Great Bird Day
Friday 1 November 2024
It's been pouring down rain this morning, but now and then it takes a break to sprinkle down instead.
A point and click at these juvenile White Crown Sparrows because they are blending into the foliage a little too well.
The birds are out... but am I going to get any luck with the photography today??!
The clouds are moving around! More light is going to help the camera.
And as I walk by the back of Gudu-Kut park, I hear frogs singing! Winter is their breeding season because of the rain!
Our new 900 pound blocks.
I thought this was a pair of Flickers, but when I get close enough I see they are both female.
Of course, they may still be a pair! *smiles*
This one keeps an eye on me.
Ha, it's weird to see a Flicker standing on a twig... it makes them look like a regular bird instead of the woodpecker they are!
There's been so much rain, the bike path is flooded under the bridge.
The sun is emerging and all of a sudden I can't get enough of the trees! *laughs*
I come around the corner, walking thru the neighborhood and... OH MY GOSH!!!
BAHAHA! I love that SO MUCH!!
And walking back, Rudra the Red Shoulder Hawk is at the Community Garden!
∞ Trump shares totally normal fantasy of Liz Cheney facing a firing squad
I don't know what is wrong with people.
∞ Trump's Civil War ignorance shows why 'letting states decide' abortion is wrong
Excellent article, worth thinking about!