
Wayside Park
Wednesday 1 May 2024

It was supposed to be sunny today, but we've got some clouds instead!

Clouds over silhouette of trees

As I'm approaching the tree the Flickers had nested in... There's a squirrel in the tree! And for a moment I am hopeful that the Flicker parents will come out and chase the squirrel away.

But no. Instead...

Squirrel tail hanging out of a woodpecker hole in a tree branch

This nest is dead and abandoned.

A bit of Squirrel tail fur hanging out a woodpecker hole in a tree branch

This would not be allowed if the nest was active. So, that's my confirmation. Nest Failure.

And when I think about it, it all adds up. The weather had been so very warm. And the Flickers took a risk with laying eggs so early. And right around the day the babies were to hatch, was the day the weather got so cold.

The high temperatures of the days has been in the 50°s, and I think the parents just couldn't find enough bugs to feed.

So, Mama Flicker just sitting there on that branch the other day... She had already given up.

But! It's early in the season. The Flickers will build a new nest somewhere else and lay some more eggs and raise some children!

I move on.

Mama Mallard watching over ducklings in the grass

I don't know what the babies are eating, but they are very serious about it!

Ducklings in the grass

Cake, maybe? It's just a feeding frenzy for the babies and bits are flying everywhere... I think Mama is probably already thinking about getting a bath for these messy kids! *laughs*

Ducklings and Mama Mallard standing in the grass

Wood Pewee standing at the top of a twig

Oh Good! They've removed the stupid temporary fence around the Fallen Leaning Tree!

Leaning Tree

These are very crappy photos, dang it. But it just cracks me up how much these American Goldfinches look like rubber duckies!!

American Goldfinches in shallow water


American Goldfinches in shallow water

House Sparrow in shallow water

Multi-Species Bath Time!

American Goldfinches in shallow water with a Golden Crown Sparrow

Okay, back to the Fallen Leaning Tree, and I jam the exposure setting way down to capture the clouds.

Fallen Leaning Tree with clouds in the background

Here I am at Wayside micro-park and the flowers are lovely!

Purple Iris blooming next to the path

Bleeding Heart blooms

Purple Iris blooms

I study the new tree they planted to replace the Mimosa Tree that came down in the January ice storm. I guess Black Gums aren't even vaguely related to Sweet Gums, a common tree here.

Black Gum tree leaves

So that's nice, I get to learn a new tree!

Dark Pink Tulips near a white picket fence

I'm heading back when I come across this flock!

Evening Grosbeaks behind bushes

Shoot! There's no way to get a good shot! I was just pointing the camera and hoping for some luck! *laughs*

A pair of Evening Grosbeaks behind twigs

Evening Grosbeaks!

Three Evening Grosbeaks behind twigs

Evening Grosbeak standing on a branch

Sheesh. That was a long walk, with many stories to tell!

Turkey Vulture mobbed by a Crow

Turkey Vulture soaring over trees

Delta Ponds with Goslings
Thursday 2 May 2024

It seems like it's been ages since I've come out this way at the river... I've mostly been going to the Rose Garden and walking east from there.

White puffy clouds in a blue sky, trees at the bottom of the pic

Clouds over the river and hill

There's a trickle of river water coming over the spillover into the ponds... but you can see how the pond is already starting to dry up.


Haha! Her feet!

Turtle balancing on a rock, with her feet splayed in the air

I come across this cute family just as another pair of Canada Geese want to come meet the babies. But the parents are not ready for company yet...

Canada Geese parents with 9 goslings gathered in the grass

Everyone is getting pissy. Except the clueless babies!

Two pairs of Canada Geese snaking their necks at each other

Two Canada Geese fighting with mama and babies in the background

Two Canada Geese fighting with babies in the background

And don't come back!

Canada Goose family

LaDeDa! ♪ We have good parents who take care of us!

Goslings standing in the mud next to the pond.

I decide to go across the street to the official Delta Pond Park. And on the way, some older Canada Goose goslings!

Goslings walking thru grass

They are all over the place, and families are mingled.

Four goslings standing in the grass

Six goslings walking in the grass

Canada Goose gosling standing in the grass

Delta Ponds with Goslings Part 2
Thursday 2 May 2024

Pond with trees in the distance and blue sky

Path thru the forst

I walk to the end of the path, and it's still blocked off. It will be so nice when they finish the bridge and all so you can walk a loop around the ponds!

I love the turtles, even the invasive ones!

Two turtles sitting on a log in the water

Small turtle sitting on a log in the water

Turtle sitting on a log in the water

a pair of Wood Ducks paddling in the water

The poor stupid camera is having issues today with the light and the dark... I'm missing some good shots because it can't figure out where to focus. oh well.

Spotted Towhee singing up on a branch

a pair of Tree Swallows standing on twigs

Wow, that is one big turtle over there on the other side of the pond... she's almost as big as the ducks!

Turtle and ducks sitting on the bank of the pond

One more Canada Goose family as I come around the last turn at the ponds.

Canada Goose standing over goslings napping in the grass

Canada goslings napping on the grass

And then a family of Greylags!

Greylag Geese walking on the grass with lawn daisies

Greylag Goose with three goslings

Cute Overload!

Greylag Goslings walking on the grass with Lawn Daisies

Greylag Goslings walking on the grass with Lawn Daisies

Neighborhood Walk with Columbines
Friday 3 May 2024

But first a stop at the garden to check on the Snap Peas.
Aw, this is nice!

Small basket of flowers attached to the wire of a wood fence

bouquet of flowers

Great! Sugar Snap Peas are holding up! The bottom leaves and stems look pretty rough from the slugs, but the tops are good and the plants are grabbing onto the tomato cage.

Snap Peas growing in the garden

Strawberry bloom on a plant

Someone else has some Lacy Phacelia started as a cover crop in their plot.

Lacy Phacelia bloom

It is pretty interesting stuff... The nursery I shop at sells it, and makes it sound like an invasive, aggressively out-competes weeds and readily re-seeds.

I did see quite a few plants escape to the wild, that first year after this was offered for sale, growing along the bike path... But, since then, there haven't been any solid mats of Lacy Phacelia created in the wild... just the odd plant living here and there!

So, it is def not a problem plant like I thought it would be. Maybe it's something I will try in my own plot next year.

Lacy Phacelia foliage

Okay! On with the walk!

Oh sheesh... I don't know why I even bother...

Chickadee behind sticks

Hmmm... That looks like poo sacks! You've got two children growing up in the nest already?! Nice!

Starling standing at the top of a fir tree, holding round things in her beak

Pink and white Columbine blooms

I love all the different colours of Columbines!

Red-violet and yellow Columbine blooms

Purple and white Columbine blooms

So glad they didn't cut down this beautiful willow!

Willow tree with a stump

Willow tree with a stump

Sighs... I've gotten so used to looking up at the Flicker hole...

Woodpecker hole in a tree branch

I've been looking up for a few moments, kind of mourning for the baby Flickers. And then I glance over and see this squirrel looking up in the same direction I was!

Squirrel standing in the grass, looking up

Haha! Is she trying to figure out what I see??

I'm coming around the bike path curve... and a Crow tips me off...

Hawk behind a lot of leaves

I walk back to see if I can get a better angle. She's buried in the tree pretty good... but at least I can get an ID. Red Shoulder Hawk!

Hawk standing on a branch in a tree

The first native Nootka Rose bloom!

Pink wild rose bloom

Saturday 4 May 2024

It started raining at 1:30 yesterday afternoon. It rained the rest of the day and it rained all night and it's still raining!

Ha, it's rained so much, the wet prairie ponds are filling back up!

Water puddled in the grass under trees

And the bike path is flooded under the bridges!

Water flooding the bike path under a car bridge

It's unusual but not unheard of, for the rainy season to extend into May.

Camas Lily blooms in front of the muddy water of the creek

I pause, there are some Starlings making a racket... and when I realize they are circling around ME, I get a little offended. What did I ever do to them?!

But then I saw this one on the other side of the creek, directly across from me! haha, that's who the Starlings are upset about!

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch looking up

This Cooper Hawk is a juvenile, born last summer... her eyes will turn coppery red when she's an adult.

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch in the rain

Cooper Hawk taking off from the branch she was standing on

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch, yelling

The Fallen Leaning Tree making some leaves.

Oak leaves budding out from a mossy branch

Red-violet Rhododendron blooms

drooping lilac blooms?

I've gone across the street to look at different things, and wander into Washington Park. I've only been here once before, and this time I notice the colourful tiles around the splash park...

Colourful tiles along a low sitting wall with green bushes behind

People who donated to make the splash park happen, I assume. There's lots of colourful designs and I love them!!

The World is mudluscious and puddle wonderful

Colourful tiles of a mouse, hummingbird and bumblebee

The sum of the whole is this, to walk and be happy, to walk and be healthy

A bright bush on a dreary day... I don't know what it is!

Yellow bloom bush

seed pod on a yellow bloom bush

Sunday Stroll
Sunday 5 May 2024

Still some sprinkles this morning... The rain kept up, off and on all yesterday afternoon and it was so chilly it thought about breaking a record for the lowest high temperature! The high was 53°F and the lowest high was 50°F, 10°C set in 1950.

And the crazy thing is, we've got a heat wave on the way. Forecast says mid-80s for next weekend. ugh.

trees on the hill

Mama Mallard paddling in the creek with seven ducklings behind her

Five ducklings paddling in the creek

Leaves budding out on the Fallen Leaning Tree.

Oak leaves budding from a mossy trunk

Camas Lily blooms with trees in the background

All the rain has filled up this Wet Prairie puddle as well!

Dozens of Camas Lilies blooming under the trees

Camas Lily blooms

Camas Lily blooms

Foo... dang it, that would have been so picturesque!

Scrub Jay bouncing off the edge of the photo


Neighborhood and Stewart Pond
Monday 6 May 2024

Still with the rain today! It's nice and I'm trying to enjoy it to the fullest, even with the stupid wind blowing it in my face... Because summer is coming... Those mid-80 temps are still in the forecast for this weekend, blah!

Orange Breadseed Poppies covered in rain drops

Flowering Dogwood blooms near the street

Pansy blooms

Daisy blooms in the grass

Lupine blooms and leaves

Lunpine blooms

I love how the rain gathers on the leaves!

Spheres of water drops on Lupine leaves

All the rain has brought back a puddle at the Wet Prairie!

Water in the grass with trees in the distance

It's been a while since I've walked this way. The last time I was here, there was a homeless camp and one of the people confronted me. It scared me a little bit and I didn't want to come back until I was sure they had moved on.

But I love this little piece of forest, and nothing will keep me away forever!

Robin standing on a branch on the ground

Still work to be done, from the January ice storm!

Pile of sticks and cut logs in the grass under the trees

Camas Lily blooms in the forest

*laughs* Every time I come here, I have to replace this marker... there's a tree root sticking up here in the path that I've tripped over. More than once!

Path thru the forest

But this is the last of the pile of sticks I found... so I don't know what I'm going to do next time!

Hawthorn tree blooms in pink and white

Ha! You'd think the Golden Crown Sparrows would be moving on by now... they nest up in Canada and Alaska. A long way to fly! But probably the cool weather here is keeping them. Who wants to fly north, when the weather here is crappy?

Sparrows standing on mossy sticks

But that's their breeding plumage. You've got to wonder that the long migration messes that up! Don't they want to be pretty when they show up?

And behind the stick is a White Crown Sparrow... They don't nest here either, but only have a little way to fly to their summer spots.

Walking back home, there's still some Killdeers running around this dry lot... I can't tell how many there are, or if that cute ball of fluff Baby is grown up and still here. I hear more Killdeers than I see. They are mostly hidden in the grass.

Killdeer in dry grass

Stewart Pond and Crazy for Clouds!
Tuesday 7 May 2024

The sun is shining today, but the clouds are moving around so much, it's actually sprinkling for most of my walk out to the park! The wind is pushing it into my face again. Stupid climate change wind.

Ha. On top of that... we've got a frost advisory for tonight. Arg! It's May! Can we please get over the cold weather now??!

clouds and a blue sky

Purple Iris blooms

Some Spanish Lavender, out in the wild. This is a well established bush!

Spanish Lavender blooms

Spanish Lavender blooms

I'm just loving the clouds today!

Clouds over silhouette of trees and a blue sky


I see a pair of Barn Swallows swooping over the ponds. But when I get into the park itself, there's a whole flock of Tree Swallows swooping!

9 Tree Swallows flying in front of clouds

Too bad no one will sit for a portrait!

And then I get to the little patch of forest, and oh my gosh, the birds are singing like mad!! The sunshine is making them happy!

Puddle in the grass, under trees

I'm taking my time here, surrounded by song, but wondering if I'll actually see any birds!

But then... Who is this??!

MacGillivray Warbler standing on a mossy stick


Wow! And this little bird is such a bright yellow! I can see them clearly with my eyes... but trying to find them in the camera viewfinder? Good lord little bird just blends right in. It's crazy, and I just have to point and click in their general direction!! *laughs*

tree leaves with a MacGillivray Warbler

Anyway! This is a MacGillivray Warbler.

Gah, what a terrible name. I have to study the word closely to figure out how to pronounce it! That's somebody's name, so this lovely bird will be getting a new name in the next few years! Good. Because MacGillivray just does not cut it!

MacGillivray Warbler standing on a mossy stick

This is a male. The females have a warm grey head, and lack that little bit of black on their face.

And most of Oregon is their nesting range. So they are here for the summer!

Scrub jay standing on a stick

Scrub jay standing on a stick

Wood Pewee standing on a barbed wire fence next to a blooming Hawthorn tree

Spotted Towhee standing on a mossy branch

Pink Rhododendron blooms

Garden Assessment
Wednesday 8 May 2024

It looks like this will be the last nice day before things start heating up for the weekend heat wave. But I notice the gusty wind even before I leave the house today.

I usually record the temperatures and forecasts in my journal. This climate changed wind, here this year, seems to be a permanent and annoying addition. So maybe I should also record the wind speed as well.

18mph gusts today.

Nootka Rose bloom surrounded by rose leaves

I go into the Community Garden to assess my plot... the coming heat wave will start drying stuff out and I will need to work fast to get everything organized...

Garden plot

Most of that is grass and weeds, coming up thru the leaf mulch I put down last autumn.

This is the front right of the plot... An area I named the Garden Square last year. I don't know what those weeds are but they will be an easy first project!

Garden plot

That clump of upright green, left of middle, is volunteer Elephant Garlic!

And that tilled black dirt at the top right is the new right side neighbor. Hopefully not Evil, but that remains to be seen!

The Sugar Snap Peas are still alive!

small Snap Pea vines on a tomato cage

There's just one little clump of Columbine that survived the winter, and it's blooming!

Dark purple Columbine bloom

I should think about getting some more Columbines to plant... I love them, and they usually live a couple years. They also try to propagate themselves with seeds but that hasn't been very dependable in my plot.

Someone else's pretty pretty Chives.

Chive blooms

Chive blooms

Ha... awkward angle for this bit of bright bird! But look! American Goldfinch! Mostly I just see Lesser Goldfinches, so it's nice to see someone different!

American Goldfinch standing on a willow twig

American Goldfinch standing on a twig with the sky behind

Pink Hawthorn tree blooms

The willows are starting to let their seeds go.

Willow catkins going to seed

Willow catkins going to seed

Willow tree branch stump

Oh My Gosh! Some Older Ducklings!!!

Five older ducklings paddling on the water

They don't seem to have a Mama... but they have survived their babyhood!!

H5N1 Avian Flu was killing all the babies last year, and I assume the same has been happening this year as well. So this is pretty amazing!

Three ducklings paddling on the water

Garden Work
Thursday 9 May 2024

Okay! The sun shines and it's to be an uncomfortably warm 81° today. And I need to get going with the garden!

I'm in the porch room, getting the veggie starts organized into my backpack and I glance down... Oh my gosh! The Pansies are coming up! The directions said they wouldn't germinate until it was 75°!!!

Tiny seedlings in a clay pot of dirt

I've decided to take the Leeks and the SunGold to plant today. The nights in the forecast are still a bit chilly... That frost advisory last night got us down to 35° brr! (1.6°C) But SunGolds are pretty tough!

Tomatoe plant sticking up out of a backpack, leaning on a resin chair

The SunGold is too tall and I can't zip the backpack closed and go out with the tomato plant sticking up!

And I notice the people staring at me and the SunGold! One driver did such an obvious double take at me, it made me laugh out loud!

Shadow of a person

The sun is so stinkin' bright.

Scrub Jay standing on a wood nest box

I get into the garden and wow...

Black iris blooms

This black Iris is just stunning!

Close up of a black iris

Okay, here I am at my garden plot. I'm going to see how far I can get with clearing out the front Garden Square.

Garden plot

And the Big Comfrey is trying to come back... I'll have to give that another whack soon.

small comfrey leaves poking up out of the dirt

I plant the SunGold and then fork some of the Garden Square. I thought everything would just pull right up, but I had to fight with a big clump of grass. So this little section took longer than I thought it would.

Garden Plot

That's okay, we are just getting started here. But the day is getting on and I still don't have a clue where to plant the leeks. I put them back in the backpack to take home. I think they are small enough that they won't mind this terrible affront too much! :)

Strawberry bloom on a plant

Oh My Gosh! Barn Swallows!!!
Friday 10 May 2024

I'm heading to the Community Garden again today, this time carrying the 2nd batch of Sugar Snap Peas in my backpack.

Along the walk to the garden, the bike path goes under a car bridge. And look who I found today!!!

Barn Swallow standing on a pipe, next to a nest

OH MY GOSH! They are repairing this nest!!

Barn Swallow flying away from nest, while other Barn Swallow brings a beak full of mud!

Barn Swallow flying away from nest, while other Barn Swallow brings a beak full of mud!

This is so cool!

Barn Swallow looks down from the nest

I wonder if they remember me. I think I've been watching them nest here for the last two seasons, at least!

Barn Swallow looks down

Barn Swallow crouched down in the nest, making repairs

Barn Swallow looking down from inside the nest

Very exciting!

Not nearly so exciting, here I am at the garden.

Pea plants poking out of a green backpack

This is the SunGold I planted yesterday. Apparently not bothered by the cooler temperatures last night.

Tomato plant in the garden

Oh dear! I watered these well, but the Snap Peas got really wilted with the transplanting and the harsh sun. Ya know... It may have been a mistake to plant peas right before hot weather. foo.

Snap peas planted in the garden

Well, I buried some Sugar Snap Pea seeds all around, as well. The first set of seeds that I planted around the first batch of Snap Pea transplants, aren't doing great, getting munched by the slugs.

Snap Pea seedling growing out of the dirt

Bachlor Button bloom

Bachlor Button bloom

Ha, kinda artsy...

Silhouette of a Scrub Jay standing on a post in the sun

Try again...

Scrub Jay standing on a post, looking at the ground

Looks like they'll be putting in some lamps along the bike path.

Stake with writing, Light Pole, in the grass with pink spray paint circle

It's probably a good idea... I never walk at night, but it's probably really dark here. I do worry about light pollution, tho.

Well, it started out fine...
Saturday 11 May 2024

The heat wave has arrived. Yesterday it was 85° (29°C) and the forecast is about the same for today. Can you believe that last Saturday the high was 53° (11°C)!!

I'm heading for Saturday Market to get more veggie starts and the morning is warming up fast... it's already 67° as I leave the house.

I buy a new-to-me variety, Old German, which is an heirloom that makes big, orange tomatoes! A green Zucchini, the first 4 Lemon Cucumbers.

And I'm looking for some beets, but don't see any, so I splurge on an Eggplant instead. Which is ridiculous... I plant an Eggplant every once in a while, but 100% they die. And if this one happens to live... I don't even like Eggplant! But, like my Dad said, They ARE pretty! *laughs* Aubergine! :)

I drive the haul to the garden...

Aw, the second set of Sugar Snap Peas has not recovered... Look at that poor droopy thing on the left.

Snap Peas at the garden

So that's a bummer. I get most everything planted...

The Lemon Cucumbers are so little and cute!

Small Cucumber plants in the garden

And that green thing is the new small trellis that got shared with the Community in January. They had cleared an abandoned plot, put some things up for grabs, and so I got a couple trellises for free!

Garden plot with labels

But it's starting to get very uncomfortably hot. So I get everything watered well and I'm taking the Zuc and one of the Lemon Cucs home with me.

I drive home without a problem... but as I turn into the apartment driveway, the engine just shuts off.

Huh. I look down at all the lights on the dash that have come on, and think, That's Weird! I stop the car, put it in park, crank the key... and the car turns over, but the engine doesn't catch.

I breathe for a few moments, then try again, but now the engine barely even wants to turn over.

Well. Crap.

I roll up the windows, grab the baby plants and walk home, which is just around the corner. I'm a little embarrassed that I was taking a wide turn with the car as it died, and it's stopped rather in the middle of the driveway, def not in it's lane! There's just barely enough room for a car to get around it, and one does as I'm walking away.

I get Partner, and we push the car into a parking space... Cars are heavy! It looks so easy when some other guy is doing the pushing! But seriously, cars are heavy! Plus we have to roll it over a speed bump. We just barely got the back tires over. Around the corner is getting easier. But then the parking spaces are on a tiny incline. That took a couple of tries.

But the car is out of the way. And now we get to sit and worry, because our usual mechanic is closed for the weekend.


But I'm determined to get the car fixed, no matter the cost, even tho the old jalopy isn't even worth it... because it got me all the way home before it died!

Sunday Stroll with Garden Work
Sunday 12 May 2024

Yesterday, it got a bit warmer than forecast and we tied a record high for the day, 88°F (31°C) set in 1931!

The forecast for the next week is all over the place, low 70s and upper 70s... but any kind of 70s is way better than 88! *laughs*

Flowers in front of a tea shop

Oh Wow! You can see the new work they've done!

Barn Swallow nest with new mud at the top of it

I'm at the Garden, and oh yeah! I've finished forking up those big weeds in the front Garden Square!

Garden square

The Eggplant looks happy.

Eggplant planted in the garden

Grow! Grow! Grow!

baby cucumber plant

small tomato plant in the garden

Oh! Are you eating a slug?! Can you come to my garden plot next, if you are still hungry??!

Scrub Jay standing on a wood fence

Heading home.

Barn Swallow standing in the nest she is working on

Bittersweet Nightshade.

Bittersweet Nightshade blooms

Close up of Bittersweet Nightshade blooms

You've got a meal as well?

Scrub Jay standing on the top of a fir branch

Close up of a Scrub Jay, with a bugs green legs in their beak

Nootka Roses, our native species.

Pink rose blooms

In yesterday's news, I was vaguely interested to read this...

Native wildflowers in bloom at Dorris Ranch following ecological prescribed burns

The prescribe fire killed off several invasive and non-native grasses, blackberry bushes, thistle and more and now the prairie has been reborn with native wildflowers like camas and western buttercups.

Wait. Western Buttercups???

I didn't know we had a native buttercup!!!!

Huh! oh my gosh! I had assumed that all the buttercup flowers around here were the invasive Creeping Buttercup! And... hmm... yeah, it turns out, they are hard to tell apart.

But this is brilliant! I am so glad to learn that we have a native!

Nesting Birds
Monday 13 May 2024

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today... I'm just grumpy.

I would like to take a break from the garden... my back aches a little from the work I've been doing, and I had trouble getting to sleep last night because of it.

But! I've only just started! There's so much to do! And there's hardly anything growing yet because I've only planted a couple of veggies. And it's all nice and warm, finally, I can't be wasting this time!

Just a little bit of weeding today, okay? Please?
Sighs. Okay.

squirrel standing on the sidewalk

The work continues on the Barn Swallow nest... and on the other side of the bridge, I see the parents swooping over the garden with some Tree Swallows!

Barn Swallow nest with new addition

Okay, I think I am going to start with this mess. This is the Big Comfrey, trying to come back to life after I been hacking at it, a couple times over. Die, Comfrey, Die!

Comfrey leaves coming up in the garden

*laughs* It's not that I don't like you, Comfrey. I just don't want you in my plot anymore!

The leaves are coming up from small chunks of roots... nothing like the huge established roots I pulled out of here last time! ... But that's the problem. The roots break apart easily, and the bits left behind are eager to regrow.

holding a comfrey root with a small leaf coming out of it

And then I get distracted by this one!

Chickadee with fuzzy fibers in her beak, standing on a wood and twine trellis

She or he is so intent on getting more of this lovely nesting material!!

Chickadee working on some twine

Chickadee working on some twine

And then I hear a swallow singing, and I turn around! Ha, it's one of the nest builders!

Barn Swallow standing on a wire trellis

Just singing his heart out! Aw! I love him!

Barn Swallow singing from a wire trellis

He lets me get pretty close since he knows me, but then he's off!

Barn Swallow flying away from a wire trellis

And this one is still at it...

Chickadee standing on a wood trellis with twine in her beak

But that reminds me, I have my own work to do!

I'm going to dig up the small Comfrey as well. It's still really muddy here, under the leaves.

Comfrey leaves coming up

There were still some bigger roots to pull out with this one. The first time I dug it up, I was just using the hand spade, so I couldn't get very deep. I did a better job of it, this time with the heavy digging fork!

And then I start forking and weeding a new section... I'm going to plant Soybeans again this year, so this will be my Tofu Patch!

Here's the garden plot from the back corner...

garden plot

Strawberry plants with blooms

Bachlor Buttons

Immature apples growing on a tree


We are getting the poor dead car towed to the shop today. Partner seemed to be organizing that this morning, as I was heading out for my walk. And I asked him to try and start up the car, before he called for the tow truck...

Of course, there's all kinds of ... issues, if the car does start up. But I'm trying not to think about that!!

So, I head out for my walk and partner goes out to the car with the keys.

And the car starts right up.

And he's sitting there, thinking Now what?

And then the car dies.

In exactly the same manner that I described it. The engine just shuts down and all the warning lights on the dash come on.

And partner calls for the tow. And calls the mechanic shop. and everything is arranged.

And now we get to worry about what they say when they look at the poor old thing.

Garden and Barn Swallows
Tuesday 14 May 2024

Hello my cute lil neighbor!

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk steps

And Hello, Mama, my cute lil Community Garden neighbor!

Squirrel standing at the edge of the path, near the grass

I am going to be expanding the front Garden Square today with some forking and weeding.

Garden plot

But let's talk about that marker on the left...

Flattened can on a stick in the garden

This is the marker for the rootball of Sunchoke that I buried last fall. (also called Jerusalem Artichoke.) There's nothing coming up. Maybe you're not supposed to plant in the fall? No, it should have been fine.

This was my 2nd attempt at getting Sunchoke. The first attempt, I didn't bury very well and the squirrels ate them! Haha! I found bits of Sunchoke roots with little teethmarks, all over the garden plot!

This rootball was pretty big, so I didn't think the squirrels would do much harm if they decided to chew on it. But I buried it deeper than the first set, anyway.

But nothing. Two failed attempts at growing Sunchoke... I guess the universe is trying to tell me something! *laughs*

It's a bummer, because it's a native and very pretty.

Purple Columbine blooms on a small plant in the garden

Aw, somebody munched a hole in one of the cute little baby Lemon Cucs. Damn them!

Small Cucumber plant in the ground

Heading home, and this time both the Barn Swallows are at the nest!

Barn Swallow standing on a pipe under a bridge

And the other parent is working on the nest.

Barn Swallow working on the inside of the nest

So Cute! Mud on their beak!

Barn Swallow standing on a pipe under a bridge

And stuff to say!

Barn Swallow singing from the pipe

And the nest re-build is coming right along!

Barn Swallow nest

Barn Swallow Show!!
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Squirrel standing on the steps, holding something in his hands

Lesser Goldfinch standing in a tree surrounded by leaves

The Barn Swallows are still hard at work rebuilding their nest!

Barn Swallow standing on the rim of their nest

This one studies me for a moment...

Barn Swallow looks down from the pipe under the bridge

They fly and do a few swoops, and then land at the edge of the creek... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!

Barn Swallow gathering mud in their beak at the edge of the creek

Oh my gosh! They take a minute to scoop up some mud and get back up to the nest.

Barn Swallow in the nest with mud in their beak

They work the mud into place.

Barn Swallow in the nest

And now they're asking Did you get all that?

Barn Swallow looking down from inside the nest

Because, OH MY GOSH! They let me see what they are doing. They SHOWED me!

They didn't have to gather mud right in front of me. I'm absolutely positive there's better mud elsewhere! But they wanted to show me!!

So I'm thrilled! Thrilled to bits!

And I've said they this whole time, because at first I assumed this was the female. The male has always been more nervous around me. (Haha, I am totally assuming I could tell them apart in the past!)

But what if that was the male, singing at the Garden the other day? He let me get so close! Maybe this was him, letting me know we are friends now.

well. Either way: Thrilling!

And now I'm getting stuff done at the garden plot. I've forked and weeded a bit more in the future Tofu Patch.

Garden Plot

I fork a section, and then go thru the dirt with my hands, breaking up clods of dirt, and pulling out grass roots and putting them in the bucket.

They say that squatting is the most natural form of sitting for human. ha, but eventually I need to sit on my butt. I usually grab that row cover to sit on.

Blooming strawberry plant in the garden

A cute lil ant! Hello my dear!

Ant walking on a strawberry bloom

The slugs have found the Eggplant.

Eggplant with holes in the leaves

So far, the slugs have only munched this one leaf of the three Lemon Cucumber plants...

small cucmber plant in the ground with one munched leaf

But these plants are so little. Maybe I should have let them grow a bit in the Porch Room before I planted them?

heh, there's a Buckeye tree growing near the Sugar Snap Pea Patch.


I will have to chop that down soon... woody plants are not allowed in the Community Garden. Lots of people break that rule with Roses and Grapes... but I think a line would be drawn with an actual tree! *laughs*

Bud of a Love In The Mist flower

I'm heading out, and Oh, Hey! Hello Again!

Barn Swallow singing on a wire trellis

*laughs* He? He let's me come around to the front, but then I realize the sun behind him is going to ruin this photo! :)

Barn Swallow sitting on a wire trellis

I have to walk around the outside of the Community Garden, on the way home. And I finally spot this one...

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis

I kept thinking I was hearing a hummer when I was working in the plot, but couldn't find the singer. If he was singing over at this end of the garden the entire time, he must have a powerful voice! (Humans can hardly hear Hummingbirds!)

It's been ages since I've had a Hummingbird supervising my garden visits. I miss having the company while I work.

Purple and white Wallflowers

Thursday 16 May 2024

Wow, look how much the Barn Swallows have built up their old nest!

Barn Swallow nest under a bridge

They aren't here today, and I'm wondering if they are going on one last adventure before laying eggs! :)

Rose and California Poppy

Rose bloom

I've forked and weeded a bit more of the future Tofu Patch.

Garden Plot

A pathetic little Sugar Snap Pea, coming up from seed, very munched by the slugs. sighs.

small Sugar Snap Pea growing in the dirt

As I'm packing up to leave, I hear Swallows talking and I look up and see the Barn Swallow parents swooping above the Community Garden! Yep, one last adventure!

Colourful Succulents

The Red Osier Dogwoods are blooming!

Red Osier Dogwood blooms and leaves and blue sky

Red Osier Dogwood blooms and leaves and blue sky

Yellow Day Lily blooms

Today with a Mobbed Heron
Friday 17 May 2024

It's cooler today, and Partner complained that I left the window in the kitchen open all night. It's Freezing, he says. Haha, I think it feels nice!

It does feel so nice after last weekend's 85° and record breaking 88° / 31°C.

Still with the new, climate change wind. Today we've got 12mph. And it still annoys me even tho I've been dealing with it most all spring.

Trees on the hill and clouds in the sky

My friend Roz's plot is so lovely... He says since he's a single guy, he doesn't need to plant so many veggies and so he fills his garden plot with flowers!

Roses and other flowers

House Finch...

Female House Finch standing on a wire trellis

And def not a Purple Finch! I wondered if I would remember how to tell them apart... The female Purple Finches have a lighter coloured eyebrow on their face.

Okay, at the plot to do some work... and oh foo, I forgot I need to grab a new pair of garden gloves...

hand holding a garden glove with a hole in it

That hole is letting mud in, plus there's a tiny stone that has settled in the tip of the pinky. Really, Really Annoying!

I love this type of garden glove... these are a little snug and the fingers aren't long enough. Tho that's normal, I have long fingers and no gloves fit me properly. But the rubber palms on these things are brilliant and -- so far -- I've not had any blisters when I wear them, and the grip on garden tools is perfect!

So, yeah, I asked, and my Mom got me a whole stack of these gloves!! ♥!

Forking and weeding in the future Tofu Patch again today. Slowly, slowly it gets bigger!

Garden plot

Purple Columbine bloom

And here's the plot from the front left corner. Lots of grass to take care of out there...

Garden Plot

I'm thinking about buying a stirrup hoe.

The Community Garden is SUPPOSED to provide all tools for gardening, but last winter the locks on the gates got stolen and then a bunch of stuff from the tool shed got stolen.

They did bring us some extra wheelbarrows a couple days ago, so that was nice. But we've still only got two heavy digging forks, one regular hoe, and one stirrup hoe which is broken and useless.

I don't really want to own a stirrup hoe. sighs. we'll see.

I'm heading home... and Oh My Gosh!! A Crow mobbing a Heron??!

Crow mobbing a Great Blue Heron who is standing at the top of a fir tree

Haha, I've never seen that before!

Great Blue Heron standing at the top of a fir tree

Hmm... is that Henrietta? Maybe. I think so. And the stupid wind is messing with his hairdo! *laughs*

Duck Henrietta!

Crow mobbing a Great Blue Heron who is standing at the top of a fir tree


Crow mobbing a Great Blue Heron who is standing at the top of a fir tree

Kinda Annoyed! Bahahaha!

Great Blue Heron with his neck stretched out, annoyed!

Oh my gosh, this is just cracking me up!

Crow mobbing a Great Blue Heron who is standing at the top of a fir tree

Crow mobbing a Great Blue Heron who is standing at the top of a fir tree

Poor Henrietta! That look is saying Why?! Why do I have to put up with this ridiculousness?

Great Blue Heron standing at the top of a fir tree

Okay, back at home. And look at all the tiny Pansies that are coming up!

Tiny sprouts coming up from potting soil in a terra cotta pot

I thought I was going to put this pot outside, once things got started. But dang, these seedlings are so tiny and delicate looking. I think I'm going to keep them here in the porch room for a while longer.

A Beautiful Walk up Wild Iris Ridge
Saturday 18 May 2024

So. It's Saturday. And ordinarily I'd be going to Saturday Market to get the next batch of veggie starts from my favorite farmer.

But the car died last Saturday and it's still at the shop... I guess one of the important mechanics was out sick this week, and stuff isn't getting done at the normal pace. And they've not even looked at the car yet, to see what's wrong! Sighs.

So. I thought about taking the fast mass-transit bus to Saturday Market. But then I thought about all the people staring at me on the way home with a tray full of baby plants. Eeee. Nope, nevermind!

But I did think I deserved a break from the garden, tho... I've been working there every day for over a week! So I'm headed out to Wild Iris Ridge!

But first I gotta get there! It's 2.1miles to get to the trail, but at least the neighborhoods I walk thru are photogenic!

Lesser Goldfinch standing on a mossy branch

Pink flowers

Pink and white Peony bloom

Pink Rhododendrons

Oh, I didn't know that Salsify came in yellow!

Yellow Salsify bloom in the grass

Sal-suh-fee! and Sal like Sally!

Close up of Yellow Salsify bloom

Orange Opium Poppy with Garden Pinks in the background

Garden Pinks

Brown sheep standing in the grass

Black and white polka dot goat eating grass

Heading up the hiking trail!

The tree trunk in the middle of this photo is the Acorn Woodpeckers granary tree...


From this angle, it's probably 50feet from the path. The path curves around on the right, going up the hill, and it's a better view from that side.


Acorn Woodpecker standing on the side of the granary tree trunk

The guard today is bouncing around too quickly and the pictures aren't great.

Acorn Woodpecker standing on the side of the granary tree trunk

And then he flies away! What? HEY! Get back here, you! I came all this way!

*laughs* I saw two of them, far away, probably checking on their other granary trees in the forest. But they didn't come back to this close one. foo.

I look around more carefully than I did last time, and I scope out two other snags being used as granaries.

Close up of a granary tree

This Acorn Woodpecker territory is nothing like the one at the top of Hidden Trail, where there are a bunch of dead fir trees, all together. Here in the forest, the dead trees are more random and far apart. More natural, but probably more work for the Woodpeckers trying to guard them!

I go on up the hill. As I'm taking pics of this pretty Mallow, a guy passes by on his way down the hill.

Pink Mallow blooms

Admiring the Poison Oak? he asks. I look up and notice a lot of Leaves Of Three, Let Them Be right in front of me!

Poison Oak leaves

I laugh and say, oh! Is that what this is? He chats about the Poison Oak in his yard, climbing up other trees so high and he doesn't want to mess with it. And I point out the happy Mallow plants that I was actually looking at. :)

Just a few Oregon Irises left blooming. Their time is almost up, already.

Purple Iris

I just love the cool old trees here.

Trees in the forest

But it's time to head back... as much as I would love to wander around in the forest all day, I do have other things to do!

white Rhododendron blooms

I make sure I walk at a leisurely pace on the way home... I do not want to overwork my poor back again like I did that one time when I speed walked home! heh.

Blue and purple flowers in the grass

Calendulas and Garden Pinks

Today with Flowers
Sunday 19 May 2024

The weather has been absolutely reasonable the last few days. Highs are still a bit above normal of 63° for this time of year, but nice. And today we have pretty, puffy clouds!

Puffy Clouds with blue sky

Puffy Clouds with blue sky

Heading to the garden for some more work!

California Poppy blooms

I started forking and weeding a new section... That was last years Tofu Patch, and now I'm envisioning having some squashes growing in that corner. And I'll need a place to put the new big trellis for the Wax Beans, too. I'll have to think about it!

Garden Plot

I am thrilled to see a bunch of Sugar Snap Peas coming up from seed! The first attempt at seeds was completely munched to death by slugs.

Pea seedlings coming up out of the dirt

I'm really hoping these will survive the slugs... it's kind of terrible having to buy Snap Pea starts, six at a time, with the 50-50 chance of growing up! It's a lot cheaper to have 50-50 odds with seeds, except I can put plants in the ground much earlier than seeds.

And then I go on a wander around the Comm Garden, looking at everyone's plots!

This Lacy Phacelia is still growing in one of the back plots.

Lacy Phacelia blooms and a California Poppy Bloom

Lacy Phacelia blooms and a California Poppy Bloom

Iris blooms in purple and yellow

And these black Irises. Amazing!

Black Iris blooms

There's a tiny bit of colour coming thru, like subtle and quiet fireworks!

Close up of colours on black iris petals

Black Iris blooms

The new mud is starting to dry on the Barn Swallows nest, but no sign of the parents yet.

Barn Swallow nest on a pipe under a bridge

Steller Jay standing on a chain link fence, looking down

Leeks to the Garden
Monday 20 May 2024

Still nobody at the re-built Barn Swallow nest. When?! When will we lay eggs??!

Barn Swallow nest on a pipe under a bridge

Oh sheesh. Is it going to be one of Those days?

Blurry Scrub Jay standing on a railing that retreats into the distance

Today I brought the fourth Lemon Cucumber and the Leeks in my backpack to plant today.

The poor Leeks! I bought them at the Farmer's Market on Apr28, and had already brought them to the garden in my backpack once. I couldn't figure out where to plant them tho, and I hauled them back home in the backpack.

They are feeling much abused, and they all got droopy when I put them in the dirt!

Leeks planted in the dirt

I feel bad for the Leeks and water them to heck. It doesn't help at all.

I've put them at the faucet end of the future Tofu Patch, and then put in a stake to keep the hose away from them!

Garden Plot

Starlings have brought at least one child to the garden today! They are fun to watch. This one was just taking in the day! Maybe she is not a parent yet?

Starling standing on the back of a garden chair

Starling standing on the back of a garden chair

I planted the baby Lemon Cuc with it's friends in the front Garden Square.

Garden plot

I thought about moving the trellis further inside the plot, to have more walking space at the border... But Why? Everyone else is a jerk about going right up to the boundary lines. Why do I have to be the one to provide all the stupid walking paths along the borders?

Plus, I had to move one of the new neighbor's pots... it was right on the border and I bumped into it a couple times as I was working.

Annoying. I still haven't met them, and I'm still assuming they aren't evil. Even tho their stupid pots are all over the stupid place. Pot People. *laughs*

Four little Lemon Cucs... The beginning of this year's Lemon Cucumber Empire!

Small Cucumber plants growing in the dirt

That little scraggly mess of green in the bottom left is a baby Love-in-the-Mist plant that I accidentally dug up as I was weeding. They are pretty, and I like them, so I carefully re-planted it and watered it thoroughly. I don't know if it will live, but I'm giving it the chance.

And the poor Eggplant. Not looking good.

Eggplant, leaves have been munched by slugs

I planted this Old German tomato the other day and I decided to put a heavy duty tomato cage around it...

Tomato plant

The internets tell me the fruits can be over 1pound, so that will need some support. But then I also found a couple people talking about how big the plant gets. 5 and even 7feet tall? Holy. I don't know how that will work out!

Back at home...

I am on the email list for The StoryGraph newsletter. So far I haven't done anything with my account there... but it's interesting looking at the progress made and the work put into it.

StoryGraph #172 | 20 May 2024 Morning Walk Thoughts

Nadia has been walking this year and was reminded about how important good ol' pure thinking time is!

I agree! Walking is the best!

It's good exercise. You get good nature time! You get hundreds of photos! *laughs*

And of course, you get thinking time. That's nice too!

I am a Terrible Gardener, but I see cool things!
Tuesday 21 May 2024

This is a new cat who has been hanging around the last month or so. She's beautiful but suspicious of humans.

Longhair tortishell cat standing on the sidewalk behind some grass

Oh Yay! The first pic of a Damselfly this season! I've been seeing Dragonflies and Damselflies flying around for about a week now... pretty late, they usually start flying in April. But it's been chilly, except for a few short periods of record heat.

Tan and black Damselfly, standing on a metal pipe

I'm glad I finally found someone who was willing to sit for a photo! *laughs* I think she's a Vivid Dancer!

Damselflies hold their wings above their body, Dragonflies hold their wings out!

Oh Yay Some More!

Barn Swallow sitting in her nest

Both Mama and Papa are here!

Barn Swallow standing on a pipe

Thinking about laying some eggs?!

Barn Swallow sitting in her nest

I've brought a green Zucchini plant in the backpack today. It's planted and then I forked and weeded some more... I'm going to call this the Squash Square! (and that's the Pea Patch on the left.)

garden plot

Looking a bit pathetic.

Zucchini planted in the dirt

The Sugar Snap Peas I planted as seeds are pretty pathetic as well. Slug munched.

Pea seedlings coming up

And the poor Leeks I planted yesterday are really, really pathetic. Dang it. I'm not sure they will live!

Leek seedlings laying on the ground

Aww, and the fourth Lemon Cuc has gotten sunburned. I am a terrible gardener!

Sunburned leaves of a small cucumber plant

But, okay. Here's a success... The little Love Mist I tried to murder by accident is def perking up!

Cucumber plants

And the Strawberry plants never give me any trouble.

Strawberry plants with blooms

The Barn Swallow nest is empty on the way home. Birds lay their eggs in stages, so it'll take a few days, depending on how many eggs there are!

Empty nest on a pipe, under a bridge

Flowers out to Stewart Pond
Wednesday 22 May 2024

Taking a break from the garden today, and I'm walking out in the other direction.

My gosh, the climate change wind is crazy today, very blustery. The weather page said 11mph, but I didn't believe it! And later it said 18mph. idk. It's starting to feel like we live in Kansas or something!

Orange Poppy blooms

Unknown yellow flower surrounded by Forget Me Nots

Purple and white Iris blooms

Purple Alliums with other purple flowers in the background

The same damselfly as yesterday, I think? A female Vivid Dancer.

Damselfly standing on the sidewalk

Another unknown flower... I am getting so lazy about looking up new flowers! haha.

Pale blue flower

Purple Salsify with Daisy blooms in the background

Oh hey! It's Knotty! Long time, no see!

Great Blue Heron, walking in shallow water

Here I am at Stewart Pond Park, and the Wet Prairie ponds have converted to their summer prairie stage! ... that's not water out there, that's flowers!

Grass land with swathes of white flowers, trees in the background

The swathes of different colours of flowers are so lovely.

Grass land with trees in the distance

And all the variety of grasses makes good bugs for the swallows!

Swallows swooping over the prairie

Huh. The swathes of white are some kind of Forget Me Nots!

white Forget Me Not Blooms

Clouds over the silhouette of trees

Camas Lily blooms with yellow flowers in the background

Yellow flower in the grass

A Common Whitetail Skimmer, an immature male. I don't know how long it takes for their tail to get white.

Dragonfly in the grass

When I was double checking the species of that dragonfly, I came across this website...

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Columbia County, Oregon

Oh, this is brilliant. Amazing and clear photos, of both males and females. Just excellent and I'm adding it to my bookmarks!

I finally got to the little bit of forest... and I totally tripped on the stupid tree root that I've been marking all year! Bahaha!

looking down at the trail

You can't see it! It's there, just left of center. and you can see the last board I placed too, but it's now useless and sunken into the mud.

Dang it. But there's nothing I can do. I've run out of white boards, and there's nothing else laying around to mark the spot.

Watching me as I contemplate tripping hazards...

Squirrel peeking around a tree trunk


Neighborhood Walk with Flowers
Thursday 23 May 2024

Nootka Roses are blooming! Our native rose, used to stabilize the creek bank.

pink rose blooms

Honey Bee inside a partly open pink rose

Nobody at the nest again today. That's okay.

Nest on a pipe, under a bridge

Silhouette of a fallen tree with cloudy sky

There are some Starling youngsters up in the branches of the Fallen Leaning Tree!

Starlings standing on twigs

Spanish Lavender blooming next to the sidewalk

Spanish Lavender blooms

Columbine blooms

Pink Hibiscus blooms

Pale peach rose blooms

I've zig-zagged my way thru the neighborhood, looking at the flowers in everyone's yards! and now I've looped around, back to the Fallen Leaning Tree. Here's a view from the side, where you can see it's leaning on the ground.

Fallen Oak tree

It's leaves are growing, but so slowly. Is the trunk still attached to the roots?

Oak leaves on a mossy branch

I probably won't be able to walk out this way for a good long while, due to Garden work. So the question will have to remain a mystery!

Oak leaves on a mossy branch

Friday 24 May 2024

Oh ugh. I am having one of those mornings when nothing goes right!

I've overslept a little bit and that always makes me feel discombobulated.

I'm trying to get a first cup of coffee and I notice the bag of compost in the fridge has sprung a leak. No big deal, but today it has to be a whole grumpy thing.

Well, I'll feel better when I get some exercise!

Different coloured Pansies in a big planter

Steller Jay standing on a chain link fence

Oh! Are we sitting at last? I think we are! Yay!

Barn Swallow sitting in her nest, just her head visible over the wall of the nest

But then I get to the garden and most everything here is disappointing... The poor stupid Leeks are still laid out on the ground. It doesn't look like they are going to recover from transplant shock, not to mention all the abuse I heaped onto them.

Fallen leeks on the dirt

And the Green Zucchini is getting severely munched by slugs.

Zucchini plant in the ground

There are lots of Sugar Snap Peas sprouting...

Snap Pea Patch

But they are getting munched as well.

Small Snap Pea plants growing in the dirt

The Eggplant gets ever more pathetic each day.

Eggplant leaves with holes in them

The Lemon Cucs are getting slug munched as well, but I can't bare to look at them.

I do my work for the day... Murdering the Big Comfrey plant some more:

Comfrey leaves coming up through the mulch

And then continuing to fork and weed the future Tofu Patch.

Garden Plot

And the work did make me feel better.

Green Strawberry fruit on the plant

And on the way home... Yep! Sitting on the nest!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

I wonder if this is the same parent, who just re-arranged herself, or if this is the other Barn Swallow parent.

Anyway. I've looked up incubation times... 12 to 17 days...

We'll say 14 days, from last night, which puts us at the babies being born on June7 at the earliest.

I am excited and happy... but also worried and scared!

You know: Don't count your bird babies before they hatch!

Because the Flickers had a nest failure that I witnessed, earlier. And I desperately don't want that to happen to my Barn Swallow friends, who I have watched over the years!

Saturday 25 May 2024

Partner is taking us to Saturday Market this morning, and I'm grateful for the help! I need to buy a lot of veggie starts from our favorite Farmer, and some extra arms to carry baby plants will be useful!

Our Farmer is happy to see Partner, There's two of you, today! :) and then she comments on my excessive Lemon Cucumber purchase, Didn't you buy cucumbers last time? ... Me nodding, enthusiastically. They didn't die, did they?

*laughs* I explain how Lemon Cucumbers are my favorite, and I try to have 10 plants every year!

Partner dropped me off at the garden. I sent most of the veggie starts home with him, because I wanted some extra time to murder some Horseradish.

The new neighbor (might not be evil, but we have yet to determine that) still has the landscaping fabric, covering most of the back of their plot. But of course, the Horseradish is growing around it.

I'm using the dandelion tool to get as deep as I can with the roots. As usual. But they'll be back, and so I pull up Horseradish several feet into the neighbor's plot.

And then I planted the two squashes I bought today! And all of a sudden the Squash Square is starting to live up to it's new name!

garden plot

Strawberries there on the left. The bottom squash is a Crookneck. The middle-ish squash is the Green Zuc that I planted the other day that's getting seriously munched by slugs. and right of top is a Spaghetti Squash... which makes the Square a mix of summer squash and winter squash!

And, as I mentioned yesterday, the first batch of Lemon Cucumbers aren't doing well. They are all in various stages of slug munched, and a couple def will not live.

Cucumber plant in the dirt

So the only thing that's giving me hope in the garden is the Sugar Snap Pea Patch...

Snap Pea Patch

When I transplanted the second batch of Snap Pea starts -- which is that droopy mess of mostly dead stems there, top middle -- I also planted a bunch of Snap Pea seeds which are coming up all over the place.

AND it seems like they are trying to out-grow the damage the slugs do! So I am def cheering these little guys on! Grow! Grow! Eye of the Tiger! Risin' up to the challenge of our rival!


Okay! Walking home, and looking at the Barn Swallow nest. There's homeless people sleeping under the bridge, here, so I only took a couple pics. I don't want to disturb anyone...

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

But I have to check out our sitting Barn Swallow parent!

purple Salsify bloom

purple Salsify blooms

Sunday Stroll with Birds
Sunday 26 May 2024

Squirrel standing on a tree root on the ground

Violet Green Swallow standing on the edge of a building, blue sky behind

Wood Pewee, standing on a twig

♥ ...

Barn Swalling in the nest

Oh, wow. These Sweet Peas at the Garden are beautiful!

Purple and Pink Sweet Pea blooms

Altho I don't know why people would want them in their garden plot... Sweet Peas are poisonous!

Pink Sweet Pea blooms

I did a little bit of forking and hand weeding, to expand the future Tofu Patch.

Garden Plot

The other day I mentioned the new right side neighbor and called them Pot People. Seriously... Look at all their planter pots.

Garden Plot

It's crazy! There are dozens of pots, all with little plants growing in them. crazy! They bought so much dirt to fill those pots, and how will they keep the plants alive during our hot and dry summer? They'll have to be watered twice a day! *laughs*

Okay, heading home! I am kinda wondering if the Barn Swallow parents each sit a different way...

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

This parent with their tail sticking out this way, and the other parent sitting with just their head visible?

Scrub Jay standing on a railing next to the bike path

Day of Planting
Monday 27 May 2024

Okay! Partner is driving me and a bunch of baby plants to the garden! We got a lot of veggie starts over the weekend at the Saturday Farmer's Market, and I want to get all the biggest ones in the ground.

I give Partner a quick tour of our garden plot... There are a few plants here, but the tour is mostly about plans for the future. The future Tofu Patch, where the Wax Beans will be, replanting the poor sad Lemon Cucumbers, who are fighting to live thru the slugs. Ha.

I get to work, and look how nice the Squash Square in the back is shaping up!

Garden plot

Well, okay. The green Zuc, top middle is probably not going to live thru the very hungry slugs. But the two Butternuts are happy, and that Crookneck, top left, is only slightly iffy with the slugs.

I had six Giant Marigolds to plant! I put three up at the front left of the plot.

Giant Marigolds with buds not blooming yet

And the other three are along the edge of the Tofu Patch.

Garden plot

These are unhappy here... I had bought these a while ago and they were extremely root bound and I had to be not-gentle trying to separate them from their seed tray. Hopefully they will get to live.

And then the Brandywine and a 2nd SunGold are rounding out the front Garden Square, with the volunteer Elephant Garlic and the Lemon Cucs on the other side.

Garden plot

Mmmm! Bradywine! They are my favorite tomatoes... but the plant needs such a long growing season, and the plants are never very productive, either. So I rarely get to eat any...

Brandywine tomato plant growing in the dirt

But I have high hopes this year. *laughs*

The strawberries in the back are making things happen... but the slugs love strawberry fruit as well, so this is another thing I probably won't get to eat much of.

strawberry blooms and small growing fruits

Okay! That's nine starts I put in the ground today, and I'm starting to feel like this is a veggie garden instead of just a place where I fork the grass! *laughs*

I'm packed up and walking home... and Oh My Gosh!

Metallic green bees on a purple thistle bloom

Virescent Green Metallic Bees!!!

Every website I look at says these beautiful bees are common... But this is only the second time I've ever seen any. So I'm not sure what their definition of common is!

Metallic green bees on a purple thistle bloom

Day of Flowers and Fighting Flickers!
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Hi Mama. um, or Papa! *laughs* You can't tell the difference with Barn Swallows, except by behavior.

Barn Swallow in the nest

White Wallflower blooms, surrounded by purple ones

Sweet Pea blooms in pinks and lavenders

Breadseed Poppy blooms with Honey Bees in them

Honey Bee pollinating a pink Poppy bloom

I love Poppies!

Pink Breadseed Poppy blooms

And Bees!

Three Honey Bees pollinating a Breadseed Poppy bloom

Can you tell?! *laughs*

Lavender coloured Breadseed Poppy blooms with a couple bees

Okay. I'm at my plot and checking on all the plants.

Slugs have about killed two of the four Lemon Cucumbers. And the Eggplant, tho it still has part of a green leaf left.

munched Eggplant leaves

All the Tomatoes are good, so that gives me happiness. But some of the Giant Marigolds I planted yesterday are still looking a bit pathetic.

Marigolds planted in the dirt

I get started forking and weeding more of the future Tofu Patch. But then these two distract me. Wikka Wikka Wikka! with a different tone than usual...

Two Flickers standing on top of a street lamp

Oh! Two males! They are displaying!

Two male Flickers staning on top of a street lamp

I wonder how they win the contest.

Oh their beautiful red shafts!

Flickers flying

(Yeah, actually, they are orange... but our western Flickers are called Red Shafted! The eastern Flickers are Yellow Shafted, and it's a serious, banana bright yellow!)

Flickers flying

The Winner?

Single Flicker standing on a street lamp

Yeah. This other one looks a little forlorn.

Flicker standing on a wood fence, head tilted to look up

Okay. Back to work! I've forked a good section...

Garden Plot

But I got a little too close to the Columbine.

Columbine next to forked dirt

I gave it a good watering to apologize!

And I'm done for the day. I stop by Roz's plot as I take the digging fork back to the shed.

Pink Peonies in a colourful garden plot

Barn Swallows, Changing of the Guard!
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Internet problems this morning. At first I thought it was just my email being slow and annoying. But then we had zero connection, and lost the tv as well. I re-booted the box... to no effect.


We live in the city, and we never have problems with the internet. So it feels really weird to go about the day without it!

But I'm not going to worry about it for a couple hours! Heading out for my walk to the garden!

Good Morning My Dear.

Squirrel standing on the sidewalk

It's cloudy and so nice today!

Grey Clouds above the trees

And with the humidity, look who has come out to traverse the bike path. And she-hes got a jaunty flick of the tail!

Snail on the sidewalk

Okay. Here's the back of the garden plot...

garden plot

The middle front is the Pea Patch, where I've got transplanted starts AND some seed planted Sugar Snap Peas coming up!

In the middle is the Squash Square, and then the black landscaping cloth is the right side neighbor.

The plan is to fork and weed a new section in front of the Squash Square (to the right in the pic), where I will eventually set up the big trellis for the Wax Beans. It's big. 6feet long and 4feet high. But I think it will fit in there, with enough of a walkway between it and the tomato plants which are off screen to the right.

I am so happy with the Sugar Snap Peas...

Garden Plot

The second batch of transplanted starts never recovered from the shock of the hot day, when I stupidly put them in the ground. But the seeds I planted around it are outpacing the slugs! So I'm thinking I will have a beautiful Pea Patch here!

Okay, good forking done today, I'm heading out.

Squirrel walking along a wood fence

You know. It just occurred to me that the Barn Swallows have built up the wall of the nest so high... I'm not going to be able to SEE the babies! humph.

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

The other parent is here too! That's nice!

Barn Swallow standing on a pipe under the bridge

The parent in the nest flies away, and Oh, the other parent was waiting to take over nesting duties!!

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, looking down

Barn Swallow standing on the edge of the nest, looking down

Barn Swallow going into the nest

Barn Swallow settling in the nest

And, Oh My GOSH! We've now got proof that each parent has a unique nest sitting style!!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

I don't know who's who, yet... Mama or Papa? Sitting with just their head poking up, or sitting with their tail out this way. But I'm excited to learn this about my Barn Swallow friends!

Back at home... sighs! The internet is intermittent. It connects for a few minutes, and then goes down for a few minutes. So irritating.

It's well into the afternoon before it connects for good.

But I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder, huh. I do love me some internet!

Thursday 30 May 2024

Hello My Dear! How's it going up there?

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

*Gasp* Oh my gosh... Are you looking down at SOMEONE??

Barn Swallow in nest, looking down

No. Okay. You just need to turn an egg or something?

Barn Swallow in the nest, looking down

*laughs* Okay, but why you gotta freak me out like that?!

Barn Swallow sitting in the nest

I'm at the garden, and I'm continuing to fork and weed the new area in front of the Squash Square in the back corner...

Garden Plot

I've laid the big trellis down here to give myself an idea of how much I need to fork and weed here. Still a ways to go!

Peas in the making, on the transplanted Sugar Snap Pea plants!

Snap Pea plant with a white bloom on it

Strawberry plant with gree fruits and a blooms

Bright red violet Peonies

Love in a Mist blooms with a Honey Bee on one

Honey Bee on a Love in a Mist bloom

Trump is guilty. Convicted by a jury of his peers. Not that anyone wants to be his peer: traitor and lying liar and pos. 34 counts of falsifying business records... And paying hush money to Stormy Daniels was election interference.

I had convinced myself Trump would never be convicted. I'm happy I was wrong. So rarely held to account, Trump has finally had a small taste of justice. This is a good day for American democracy.

Yellow Day Lily blooms

Garden Non-Compliance :(
Friday 31 May 2024

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk

I'm heading out to the garden. There's homeless people gathered under the bridge, so I just sneak a peek at the sitting Barn Swallow parent on the nest and don't stop to take any photos.

I've got the seed packet of Pansies with me today, and I'm going to put them down around the Giant Marigolds in the front. I highly doubt they will come up, since seeds mostly don't grow in the plot. But I'm going to give it a try since I'm watering there every day anyway!

When I wander around, I discover a beautiful looking strawberry fruit on the plant! But when I pick it up, I find the slugs have eaten a big hole in the bottom of it, and slimed it as well. gross!

*laughs* Let's focus on the pretty parts!

Strawberry blossom on the plant

Okay! I'm forking and weeding to expand this spot in front of the Squash Square, where I'm going to set up the new big trellis.

Garden Plot

I'm getting closer, but the work is going slower... I'm taking my time to do a really good job and getting out as many of the grass roots as I can!

I had been removing the flowers on the first SunGold because I wanted it to focus on making good roots after it was planted. But these flowers are new, and I'm letting the plant do what it wants now, even tho it's still pretty small.

Tomato blossom on the plant

The Love in a Mist by the front Garden Square is blooming!

Love in a Mist bloom

That's the Brandywine in the background. Well, and a big Dandelion! *laughs* I've been letting them grow, this year... I think they are pretty. And when there's just a few, like I have, that indicates good dirt! (When you have zillions in your lawn, that means you have problems!)

Plus, of course, Dandelions are edible. Not that I'm going to eat them, they're yucky! But they do have a place in a veggie garden! :)

Unlike these Sweet Peas, which are poisonous. *shakes head*

Sweet Pea blooms in lavender, white and pink

Heading home... oh my gosh! Some older ducklings!

Two older Mallard ducklings, paddling on the water

There's three of them, and sadly without a Mama... but they have survived H5N1 Avian flu that's killing all the babies!

Thank goodness.

Last year, the Mallards were having big batches of babies, and when they died, the Mamas kept trying and trying. Well over 100 babies died, just along the section of creek that I walk regularly. Terrible. And so hard on the Mamas, both physically and emotionally.

This year, there were a couple of big families in April, but since then the babies have come in much smaller batches. I think, five was the biggest batch of ducklings, this month. And there just haven't been as many families showing up either.

So they seem to be adapting. Tho it is concerning that I've seen two batches of babies without a Mama. Sighs.

I get home, and I see the email.

A warning that our garden plot is not in compliance with the Community Garden rules.

I'm upset because I've been working SO FREAKING HARD. And what's wrong with the plot anyway???! What the hell?

When I calm down enough to actually read the email... it says remove grass in the pathways. um. huh?

Yeah, there's grass in the pathways. but it's short, for the most part. mostly just covering the dirt. It's nowhere near the rule that says to keep the weeds under 18inches. So now I'm upset and confused.

As I go to find the Community Garden manual, online, I vaguely remember they changed it a couple years ago. Sure enough, the Keep weeds under 18inches rule is gone. The rule now says Keep your plot free of weeds, including grasses, throughout all seasons.

Oh Shit. Our new garden director. Grass in the pathways has never been an issue. But we got a new garden director this year. Damnit, she must be nit-picky about the rules.

Great. That's just great.