It's sprinkling off and on this morning, and there's
a breezy wind blowing as well.
The weather page says the wind is 12mph today. The
climate change wind began in earnest in January...
and I am still trying to figure out how to estimate
the annoying wind...
Oh, nice. Here's a decent page...
∞ Estimating
Wind Speed
I'll have to study the chart a bit.
I'm walking the neighborhood zig zag today before
hitting the garden. The trees at the edge of Gudu-Kut
Park catch my attention.
The Butternut Tree, so beautiful!
At the garden...
With the wind, I'm not coming across any birds... but
it's hard to take pictures of the flowers, too! Argh!
This thing is waving all over the stupid place and I
get frustrated quickly!
Stupid wind, anyway.
Okay! here I am at my garden plot. Today I'm just going
to put some more Fava beans down to fill this empty spot
where the front Sungold was...
I pulled it up yesterday. I took the plant to the compost
heap, but I left all the fruits on the ground to add nutrients
back to the dirt.
Now that I'm listening, I'm noticing the birds around me...
Rudra, the Red Shoulder Hawk flew away as I was coming
into the Community Garden. A Song Sparrow bounced around
in the dead Sunflower stalks nearby. I never saw the Towhee,
but could hear Creeak
the contact call.
And a little group of Juncos. But photography? Not so much!
I've gotten the rest of the Tomatillos... almost all of them
are much smaller than the husk. Not ripe, will probably be
more intense lime flavor. That sounds good!
This is the back of the big trellis where the Wax Beans
are. That's one of the two not-quite ripe Butternuts.
And you can see the jungle of the Pot People's plot
on the left, is still flowering happily.
Their plot is pretty, but they still annoy the heck out
of me! ... But at least they aren't evil like the neighbors
there in the past.
On the way out, I glance back and am pleased at the growing
Elephant Garlics.
Hollyhocks are still blooming.
Oh my gosh... this is Death Wish Squirrel! That day he
stood in the middle of the street as a car went by?!
ha. I'm surprised, but Glad he's still alive! (He's
recognizable because he has a shorter than normal tail.)
And back at home... The first Butternut I picked had a small
bug hole in it. So I knew I'd have to cook it up soon, before
it went bad.
Turns out it wasn't ripe, either, even tho it looked like
a normal Butternut on the outside. The seeds were extremely
hard to dig out, they were surrounded by hard flesh rather
than that stringy stuff.
And it wasn't sweet at all. It was fine to eat... but I
really wanted the sweetness, so that was kind of disappointing.
∞ Make
Diseases Great Again: Trump team says they're coming for vaccines
if the former president is given a second term in
office, his administration will work to pull vaccines off
the market.
Seeing this anti-vax bullshit completely mainlined... really
disturbs me and pisses me off.
∞ Portland
police say ballot box arsonist has 'wealth of experience'
with welding, metal fabrication
I hope they catch this evil guy. If you don't like
democracy, get out of America!
Felon #45 can get out of America, as well, since he wants
to be a dictator on Day One.