Barn Swallow at the nest full of babies, born on Saturday!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

She makes sure I'm being good...

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

But she is checking on all the babies!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, looking into the nest

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, poking her head into the nest

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, looking down

And then she flies off for more food! Hungry Babies!

Barn Swallow nest

Dang, but I wish I could see them or even hear them. But nope. I must be patient! They will grow!

I arrive at the garden. There's a cute lil Seven Spot Ladybug walking on one of the small Lemon Cucumber plants... Eat all the bugs you find, please!! :)

Ladybuy walking on a cucumber leaf

Today I am cutting some Elephant Garlic Scapes to eat! The first garden harvest of the year!!

Elephant Garlics going to seed

You cut them a few inches above the top leaf. And then you can chop them up and use them like onions. You can even eat the flower bud! They are very very mild, just a hint of garlicy flavor.

I only cut the small ones, like five or six. I want the big ones to flower and seed and make the pollinators happy!

I've brought the last four Lemon Cucumber starts and planted them under the small trellis in the front garden square. There's 10 plants here now! (and a couple that are technically still green, but too slug munched to live.)

Garden Plot

The Spaghetti Squash I planted yesterday is looking good. And you can't quite see them but the plants on the left, just under the hose are the 2nd SunGold and the precious Brandywine.

I forked and weeded another row at the future Wax Bean patch... and I moved stuff around and dragged the big trellis to it's permanent spot! Yay! There's plenty of forked ground for it!

I stomped it down and made sure it was stable. And I will bring the Wax Beans to plant tomorrow!!!

Lavender blooms

Love in a Mist

Oh! Papa is at the nest!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

He is making sure the babies are okay, as well!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, poking his head into the nest

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

So thrilled I got to see both parents today! and So glad I can still tell them apart, from where they stand on the nest!

And I get home, and I'm finally able to get a pic of this kitty...

Long haired, tortishell cat

A stray, she's been hanging around the apartments for the last few weeks.

She Refuses to look up into my face, always staring at my feet. She comes close, especially if I turn my back. But doesn't trust enough for pets.

But isn't she so beautiful!

Babies!!! and Beans
Wednesday 12 June 2024

This is Sweet Amber, a common landscaping plant here, a low, spreading shrub, just 2feet tall. It's not native, but pretty -- I think the blooms look like little fireworks!

Sweet Amber blooms

I get to the Barn Swallow nest, and Mama swoops in and dang it, I am NOT ready!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, with babies poking their heads up

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, with babies poking their heads up

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, with babies poking their heads up

And then she flew away, and the babies disappeared into the nest again. Foo.

But that's at least three babies, in the top photo, and I'm positive there's more in there!

I get to the garden...

Ripe strawberry fruit hanging from the plant

I turn it over, and it's not quite ripe. But it hasn't been munched by the slugs, either. So I ate it! Yum!

Okay! Garden work!

I planted the Wax Beans!! I have been forking and weeding this spot in front of the Squash Square for ages!

Garden plot with trellis

I've got several seed packets, so I planted the ones I just bought on the outside of the trellis. Sunshine Wax Beans. And then on the inside I planted last year's dwarf wax beans, mixed with 2022 wax beans.

I'm so happy the beans are finally in the ground. It's late in the season for this, but it couldn't be helped with the Non-Compliance thing I have to deal with. And maybe the slugs won't bother the seedlings so much, now that summer is drying things out? I can hope! ha.

I'm hoeing some more down the middle pathway. It's hard work and slow going, but I think I am mostly on track to be Compliant by the June20 deadline.

Garden Plot

I've also forked and weeded a bit more of the front Garden Square.

I ate a couple of Sugar Snap Peas today!

snap pea on the plant, with the blue sky

And then I tried to get artsy!

Snap Pea tendrils and the blue sky

The volunteer Sunflower patch...

small Sunflower plants growing

These don't seem like typical sunflowers... I wonder what kinds of blooms I will end up with!

Heading home. and a typical Chickadee! *laughs*

blurry underparts of a chickadee

They have been working, in bits and pieces, on the bike path for months...

Bike path

It's been pretty ridiculous... they'd set out construction signs, and just leave them up even tho they would show up about once a month to do work.

Those damn pylons -- I guess they are called Delineator Posts -- became toys for the homeless people. They would be pushed over, moved around... broken apart, torn apart, and then thrown in the creek.

And does the city fish them out of the creek? No, of course not. Even tho the base of the posts are made from recycled tires, and it's proven that the toxic chemicals coming off tires kill fish!


So anyway. Now we have some concrete platforms for the lamp posts that will be going up here. Great, huh?

Today Happenings
Thursday 13 June 2024

*laughs* I crack myself up!

Shadow of a person on the sidewalk

That's the Sunflower sticking out of the backpack, and I've also got a Yellow Zucchini in there as well!

Oh look! Papa is at the nest today! And one baby is making an appearance!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

*laughs* I wonder what set her off?

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, with a baby popping up

Papa is not sure either. Get back down there, kid!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest

Barn Swallow stands at the edge of the nest

I get to the garden, and I've startled a squirrel out of one of the front plots. She stares me down from the fence!

Squirrel sitting on a fence post

Since the backpack was full, I carried the water bottle in this cute little satchel that came from Partner's Mom's estate.

Backpack on the ground at the garden

Before I get to work, I notice a meeting is happening.

A dozen crows standing in a tree

I'm sure they have important things to talk about!

A dozen crows standing in a tree

I am breaking my rule of hoeing every other day, because I'm feeling strong and tough today!

Here's the Before pic:

Garden plot

And here's the After, where I've hoed a bit of that square just above the stake in the middle:

Garden plot

Ha, I wish the pic could be more dramatic to present. Maybe I should photoshop it with neon colours or something.

I planted the sunflower in between the Snap Pea Patch and the Squash Square, at the edge of the little Buckwheat section.

Garden plot

And Look! Some of the Spaghetti Squash seeds are coming up!!

Squash seedlings coming up in the dirt

Yay! Planting seeds in the garden is pretty iffy, so I'm thrilled that we've got some life here!

I planted the Yellow Zuc next to the other Zucs at the front of the Tofu Patch. Poor thing... I bent one stem accidentally in transport, and then the stupid Climate Change wind bent a second stem.

Small Zuchinni plants

I ate another Sugar Snap Pea!

Snap Pea hanging from the vine

This thing is growing at the base of the transplanted Snap Peas...

Morning Glory plant

I did have the Sweet Potatoes here, last year. But these leaves are more delicate than Sweet Potatoes. More likely, it's a Morning Glory... the leaves are much bigger than the standard Bindweed we have around here. So I'm going to keep it and see what colour the flowers are!

I had a wander around the Comm Garden... This is a new art installation in the back corner. It's a bird bath!

Art in the garden

I suppose the nearby plot neighbors are keeping the flowers watered and changing out the water in the bird baths! That's nice, and it's really a lovely spot!

Pink and white Cosmos blooms

Cabbage White. A very important player in the ecosystem... I have seen so many of these caterpillars in the beaks of Bluebirds, to be fed to their babies!

Cabbage White Butterfly

I am almost all the way home when I notice a couple of Barn Swallow fledglings up on the power lines!!

Barn Swallow fledglings up on a power line, blue sky

I'm too far away, and can't get a good angle, so that's a bummer. But there are three fledglings altogether, and they are watching their parents fly around! Super cute!

All Kinds of Barn Swallows! And Garden!
Friday 14 June 2024

Those Barn Swallow fledglings near my home are still here this morning!

two Barn Swallow fledglings standing on a power line

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a power line

Three kids, and as I mentioned yesterday, I'm too far away and can't get a good angle, so the pics are terrible. But they are still fun to watch!

Here's one of the parents!

Barn Swallow standing on a power line

Parent flies away, and hungry baby tries to get attention... Wait! Wait! Don't forget to feed me! *laughs*... and incidentally getting some flying practice in, as well! :)

Barn Swallows flying from the power line

And wow, you can def tell the difference between parent and child in their tail feathers! The adult has the beautiful long forked tail and the kids just have stubby tails!

Fledgling coming back to land on the power line

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a power line

Yay! Older ducklings!

Five Mallard ducklings with Mama, paddling on the water

A beautiful day... last weekend's overly warm mid-80s have cooled to a lovely 72° day, today! (22°C)

Sky with cirrus clouds over trees and grassland

Yay! A dragonfly sits for me!

Dragonfly standing on the sidewalk

This is a Pacific Clubtail. I've been seeing dragonflies now and then, especially walking home when it's a little bit warmer... the big Black Saddlebag Skimmers mostly. But they are always flying above the bike path, busy hunting.

And at the Barn Swallow nest? Just a couple of baby beaks poking up!

Baby beaks poking up over the rim of the nest

I finally get to the garden... I take one look at it and immediately my back starts spasming!

Oh gah! Hoeing two days in a row was a major mistake!

Up until this point my back had been sore but in a building muscle way, not in a over did it way.

So this is concerning. I will take it easy today and then figure out what I can do tomorrow. Because there is still a lot of hoeing left to do before the June20 deadline!

Okay. Well. I brought the Black Tomato to put in the ground today...

Tomato plant hanging out of a backpack

I decided to put it with the SunGold and the Old German, on the right side of the plot...

Garden Plot

Behind these tomato plants is the newly set up big trellis which will support some Wax Beans. And behind that is the Squash Square...

Here's one of the Butternut plants, with baby Spaghetti Squashes coming up all around it!

Butternut plant growing

And on the other side of the plot... Aw, the poor Yellow Zuc that I planted yesterday. Wind damage. The other two adult leaves look perky, tho. Maybe it will live?

small Zucchini plant with two broken leaf stems

And here's looking down the small trellis at the growing Lemon Cucumbers!

Small cucumber plants growing

That bigger plant at the top, there, is a Spaghetti Squash!

Heading home. And just some baby beaks again...

Barn Swallow baby beaks poking above the edge of the nest

You hear somebody coming?

Barn Swallow baby in the nest

Oh! It's Mama!

Barn Swallow flies into the nest

Hungry, hungry babies!

Barn Swallow parent feeding a baby in the nest

Hmm. Maybe just three babies? I thought for sure there were four or five in there.

Oh! Look again! There's a fourth beak in there, under the middle child! Ha!

Barn Swallow parent feeding a baby in the nest

Mama flies away to get more food... the babies are so hungry!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

But the babies quickly calm down and go back to napping. Growing up is hard work!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Day of Hard Hoeing
Saturday 15 June 2024

We had about 20mins of rain around 5:30 this morning! (And some sprinkles after that, unless that was just the wind rustling the leaves to sound like sprinkles!) But, Wow! It is really unusual for us to get rain after about May, so this weather this year is so crazy!

Forecast says 60% rain until 11am so I'm loading up the rain jacket in the backpack! Crazy! The clouds are moving around and its a lovely 55° when I leave the house!! (13°C)

Oh! The new stray kitty lets me get a decent portrait of her! But still, not quite looking up into my face.

Long haired tortishell cat, sitting on the ground

She is so beautiful! She lets me crouch down, but avoids my outstretched hand. No pets yet.

Clouds over some trees

The Climate Change Wind today is VERY gusty.. The weather page said 12mph, but seems like more. (heh! Not that I know a thing about it! The every day wind is new here, so I have zero experience with guesstimating the speed of the wind!)

Clouds over some trees

The Cherries are ripening!

Cherries on the tree, in various stages of ripeness

Here's a female Common Whitetail Skimmer!

Dragonfly standing on the sidewalk

There are a bunch of homeless people under the Barn Swallows bridge. So I don't stop to take photos of the nest.

And at the garden... my back muscles feel strong again today, so I'm going to JAM with the hoe! Here is the BEFORE photo.

Garden Plot

And here is the AFTER, where I've hoed the rectangle to the left of the stake:

Garden plot

I also stabbed and hoed this area behind the front Garden Square:

Garden plot

Oh yeah! Gettin' It Done!


I don't have to water much because of the bit of rain we got this morning, and so I enjoy the garden for a few...

The Primary SunGold is doing things!

small green tomato on the vine

Blooms on a tomato plant

The blooms on the Old German tomato look quite a bit different!

Blooms on a tomato plant

This is the Crookneck in the Squash Square...

Squash plant with some yellow leaves

Yellow leaves like that mean I'm over watering the thing. Unfortunately, the extra water is necessary for the squash seedlings coming up all around it!

A couple of the transplanted Sugar Snap Peas are dying already. They've hardly even grown. Did I get too close to the roots with my weeding? I didn't think so, at the time. But I'm not sure what else would make them die.

Snap Peas with a dead vine

That's okay... the Sugar Snap Peas that I planted from seed are doing really well! The first bloom on them!

Snap pea bloom, with vines in the background

Okay. I'm out!

There are still a couple of homeless people at the Barn Swallow bridge, but they are sleeping at the other end. I don't want to disturb them, so I only take a couple pics.

There's just one baby beak, poked up over the edge of the nest.

Barn Swallow nestling beak

The Poison Hemlock looks pretty with the sky.

Poison Hemlock blooms with blue sky

And further on... WOW! The Colour!

Cherry tree and blooming Ocean Spray wtih the blue sky

The dark red is a Cherry Tree and I think the white is a cultivated Ocean Spray!

Sunday Flowers
Sunday 16 June 2024

It's cloudy this morning and just the slightest chance of rain, so I stuff the rain jacket into the backpack. Taking it is a pain, and if I actually have to put it on to protect the camera, well, that would be annoying too... It's a nice day -- 55° when I leave the house -- but the rain jacket would turn into sauna!

Barn Swallow babies!

Barn Swallow nestlings resting their chins on the edge of the nest

Their eyes look like they are getting more open!

The slightest sound sets them off, asking for food!

Barn Swallow nestling begging for food

My back muscles were giving me some twinges from yesterday's hard work. So I'm taking it easy again today, just hand weeding a little section at the front.

There is still significant areas of grass, and I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to finish hoeing it all by the deadline on June20. We're getting down to the wire! And in the meantime, this Comfrey that I want to kill is getting bigger by the day:

Comfrey leaves coming up next to a zucchini plant

Oh my gosh! This must be the Buckwheat! I planted it last Sunday, and it's already coming up!

Buckwheat seedling coming up

Awesome... The Buckwheat seeds were old and I wasn't sure I'd get anything! And there are four seedlings that have popped up so far!

There's no one else at the Community Garden right now, so I have a wander...

I love all the colours of the Bachelor Buttons...

Blue and white Bachelor Button blooms

White and purple Bachelor Button bloom

White and purple Bachelor Button bloom

Honey Bee on a purple Bachelor Button bloom

(haha, I couldn't decide which Honey Bee photo I liked better!)

Honey Bee on a purple Bachelor Button bloom

These Dahlia's are in my left-side neighbor's plot, and I just love the pop of colour!

Pink Dahlia blooms

*laughs* I try to get artsy!

Pink Dahlia blooms

Pink Dahlia blooms

Pink Dahlia blooms

Okay. I know, I obsess! Moving on!

A couple young Nutrias, just outside the Community Garden. All but one ran away!

Nutria standing in the grass

Oh! Oh-oh-oh!!! Is that a 5th baby beak over there on the side??!

Barn Swallow nestling beaks poking out of the nest

I think it is!! Confirmation of Five Barn Swallow Babies!!!


And then I came across the Mama duck with the droopy wing... and it's worse. Ugh. It must be so painful, she can't lift up her arm enough and her wing is dragging on the ground.

She's still got her two kids with her... and it's good that she knows that her efforts to protect her children were successful. But, ugh, her poor wing.

Sighs. I love Nature's abundance, but I hate the abundance of pain and suffering, too. Sighs.

Definitely Five Barn Swallow Babies!!
Monday 17 June 2024

Its almost chilly this morning, with the bit of climate change wind. And the forecast says Zero% chance of rain, but I think I heard it sprinkling this morning before I got up, so I decided to take the rain jacket once more!

Clouds over the trees

There's hot weather on the way -- mid and upper 80s starting on Wednesday -- so I enjoy the coolness to the fullest!

Oh the scraggly cuteness!!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Okay! I'm at the garden, and I need to do some serious hoeing today, despite the couple of twinges coming from my back muscles.

I've decided to hoe all down the right side of the plot, the Pissant Pot People side. I had already ripped this grass out, by hand, right after I got the Non-Compliance notice, but... it's grown back... as grass is wont to do!


Garden plot

And After:

Garden Plot

That stupid board is actually on the other side of the border, but I weeded under it anyway because I need the front of my plot to look way above average!

(And don't get me started about jerks who refuse to control the weeds on their own borders! I've been picking up the slack for that type of neighbor the entire time I've been at the Community Garden!)

AND THEN... I hoed all down the right side, all the way to the back, AND around the corner along the back of the plot. (Again, weeding well into the neighboring plot)...

Garden plot

The bit of green in the pathway, is grass that has been hoed and is laying there, on the surface dying... It'll fade to tan in a day, but I realize that I probably should be done with the hoeing the day before the deadline because of this! So there isn't anything green left in the pathways on the day of inspection!

This is the last section of grass in the pathway that needs to be removed...

garden pathway

This will probably be the toughest bit to do... because I have never bothered to hack at this area around the taps, so this grass is very well established. The ground is almost solid grass roots, and I won't be able to Just hoe it. I'll have to break up the top with the hand fork.

I hope me and my back survive!

I take a bit of Joy from the garden, before I go.

Green tomatoes and bloom on the vine

The Barn Swallow babies have re-arranged themselves, and all five are visible... Or... heh, I assume there's not actually six in there! *laughs*

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Oh my gosh! Mama swoops in! But she's so fast, and unexpected, I don't get a single pic of her! haha!

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest, one is begging for food!

And back to napping...

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Except one or another keeps thinking they hear a parent coming, so they look up to see...

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest, one is looking up

Too Cute!

Hawthorn pomes starting to grow.

Hawthorn berries growing on the tree

Squirrel sitting on a wood fence

Barn Swallow Babies and Childrens Books
Tuesday 18 June 2024

Chilly days and it was another night when it got so cold that I had to close the windows! Ha! It makes me laugh that it's June and I'm still using my quilts on my bed!!

But I think it's going to be summer now... Forecast says 74° today (23°C) and mid-80s thru Saturday!

I walk past a Little Free Library, and notice a book I want!

Squirrels book in a Little Free Library

*laughs* I reluctantly push it back in. Hopefully the book will make some kid happy. But, oh, Squirrels? And beautiful Art? (Yeah, I really wish I had nabbed it!)

And where's Number Five?

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Scrub Jay standing on a wood fence

Okay. Here I am at the garden plot, and I'm taking a break from the hoeing to give my poor back a rest.

I'm going to kill some Comfrey today! It's gotten as big as the Zucchini plant!!

Comfrey leaves and a zucchini plant

I dig as deep as I can and get some good roots out...

A bucket of Comfrey leaves and roots

That one is a good inch in diameter! But you can see where most of the roots broke off! Ha. I wonder how many years I'll be battling this thing, before I kill it off for good?! Or maybe I won't ever kill it! :)

I've got some time left, so I decide to fork and weed more of the front Garden Square. I'm thinking about putting in another section of Buckwheat here, just to have some more green, living alive stuff... All the dead dirt they are requiring of me for the Community Garden Rules, is depressing.

But look, I've dug up something weird, plus a sleeping slug...

Weird roots with a slug curled up in the dirt

Oh my gosh! It's the Sunchoke roots that I buried last autumn...

Root in the dirt, very munched by slugs

Apparently it was pure slug food! I guess that's why it never came up this spring!

Love in a Mist bloom with a Dandelion bloom in the background

Squirrel standing on a wood fence

Back at the Barn Swallows bridge... Okay, good! We've got all five showing their faces again!

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

The kid on the end must be hungry! And apparently thinks I'm going to feed her. *laughs* It doesn't hurt to ask, I guess! Bahaha!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest, one begs for food

Their sweet sleepy faces.

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Oregon Grapes, in the process of ripening.

Green Oregon Grapes on the vine

Back at home, the Pansies continue to grow.

Small Pansy plants in a pot

I'm happily surprised that they are doing okay with the limited amount of sunlight here in the porch room! Usually seedlings that I grow here get tall and lanky with the lack of light.

One of my favorite YouTubers is a new Childrens Book author! And I'm so thrilled that he's reading it and showing the art in a video...

The Pengrooms, Read Aloud by Paul Castle

This is just SO Sweet! And Lovely drawings!

OH! And his partner Matthew is playing violin in the background?! So Awesome!!

I just love it! And there's Unicorns!!!

Point of Interest: Paul is blind.

Adorable Babies
Wednesday 19 June 2024

I don't know what these yellow flowers are, in with the Poison Hemlock. They are probably invasive too, but pretty!

Yellow flowers with blooming Poison Hemlock

Sleepy babies.

Barn Swallow nestlings sleeping in the nest

Dear Sweet Seven Spot, could you do me a favor? Could you eat whoever is munching holes in the leaves of the Sunflower that I bought and paid for? Thanks!

Ladybug in the center of a growing sunflower

Okay! Here is the last section of grass that I need to hoe before the deadline, tomorrow!

garden plot

I was going to jump right into hoeing... but ugh I feel weak today even tho I slept well and the back doesn't hurt much.

I hand weed some, in the path and around the sunflower patch. It's is slower, but more satisfying because I'm able to pull up long grass roots! I have to stab most of the area with the hand fork and then hoeing is easier.

I get it done...

garden plot

phew. And ya know... you'd think I'd be proud, getting all that work done? But, no. Definitely not proud... I worked hard, but this was to someone else's expectations.

But the garden plot is up to code, now, and in compliance with the Community Garden rules. And I just feel relieved.

Strawberry blossom and leaves

The Sugar Snap Peas that I planted as seeds are coming right along! And I've been eating a couple Snap Pea pods every day this week, from the plants that I transplanted!

Snap Pea blooms

OH! Finally! Some Soybeans are coming up!

Soybean seedling

huh. I don't remember that the soybeans came up all shiny like that. weird.

Soybean seedling and a bug

And in the Squash Square... Spaghetti Squash seedlings Galore!

Squash seedlings growing in the dirt

Heading home... Aw! Happy to see an older duckling. Look at her little leg splayed out behind her!

Mama Mallard and duckling sitting on a rock

The sun is hot, Mama!

Mama Mallard standing and duckling is moving into her shadow

haha, she doesn't quite fit into Mama's shadow!

Mama Mallard standing and duckling is moving into her shadow

A bit more awake, this time!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

But is Number Five going to show her face today?

Oh! Hey! Mama swoops in!

Parent Barn Swallow feeding nestlings in the nest

Parent Barn Swallow has fed a baby and is flying away from the nest

Aw, the looks of disappointment.

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Just be patient little ones!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Oh, wow. Mama must have found a pile of bugs to feed, very close by!

Barn Swallow parent coming in to feed another baby in the nest

(and yeah, I was fiddling with the exposure. sheesh!)

No, sorry! I've got nothing for you!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

My gosh they are just so cute!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Oh hey! Here's all five babies, finally!!

Parent Barn Swallow flying away from the babies in the nest

So demanding!

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Barn Swallow nestling in the nest

A Walk Past the Garden
Thursday 20 June 2024

Sweet Amber blooms

Magnolia bloom

Good Morning Little Ones!

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Is Number Five going to make an appearance today?

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Uuuh, gotta itch!

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

The fluff coming up, off their heads is so cute!

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

I'm at the garden, but I'm just going to water today. I've done the work they required, I've been working hard for weeks. And today is my break!

Oh, this thing, growing under the first set of Sugar Snap Peas! The leaves look a bit like a Morning Glory, and it's definitely not our regular Bindweed...

Black Bindweed plant

Turns out it's Black Bindweed. Invasive from Europe and Asia, flowers are small and inconspicuous, spreads by seed not roots.

Okay... Keeping it for now to see what happens! But maybe I will pull it up before it makes seeds!

Yay! A couple Wax Beans have sprouted!

sprouting beans in the soil

The Eggplant almost looks like a healthy plant now!

Eggplant growing

It had been munched almost to death by the slugs... you can still see the leaf-less stems, and partial leaves! But it's definitely recovered! Yay, my first Eggplant plant in the garden!

Aubergine! A fun word to say! :)

The Lemon Cucumbers are happily growing.

Lemon Cuc patch

The other green in there is mostly Borage, a wildflower I love that makes the bees happy!

A couple of the Giant Marigolds are making a top-heavy come-back from the slug damage!

Marigold leaves and buds

Okay! On with my walk! Here's the Flicker Hole... mostly covered with leaves now. It's too bad I didn't get to see any babies born here, due to the crazy weather we've had.


Minnows! And their cute little shadows!

Minnows in the creek

Close up of two minnow in the creek

Pink Sweet Pea blooms with a daisy

These two are a little too far away... a Goldfinch and an Anna Hummingbird... how companionable!

Goldfinch and Anna Hummingbird standing on a bare branch

Female Anna hummingbird standing on a twig, blue sky behind her

Oh No! The Fallen Leaning Tree doesn't have any leaves!

Bare fallen oak tree

Little clumps of leaves are all that it's managed to grow. It must definitely be separated from it's roots.

Clumps of oak leaves on a fallen tree


Sign at the base of a fallen tree

The fine print says We are trying to rehabilitate it. But no, I don't think it's possible. It's nice that they left it to try, tho!

Violet Green Swallow standing on a power cable, blue sky behind

I stop to drink my water under a shade tree!

Looking past leaves to a grassy field

Willow tree with a large cut stump

Sighs. Poor Girl. Her two kids are nearby, they are getting towards grown up.

Female Mallard standing on a rock with a droopy wing

Barn Swallow babies are re-arranged and so sleepy!

Two Barn Swallow nestlings, sleeping in the nest

Oh! Mama makes a surprise appearance! Nobody heard her coming!!

Barn Swallow parent flies up the the nest

A couple wake up, and a couple continue to sleep!

Barn Swallow parent perched on the edge of the nest, looking at the nestlings

Barn Swallow parent perched on the edge of the nest, looking at the nestlings

Nope, sorry! Just checking on you all!

Barn Swallow parent turns away from the nest

Awwww, Mooooom!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Random shoulders everywhere!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Oh, wait. I guess that part of their wing is actually their wrists, huh?

Random Wrists Everywhere!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest


Excitement at the Barn Swallow Nest
Friday 21 June 2024

Good Morning Little Ones! Well! This is a different configuration, today!

Two Barn Swallow nestlings perched at the edge of the nest

I realized, later, the babies are probably trying to escape each other's heat! The high today is 90° (32°C) and it's already overly warm this morning... and probably even warmer up there under the bridge. I'm not sure they even get any of the breeze!

Oh we got another itch?

Barn Swallow nestling preening

Barn Swallow nestling preening

Two Barn Swallow nestlings perched at the edge of the nest

Here's Mama!

Barn Swallow parent standing on the edge of the nest with nestling begging

But she's just here to check on the babies.

Barn Swallow parent flying away from the nest with nestlings

And the little one goes back to preening...

Barn Swallow nestling preening under her wing

*gasps* Little red dot... Is that your Belly Button???!

*Laughs* I'm not sure. And then I had to go look up to see if birds even have belly buttons!

They do!

Audubon Question: Do Birds Have Belly Buttons?

Inside the egg, the yolk sac is separate from the embryo. And, yep, there's an umbilical cord connecting them, in the same way that an umbilical cord connects mammal embryos with the placenta.

So, yeah, birds do have belly buttons! That's fun to learn!

Okay! I'm at the garden and Look! Yesterday there was basically nothing, and today we've got some 1 inch tall Wax Bean plant babies!

Bean seedlings growing

Ha! Amazing! They grow so fast!

Bean seedlings growing

On the other hand, it makes me despair about the stupid Soybeans. I replanted the Soybeans on Jun9, and there are a couple coming up. But nowhere near the 30+ plants I had last year. Maybe I should replant them a third time?

Everything else is happily growing...

The Squash Square:

Squash plants in the garden

The Lemon Cucumbers:

Cucumber plants in the garden

The Zucchinis. This is the biggest one:

Zucchini plant growing

Yep, it's got a fruit growing on it!

I've also got two Yellow Zucchinis, the Crookneck, and today I'm planting the last of the plants that have been hanging out in the porch room... A Yellow Patty Pan that I'm adding to the Squash Square! It's getting a little crowded with all the Spaghetti Squash seedlings coming up! HA!

Okay! Heading back home, and there's craziness at the Barn Swallow nest!!

I can't figure out what's going on... The parents are YELLING, just outside the bridge. The babies are hunkered down, instead of spread out like they were earlier...

Barn Swallow nestlings hunkered down in the nest

Barn Swallow nestlings hunkered down in the nest

I keep looking around, trying to figure out what's going on. The parents keep yelling and flying around! And finally, I see this one...

Cowbird standing on a twig

I don't recognize this bird, and I've never met them before.

But she's a Brown Head Cowbird!

Cowbirds are brood parasites and that's why the parents are so upset! Brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

She's too late for this nest, of course. But, now she knows there's a Barn Swallow nest here! She might just come back next year to lay an egg.

Book Cover: The Bird Way by Jennifer Ackerman

Brood parasites are really interesting and extremely smart. They have to be able to... be sneaky and undetected near the nests of multiple species of other birds, lay all their eggs in different nests, as well as remembering all the best parents thru the years! They really are quite incredible!

I learned a lot about brood parasites around the world while reading The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think by Jennifer Ackerman. It's a great book about how amazing birds are! Highly recommended!!

Cowbird standing on a twig

The babies are clueless about all the chaos going on just meters away! *laughs* But they have excellent parents taking care of them! They don't need to worry!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

I keep going and... oh, I think this is Henrietta!! Dang it, I can't get a decent angle. But I'm pretty sure it's him.

Great Blue Heron standing in the creek

So nice to see him again, it's been ages.

*Laughs* Everybody needs to preen, these days!

Great Blue Heron, standing in the creek, wing lifted to preen under it

Tofu Patch Assessment
Saturday 22 June 2024

Good Morning Mr Squirrel!

Close up of a squirrel holding a hazelnut

Oh my gosh, look at his little thumb nubbins! It's hard to see, but he is holding a bit of hazelnut shell between his thumbs, as well as the rest of the nut in his fingers.

Thumb Nubbins! Too Cute!

Good Morning Babies!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Maybe today we will see Number Five?

But then a parent starts yelling, just outside! The babies hunker down again!

One visible Barn Swallow nestling in the nest

Is the Cowbird making another visit? I walk out and...

blurry black spot sitting on a blurry chainlink fence

Oh great. The camera is having one of those non-focusing days. That's just great.

But that's a crow, and the Barn Swallow parent was diving bombing her. Much further away than the Cowbird yesterday, but the Barn Swallow parents are more sensitive about potential dangers now!

I get to the garden and...

Who needs the correct focus anyway??! :Pbbbbttt

Blurry yellow spot with trees behind


Okay! Tofu Patch Assessment at the garden plot today!

Here I am, at the back of the plot, near the faucet, looking down the west side of the garden plot... The Tofu Patch.

Garden Plot

On the left, is my non-grassy pathway, on the right is the good neighbor Mia's Kids, and at the top the sticks are delineating the Supplementary Squash Square.

Goal is to clear the weeds out of the Tofu Patch and free up any soybean seedlings growing here. The Leeks are also in that bottom left corner, they will probably appreciate some space too!

Here is the AFTER pic:

garden plot

arg. There are maybe 10 or 12 Soybeans that have popped up. Dang it. I didn't have any trouble with the soybeans growing last year. It may have been too cold for the first round of Soybean seeds, but the second round should have done more. Maybe they don't like the dirt over on this side?

I don't know, but it's a bummer. I will bring the Soybean seeds again tomorrow and re-plant a third time.

I did leave a few wildflowers... There's a volunteer Sunflower growing in the middle of the Tofu Patch. And I left a little patch of Borage over there on the left. Gotta keep the bees happy!

Smartweed was making a mat around the Leeks, and they should be happy now that they are not being suffocated. But I also found two volunteer Beets! Haha!

Leeks and Beets

They are a little bit close to each other, but hopefully they will get along!

And I'm thrilled to see more happy Wax Beans popping up!

Bean seedlings growing

Okay. Good Work today! Yay Me!

Heading home. Hey, Hey! We've finally got a count of Five again!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

That's three beaks on the left, a head and eye, and then a whole face on the right! Five!

Hi Mama! Oh, you're missing some fur on your jaw? I hope you're okay!

Squirrel standing on a chain link fence

Replanting the Tofu Patch
Sunday 23 June 2024

Squirrel standing on the steps

Oregon Grape fruits

The weather today does NOT look like summer at all!

foggy trees on the hill

It was 57° when I left the house! So nice! But the clouds will clear and we've got a high of 76° today. That temperature is right on normal for this time of year, but the clouds are definitely not normal!

Well! It's nice to see all five faces, first thing!

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

*laughs* They're so squished in, the one must have had trouble stretching their wing! Their wrist is up over their head and that's flight feathers in front of the baby on the right! Awkward! hahah!

At the garden, the plot on the end of my row has these beautiful Hollyhocks!

Bright pink Hollyhock blooms

They are well over my head!

Bright pink Hollyhock blooms

Here I am an our garden plot. Looking at the plot from the front right... the Pissant Pot People side. That's the Lemon Cucumbers, front and center, with a lot of Borage and the Elephant Garlics behind!

garden plot

and from the front left... Mia's Kids side.

garden plot

The big Green Zucchini is thinking about doing great things!

Yellow flowers and a fruit on a zucchini plant

And lots of blooms on the Sugar Snap Peas that I planted from seed! I've still been eating about one pod every day from the transplants!

Snap Pea blooms on the vines

Buckwheat seedlings!

Buckwheat seedlings growing

But the stupid Soybeans...

Soybean seedling growing in the dirt

I've brought the bag of seeds, and I'm replanting the Tofu Patch for the third time today. Sheesh. I don't know what's wrong here, but only about 10 or so soybeans came up from the second replanting.

Maybe third time's the charm?

Four of the six Giant Marigolds have survived the slugs, and they are gearing up to be pretty!

Marigold just about to bloom

The couple of Giant Marigolds at the edge of the Tofu Patch are in serious need of support tho... they are top heavy and are flopping all over the place in the Climate Change Wind.

The volunteer Love in a Mist is flopping too.

Love in a Mist blooms

Okay! I've watered the newly planted Soybean seeds and I'm heading out.

We're down to four faces at the Barn Swallow nest again. But at least we can hold our wings properly!

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Oh! Is a parent on their way?

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

No? False alarm? *laughs*

Barn Swallow nestling in the nest

The Himalayan Blackberries are doing their thing. Invasive but will be very tasty!

Black berry fruits and a flower

Garden and Barn Swallow Babies
Monday 24 June 2024

At the garden, I'm forking and weeding some more of the back of the front Garden Square.

I thought I was going to plant some Buckwheat here, as a summer cover crop. But I don't know. I'm dragging the hose thru here to get to the Eggplant and the Black Tomato. So maybe I'll just let that idea go.

The Spaghetti Squash in the front, that started as a transplant is already making things happen!

Tiny Spaghetti Squash fruit on the vine

And the Eggplant is looking great!

Eggplant growing in the garden

Lemon Cucumbers are growing.

Cucmber plants in the garden

Yay! The first fruit is growing on the Old German Tomato!!

Small green tomato growing on the vine

Old German is a new one for me, altho last year I had a Striped German which I assume is similar... but I learned with that one that I need to pick orange tomatoes WELL before they get dark orange! haha! I was letting the tomatoes sit far too long on the vine, waiting for more of the stripes! Don't do that!

The Buckwheats are getting their first adult leaves!

Buckwheat seedlings growing

They are growing fast. That makes me happy, even tho not many of them came up in the little space I planted. The seeds were old and I didn't expect much.

I am still eating one Sugar Snap Pea pod everyday, for weeks now. *laughs* at least it's consistent!

Snap Pea pod on the vine

A Seven Spot Ladybug on a volunteer Amaranth.

Ladybug walking on green leaves

I rather like the Amaranth. Like Borage, it's easy to pull up in the places I don't want it. And also like Borage, Amaranth will make a variety of pollinators happy. And then the birds will eat the seeds, tho they leave lots to reseed for next year!

Barn Swallow babies... Oh! Our little toes!!

four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

And Number Five? Yeah, you can almost see them over there on the left!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Barn Swallow Babies and Flowers
Tuesday 25 June 2024

There's a city worker at the Barn Swallow bridge, painting over graffiti (sighs!) when I stop to check out the nest today. The babies are growing up and our time together is growing short! So I've got to savor every moment!

heh... is that a tail? You are facing the wrong way for food, little one!

three Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

See what I mean?! *laughs*

Barn Swallow parent flies in and perches on the edge of the nest

Barn Swallow parent feeds a nestling in the nest

Aw! All five faces!

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Number Five is squirming around and sticks their tail out again!

blurry Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Dang, they are so cute.

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Okay. Heading to the garden!

I've hand weeded a bit around the Lemon Cucumbers, and in the Sugar Snap Pea patch. Ugh, there's some crabgrass growing here and it's really hard to get out.

Snap Pea pod hanging from the vine

And then I water the heck out of everything since it's another hot day here.

Strawberry bloom

The plot behind ours grows Opium Poppies every year!

Pink and purple Breadseed Poppy blooms

Usually they are full of Honey Bees, but I hardly see even one today. That's concerning.

Purple Breadseed Poppy blooms

Plus the Climate Change Wind is blowing and frustrating me a bit.

Breadseed Poppy blooms

The different colours delight me!

Pink and Purple Breadseed Poppy blooms

But the dark purple is my favorite!

Purple Breadseed Poppy bloom

I've also finally put some supports around the Giant Marigolds at the edge of the Tofu Patch. They were flopping all over in the stupid wind, so hopefully they will be happier in a tomato cage!

Marigold blooms

Lots O' Pics
Wednesday 26 June 2024

After yesterday's hot weather -- 89°! -- we've got another lovely, cloudy day! Normal for this time of year is 78°... I guess you could get close if you averaged yesterday and today, because today is just 71°!!

So I head out the door, aiming to very much enjoy the day!

Squirrel sitting on the edge of the sidewalk

trees on the hill

Catalpa tree blooms

Four Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Four Mallard ducklings, paddling in a row on the water

Squirrel standing on a wood fence

Okay. I'm at the garden. I've hoed down the right side and now I'm going to murder some of the Small Comfrey.

Garden plot

Unfortunately, the biggest leaves, there at the bottom, are right where the Crocus lives. So every time I dig there, the Crocus bulbs roll around all over the place.

I hope they survive!

Here's the view looking down the right side of the garden plot. The Lemon Cucumbers are in the front. Well, along with a lot of Borage! I love Borage!

Garden plot

And then the three tomato plants: the primary SunGold on the left, Old German at the top, and the small one at the right is the last planted Black Tomato!

tomato plants

The Old German is bringing on some fruits!

Green tomatoes on the vine

I at THREE Sugar Snap Pea pods today, instead of the usual one! *laughs* Hopefully there will be a pea pod explosion soon.

Snap peas

I wander over to a neighboring plot, because I've noticed they have some Chicory blooming!

Chicory blooms

And some Larkspur too!

purple Larkspur blooms

Pink Larkspur

Purple Larkspur, with Chicory blooms in the background

And then as I'm leaving the Community Garden... Oh my gosh! Someone has Passion Fruit!

Passion Fruit blooms

That's fun! It'll be interesting to watch this plant to see what happens! Right now it's a good size bush, 5feet tall.

Oh good! I get to see all five Barn Swallow babies before they go! I feel like they are going to fledge this week. They are so round!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

A parent flies by.

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest, begging for food

But no food this time.

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

The disgruntled looks! haha!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Fledgling!! You can tell by the bit of gape left at the corners of her mouth.

Steller Jay standing on a snap

A the new Heron who is hanging out here!

Great Blue Heron standing in the water

I move around to see if I can get a look at their nonexistent shoulder patch... and this Nutria starts swimming right at the Heron!

Nutria swimming towards a heron standing in the water

Nutrias just eat grass and plants, you know? They are not ferocious predators! But sometimes they get overly excited about their territory! Our new Heron friend just walks away.

Thursday 27 June 2024

It's another nice, cool and cloudy day today! But as I'm taking pics of the lovely clouds...

Grey clouds over the tops of the trees

There's something flashing on the screen of the camera.

It's the battery light! GAH! Power!

There's usually a couple minutes of power left when the battery light starts flashing... But oh my gosh, I don't want to miss something awesome that happens further down the path just because I was taking too many photos of clouds! Dang it! I hope the Barn Swallow babies aren't fledging out today!

So I need to restrict myself on how many pics I take at a time.

Leaving the camera on, heats it up and reduces the time I have. Maybe less of an issue this morning, since it was just 60° when I left the house.

But every time I do turn the camera on, the barrel with the lens extends out, and as a physical motion I assume that takes quite a bit of power.

So! No more futzing around with cloud photos! *laughs*

I worry about it all the way to the Barn Swallow nest. But here they all are! Still sitting in the nest! Phew!

Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Number Five? Hello? Where's your face? *laughs*

I walk down the path, but of course I keep coming across awesome things!

This Flicker pair are just a little ways from the nest hole in the tree I watched this spring. They must be the parents... I hope they have a successful nest this year!

Northern Flickers standing on a power pole

At the next bridge, there's Barn Swallows flying all over the place? Oh my gosh, the babies here must be fledging!

I had wondered if this pair of parents had come back as well... but this is the nest they were using...

cobwebs under a bridge

Yeah, can't even be seen behind all the cobwebs! So i haven't bothered visiting it.

But I think there's at least one child still in there?


With everybody flying around randomly I can't even estimate how many kids there are! And plus, they are trying to get back into the nest... but getting into that corner takes more deft flying than the kids have got right now!

But one child has managed to land on the other nest that is there!

Barn Swallow fledgling standing in a nest

And then another child tries to land there as well!

Barn Swallow fledgling tries to fly into a nest

It's so awkward!

Barn Swallow fledglings standing in a nest

But eventually they get settled!

Barn Swallow fledglings standing in a nest

And I move on with my walk!

I did not take pics of the Fallen Leaning Tree or the wonderful flowers in a downtown yard... there was lavender with yellow flowers and orange day lilies in the background. And it probably would have been an amazing photo filled with colour!

But I couldn't! It takes me a while to get a decent angle with that many flowers... I know how I am! I would get sucked into that and then I'd have no battery power left for the walk home!


Willow tree with a stump

I stop at the garden to water the stupid Soybeans. But Look! Brandywine!

Green tomato on the vine

Heading back home. And the camera is still alive so I take a few pics of the Barn Swallow nestlings...

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Because they are just so darn cute.

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

Thank you for not fledging today!!

Five Barn Swallow nestlings in the nest

And... One more bird on the way home? Yep! The camera lets me do my thing for one more photo set!

Song Sparrow standing in a tree

And then I plug in the camera battery as soon as I walk in the door, when I get home! *laughs*

Two Families of Barn Swallows!!
Friday 28 June 2024

Knotty? Is that you? Have you met that new Heron without any shoulder patches?

Great Blue Heron walking in shallow water

The Barn Swallow babies are fledging today! There's three in the nest...

Barn Swallow fledglings standing in the nest

And two outside...

Barn Swallow Fledglings standing in bushes

Don't you all want to fly?

Barn Swallow Fledglings standing in the nest

You're thinking about it? heh!

Barn Swallow Fledglings standing in the nest

Aw! We look so worried! The big world is scary, isn't it!

Barn Swallow Fledgling, standing on a twig

A parent flies by and we puff up again and feel better!

Barn Swallow Fledgling, standing on a twig

Barn Swallow fledgling in the nest

Well, I'm going to leave them to it!

the moon in a blue sky

And I'm heading to the next bridge, where the second family of Barn Swallows was fledging yesterday. And they are still here!

At first I just see this one... carefully watching as parents fly by...

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

Whoa! *trying to get her balance* Careful there!

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

You're just fine? Okay!

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

Flies to another branch.

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

Ooop! That twig isn't going to support you! Try again!

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

*laughs* She joins her siblings... Just three kids here, I guess?

Three Barn Swallow fledglings, standing in a bush

Barn Swallow fledglings standing on twigs

Barn Swallow Fledgling standing on a twig

Oh my gosh, they are cute!

Barn Swallow fledgling standing on a twig

Barn Swallow fledgling looking down from a twig

*laughs* and I love how they track their parents flying by!

Barn Swallow fledgling looking up from a twig

Two Barn Swallow fledglings standing on twigs

Two Barn Swallow fledglings standing on twigs

But they've noticed me as well!

Two Barn Swallow fledglings standing on twigs

I could watch Barn Swallow fledglings all day, but I've got stuff to do! I head back to the garden to water.

The Squash Square could use some weeding. And the Crookneck still has yellow leaves from over watering... But I've had to keep the seedlings damp, so it can't be helped.

Garden plot

And there's one little Lemon Cucumber plant that is stunted and doesn't want to grow.

Cucumber patch

And the Buckwheat is Supposed to crowd out the competing weeds... but it looks like I'll have to pull out the Crabgrass and Amaranth that's growing here.

Buckwheat seedlings with weeds

But look! The Spaghetti Squash is doing things!

Yellow Squash bloom

Grow! Grow! Grow!

Yellow zucchini growing on the vine

Passion Fruit blooms

Friday 28 June 2024

Yep, I watched it.

Well. When I say I watched it, what I mean is I clicked on the stream seven or eight times, watched for a minute, and then stopped it to scream for a little while!


So! what I was expecting: Trump would lie for a while like the lying pos he is, hopefully his dementia would show a bit, and then he would stomp off the stage in a huff, well before the debate was supposed to end. President Biden would be the voice of reason and everyone would live happily ever after!

Yeah. so that didn't happen, obviously.

well, Trump did lie. Bigly. Nothing new there, except he's getting more brazen about it.

But Biden? There was something wrong, and it was painful -- horrifyingly painful -- to watch him talk. His voice was gruff and he was speaking softly. But also speaking so fast... his mouth couldn't keep up with his brain and he stumbled over words a bit. I think that's normal for him, since much has been said about his stutter...

But since I don't watch politics very often, I didn't realize how very not normal this performance was for Biden. And I was just, well, shocked!

But it turns out... he had a cold. And oh my goodness, that explains everything! His weird soft and gruff voice. He probably felt like crap, especially since he had to fly into Atlanta earlier that evening. (Flying with a cold is the worst, let me tell you. Almost, I would rather die!) And he couldn't call it off or delay, even tho there wasn't an audience, because it's so important that he shows up... [tho if Trump had cancelled, that's just par for the course and what everyone expected, right?] [Double standards. You know I love them. /s]

So, like I said, I didn't actually watch very much of it. And I think I watched just as much of the pre game show as the debate... but this was so despicable I could barely leave it on...

Many people are concerned about Biden's age... The format of the debate, which the Biden administration insisted on, will help Trump... look more presidential... Donald Trump has been preparing his WHOLE LIFE !!78 years!! for THIS debate.

What? *shakes head* WTF??? It was all so stupidly pro-trump that I kind of despise CNN right now. What is wrong with them? Why the obvious bias? There were real questions they could have been asking people... Are you concerned about the retribution Trump will take, if he's elected? Have you noticed the doctors commenting online about Trump's mental decline and dementia? What do you think will happen to democracy if King Trump is elected?

See? I'm not a reporter, but there's some good questions I came up with off the top of my head and I'm already better than those effing morons at CNN! *rift is brilliant*

And in the tiny fraction of minutes that I actually saw of the debates, Biden did make me laugh once... Speaking to Trump, re: Stormy Daniels and E Jean Carroll: You have the morals of an alley cat! *laughs* Srsly.

So. For me, this was just ... a sick day for Biden that was a momentary annoying thing that no one will care about next week!

Some other reactions...

Joe Biden showed up, despite being sick, and why Donald Trump sank his chances to win the election

Debate Nightmare, The candidates talked about golf more than abortion

Did Donald Trump Murder A Newborn Baby? Is That Why He Keeps Claiming It's Legal? At this point it's starting to seem like he's setting up a defense.

A Complete List of All of Trump's Debate Lies Trump lied 50 times during the debate

2024 presidential debate fact-check: How accurate were Joe Biden, Donald Trump?

Wow. I had a lot to say about that. huh.

well. You should go look at some photos now...

Saturday 29 June 2024

We've got low 80s from here until the 4th of July and then the forecast says it's suddenly 90s and more. Ugh! I'll have to enjoy this last bit of pleasantness, while I've got it!

Cirrus clouds over the trees

I visit both bridges, but both Barn Swallow families have flown away.

I watch the damselflies for a while instead.

damselfly standing on a leaf floating in the water

This is a Pacific Forktail.

Damselfly standing on a leaf floating in the water

Okay, I've come back around to the Community Garden, and I'm going to do some weeding in the Squash Square today...

Garden plot

I'll keep some of the Borage, but underneath the leaves there's some evil Crabgrass. That stuff is the dickens to pull out.

Here's the AFTER pic...

Garden plot

I wasn't able to finish, but these guys are all We're FREE! Free like a bird! *laughs*

Squash plants

Here's the recovered Eggplant... now I guess we'll see if there's enough season left for it to do something!

Eggplant growing

From what I can see online, it looks like Eggplant needs 65 to 80 days after transplanting.

I'll guess Jun20 was when it really started looking good again after the slugs had munched it down to nothing. 10 weeks (70days) will put that at the end of August... So maybe I'll have some Eggplants to eat in September?

I see several Seven Spot Ladybugs on the Lemon Cucumbers! I hope they find some good eats! My Cute Little Carnivore Friend!

Ladybug walking on a leaf

The first Lemon Cucumber tall enough to start climbing the trellis!!

Cucumber plant under a trellis

I stop to look at the Passion Fruit flowers on my way out.

Passion Fruit blooms with orange and pink blooms in the background

They are so weird looking!

Passion Fruit blooms

oh my. Apparently this Stink Bug doesn't realize she is bright green... I could see her a mile away!

bright green Stink Bug

But then I try to get artsy with the Cow Parsnip.

Cow Parsnip seed heads

And all the colours of summer!

Grass and Trees

Sunday Stroll with Flowers and Foliage
Sunday 30 June 2024

Red Pansy blooms with other blooms in the background

White and purple Pansy blooms

Foliage and flowers

Foliage and flowers

Buckwheat leaves surrounded by weeds


Pink Hollyhock blooms

This was going to be a Green Heron... I've not seen any Green Herons in ages and I was excited! But nope. She flew away. *laughs*


Cherry fruit on the tree

Ripening blackberry fruits on the vine