
Tuesday 1 October 2024

The forecast says sun and upper 70s for all of this week... The warm temperatures are good for the germinating Fava I've planted at the garden but guess I'm heading there every day to water the little things.

trees on the hill

Neighborhood Zig Zag.

looking down at the bike path from a bridge

Autumn red leaves over the sidewalk

Autumn red leaves

Decorative grasses

Hi Kitty! I'm not sure your hoomans are going to approve of this activity... You're down in the mud!!

Long haired cat standing near the creek

Goldfinch peeking out from behind a sunflower leaf

Goldfinch eating sunflower seeds

You know what? I think I'm gonna grab this hybrid thing, if it pulls off easily. Stripetti = Spaghetti Squash x Delicata.

Stripetti growing on the vine

The Butternut growing up the back of the Wax Bean trellis!

Butternut squash growing on the vine

And look at this cute thing! And another one, ripe on the ground!

Butternut squashes ripening on the vine

Butternuts make me happy.

Ripe Butternut on the vine

This is the single volunteer Fava plant, behind the strawberries. The Seascape freebies are mostly dead, these are the strawberries I bought in the spring.

Fava with strawberry plants

And here's the volunteer Squashes, growing out of the compost!

Squash seedlings in the garden

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Tomatillo on the vine

Oh good! The Sunchoke in the front finally has some buds!

Sunchoke buds surrounded by leaves

And so happy to see more of the first planting of Fava, coming up!

Fava seedlings growing out of the dirt

Since Roe fell, hundreds of pregnancies have become crimes

RNC nepo baby dismisses Trump's deadly abortion bans as 'niche' issue

GOP Senate nominee still can't grasp why women care about abortion

Yep. Single Issue Voter, here!

Abortion, Abortion, Abortion!!!

Wednesday 2 October 2024

The wind is blowing today, the weather page says breezy and 19mph.

I'm walking the neighborhood zig zag before getting to the garden.

Looking down at the bike path and creek from a bridge

There are no other humans at the Community Garden, so I'm doing a walk about. A plot on the west side, where I don't usually visit, has caught my eye!

Pink and yellow Zinnias

The flowers are a bit past their prime, but so bright and cheerful!

Orange flowers

Pink and yellow zinnias

Yellow Zinnias

Pink Morning Glories

Okay! I'm at my plot and I'm gonna run the stirrup hoe since things have dried out again.

Garden Plot


Aubergines growing on the vine

Aubergine bloom

My cute little Favas. Nothing coming up in the second area that I planted, yet.

Fava seedlings growing out of the dirt

Yep, I got some Sungolds... I haven't been picking them because they lost their sweetness after the cold snap in August.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

But apparently you can just throw cherry tomatoes into the freezer without any prep. I should have been doing that!

My little Gentleman Friend, the juvenile Anna Hummingbird, makes an appearance... but zooms off when I get the camera.


Yellow Nasturtium with striped Petunias

Trying to get pics of Goldfinches up on the tall Sunchokes... haha, the wind is flapping all the branches around. Not great photography conditions!

Goldfinch on a Sunchoke bloom

And plus, I wonder if the birds ever get dizzy, trying to hang on to their snack while it's being blown all over the stupid place!

Wind blown Goldfinch standing on a Sunchoke branch

Goldfinch standing on a sunchoke bloom

In other news... They caught one of the bastards...

Suspect arrested in connection with Fern Ridge Trail rape investigation

Turns out the guy was a real pos, with a couple domestic abuse assaults on women. And when two women have come forward, you know there's more.

No word about the other rape that happened at Wild Iris.

Hawks and Squirrels and Herons, Oh My!
Thursday 3 October 2024

Trees on the hill

An autumn red tree

I'm walking past the garden today. I'll go in, on my way back. But look who's here now!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a metal pole in a garden

This Red Shoulder Hawk has been hanging around the Community Garden for a while!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a pole in a garden

I don't think the hawk I saw here in August was her. But I do think the hawk I saw on Sept20 and Sept23 are her!

Close up of a Red Shoulder Hawk

So maybe I could think about giving her a name.

She flies over to her preferred branch, just outside the Garden...

Red Shoulder Hawk sitting on a tree branch

Oh my gosh! Is that my little Gentleman Friend?? What the HECK! (Look at the branch, far left!)

Hummingbird and Hawk standing on the same branch

Bahaha!! Wow, he has some guts! The hawk probably isn't going to bother about hunting a hummingbird, but still! That's brave! (... or possibly just naive. *laughs* He is just a kid, after all.)

I keep walking. Here's the fallen and dead Leaning Tree.

Fallen tree

Autumn leaves are starting to catch my attention.

Yellowing Ash tree leaves

Red Maple leaves

Red and green Red Maple leaves

I'm back at the garden... and the Red Shoulder is still here! Except now she's begging like a baby! haha, I guess she's just a kid, too!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing in a tree

Cosmos bloom and other flowers in the background

Oh, there's something wrong with your foot? I'm sorry! But you made it thru migration!

Goldfinch standing on a sunflower head, holding up a foot

Painted Lady Butterfly! Flew away before I could get closer.

Painted Lady Butterfly standing on a zinnia bloom

I watered the Zucs and the Favas... but I didn't harvest anything from the garden today. Unlike this guy!

Squirrel getting sunflower seeds

Squirrel eats on a sunflower

Squirrel upside down trying to get sunflower seeds

Squirrel eats on a sunflower

Squirrel walking on a sunflower

Squirrel eating

Close up of squirrel eating

Oh, hey! No Patches!

Great Blue Heron standing in water

How goes it?

Great Blue Heron hunting

Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits.

Great Blue Heron hunting


Great Blue Heron has hunted a leaf!

*laughs* Oh well!

Great Blue Heron standing in water

Not Losing You: a two minute PSA micro-movie supporting trans youth during the election #vote

Aww! Wholesome!!

Or: How to make rift cry in less than two minutes!! *Laughs*

Trans rights are human rights!

Thursday 3 October 2024

I was walking towards two women who I regularly run into: the lady on the recumbent bike always says hi, and the lady who walks Tessa the Border Collie.

They were chatting together and I heard part of the conversation as I go by.

Dog Walker: So you have to ride home after dark?

Recumbent Biker: Yeah. I've got lights and everything. I've been riding on the road tho. Because... (pause)... You know.

Dog Walker: (sighs) Yeah.

That You know is referring to the rapes that have occurred on the paths here in August and September. They did catch the one guy, and he's a real piece of shit. Beat up two girlfriends who went to the police, which means there's probably a bunch more he hit, who did not go to the police. Pos.


A woman chooses the bear instead of the man.

Or, in this case, she chooses to get squished by a car who doesn't see her riding in the dark, instead of riding on the bike path with the possibility of violence from a pos man.

The world we live in. *shakes head*

A Walk in the Mist
Friday 4 October 2024

Good Morning My Dear!

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk, eating a peanut in the shell

Oh my Gosh, the Sky!!

Clouds over the trees

Clouds over the trees

And I'm still looking up when this Great Blue Heron flies over me... haha, she looks like a Skeksis from The Dark Crystal!

Great Blue Heron Flies

Great Blue Heron Flies

Apples ripening on the tree

The first Hooded Mergansers of the season! Ha, the female is still waiting for head feathers!!

Male and female Hooded Mergansers, paddling on the water

The Hooded Mergansers actually live here all year, but they disperse in the fall and that's when I get to see them at the creek!

I swing around thru the neighborhood, and the first Halloween decorations are up...

Halloween decorations

The mist has turned to sprinkles, and the quality of the photography has gone down... but I suppose this is a giant mouse?

Blurry mouse skeleton

They always include the ears on the animal skeletons, which is weird, but I guess it helps identify the creature. I'll have to come back to get a better pic!

Oh Nice! Someone has planted Chrysanthemums at the dog park!

Red Chrysanthemums in large planters

So bright and cheerful! I assume the neighborhood association did this... they are awesome! I wish my neighborhood assoc was active with projects like this!

Red Chrysanthemums

I stop off at the Garden, on my way back.

a single green Zucchini harvested, laying on the ground

Nevermind the stupid Comfrey coming up around the Green Zuc... Since production has slowed down, I don't want to disturb my precious Zucchini plant by murdering the invasive Comfrey right now. I want as many Zucs as possible!

Zucchini plant

Yellow Zucchini fruits ripening on the plant

The Columbine is doing much better this year because it got incidentally watered by being under one of the Yellow Zucchini plants!

Columbine plant in the garden

That's good! The flowers are nice, in the spring... but the leaves are very pretty too!

Columbine leaves with rain drops

Oh shoot! This Anna Hummingbird was flying around in a neighboring plot... but there's no telling, from this angle, if this is my new Gentleman Friend or someone else.

Anna Hummingbird drinking nectar from a orange Nasturtium bloom

Oh, hey! Here's a Fava bean that didn't get buried properly... and it's starting to germinate! Yay!

Fava bean in the dirt, germinating

Grow, grow, grow!

And here's some of the seedlings from the first planting. Happy baby Favas!

Fava seedlings coming up out of the dirt

Hidden Trail in the Clouds
Saturday 5 October 2024

It's a dark and dreary morning, but the heavy fog seems to be lifting as I head out.

The landscaping crew at the apartments has been clearing acorns from the sidewalks and parking lots...


Do the squirrels look at this pile and think WHAT are the humans doing with all that FOOD??? *laughs*

Green Persimmon ripening on the tree

Red Hot Poker bloom

Halloween decorations


Snowberries on the vine


Oh Wow! I get to the top of the trail... and the hill is still in the clouds!!!

Foggy fir trees


Foggy woodpecker on a branch

The fog makes me notice how many of the Douglas Firs are dying here. Climate change.

Dead fir trunks in the fog

Foggy Acorn Woodpecker, standin on the side of a tree trunk

Foggy Song Sparrow standing on a blackberry vine

Foggy Acorn Woodpecker standing on a branch

I head back to the trail... and suddenly there's colour in the world again!

Blackberry fruits ripening on the vine

Sword Ferns and a mossy rock

Red Flowering Currants...

Red Flowering Current berries

I ate some!!

Picked Currants held in a hand

I've never tried them before, so this was a first experience!

Pulling off the flower end, made the insides squish out. The one that didn't squish had a tiny bitterness... not quite ripe. But they all need some sugar. Or something. The flavor is very, very mild.

And here's my soapbox! Never NEVER eat things in the wild, unless... You are 100% sure what it is. AND! You know what all the look-alikes are.

Redwood Sorrel with blooms

Sunday Stroll with Goldfinches
Sunday 6 October 2024

Trees on the hill

The sun shines again today and it makes me notice that the temperatures have been all over the place:

Oct1, Tues: 82/40
Oct2, Wed: 70/45
Oct3, Thur: 74/36
Oct4,  Fri: 62/42
Oct5, Sat: 67/47

And today we are back up to 78°. I guess that just means it's Fall! But normal for this time of year is 70/44.

Blurry squirrel jumping in the grass

Looking down at the creek and bike path from a bridge

Five Goldfinches on sunflower blooms

Aww, cute! Are we still feeding the kids?

Goldfinches on Sunflower blooms

Goldfinch standing on a sunflower

Yum, sunflower seeds! Nom, nom, nom!

Goldfinch with a sunflower seed in her beak

Goldfinch standing on a twig, looking down

A surprising harvest! The Wax Beans are gearing up again!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

The Sungolds don't taste very good, but I'm freezing them. They'll be good, cooked with something else later!

The Squash seedlings emerging from the compost are still growing.

Squash seedlings

The first planting of Favas are looking good.

Fava seedlings coming up in an area of dirt

But nothing yet in the second area. Let's see, I planted them a week ago Friday, on the 27th. That's 9 days. Maybe the cooler nights are slowing them down. (The first planting was making a good showing after just a week!)

The Sunchoke in the front is looking lovely!

Sunchoke blooms

Sunchoke blooms

A Good Day
Monday 7 October 2024

Sunshine and blue sky.

Trees on the hill

Huh. That bird in the distance? They are white!!

White Tail Kite in the distance

Oh my gosh! That silhouette is exactly what a White Tail Kite looks like!

Look at the map! Why does the purple spot fit perfectly in the left side of Oregon? weird.

I hear Crreeeak, a Towhee's contact call. I don't even know how I found her, buried in this tree!

Willow tree

Towhee standing on a twig in a willow tree

Towhee standing in a dead tree

The Leaning Tree.

Fallen and Dead Leaning Tree

After the Leaning Tree came down in the January ice storm, I kept wondering about the last time I would see it. They did cut down and remove it's two other trunks, but they left this one to see if it would live.

But it's dead, and I'm wondering again when I will see it for the last time.

Autumn Trees

Okay. I'm at the garden. I'm just going to water and gather today. The last Straightneck, I suppose...

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I had to dump several of those Sungolds, I hadn't noticed that they were cracked!

Goldfinch on a sunflower stalk

Haha, it's deja vu from yesterday!

Two Goldfinches

Sunchoke blooms with pink dahlias in the background

Fava Seedlings

Cabbage White standing on a Dandelion bloom

Her tongue!! ha!

Close up of a Cabbage White on a Dandelion bloom

Back at home, I've been freezing the Sungolds. And today I also halved and cored the very small, regular tomatoes. I've got 2 Brandywines and 1 Old German in the right bag.

Frozen cherry tomatoes in ziplock bags on the counter

For the Sungolds, I just remove the stem, load a couple handfuls in a ziplock and toss them in the freezer. Easy Peasy!

How they will turn out, in a soup or whatever in the future? That I don't know! It's the first time I've frozen tomatoes!

New Hummer
Tuesday 8 October 2024

Oh, Mr Unnamed! Ouch! That's a bad scratch!

Grey Squirrel on the side of a tree trunk, with a red scratch across his chest

Be careful out there!

The sun shines and it's already overly warm this morning, to be 79° (26°C) today.

Cirrus clouds over the bike path

And I happened to catch another bird flying by as I take the photo of the hills...

Trees on the hill

I hardly have to zoom in, she's unmistakable: a Scrub Jay carrying a peanut in the shell, to be buried somewhere! *laughs*

I go up around the dead Leaning Tree again... and dang, I just can't get enough of these trees!

Autumn trees

The fence they put in certainly makes things picturesque!

Sidewalk and wood fence under a autumn yellow tree

Hello? (Nope. She flies away! Ha.)

House Finch standing on a twig

I stop at the garden on the way back. Just going to water a bit and see what I can harvest. But ...

Oh my gosh! I meet this guy!

Male Anna Hummingbird, standing on a spent sunflower head

Ha! I think my young Gentleman Friend got kicked out of the Garden today by this male Anna, who definitely has all his mature plumage!

Male Anna Hummingbird, his head shining in the sun!

When he turns away, the feathers look black.

Close up of a male Anna Hummingbird

He flies to a new perch... haha, he looks like a cartoon!

Anna Hummingbird flying

So Cute! Do you think you'll stay, or are you just passing thru?

Anna Hummingbird perched on a twig

*laughs* I do feel bad for the youngster who was trying to make this his territory! He doesn't stand a chance with this older fellow. We'll see how it goes!

Okay. I'm at my plot!

Tomatillos growing on the vine

Tomatillos growing on the vine

This is the Sunchoke in the front... most of those flowers are around 6feet, and then the two main stalks go up to maybe 8feet!

Garden plot

Sunchoke blooms

I'm glad the Sunchokes grew this year... This one came in late, but it's so pretty. And the one in the back is a volunteer, I'll have to dig it all up this winter since it's right on the border and I don't want to be messing with the new neighbors next year!

Ha, this is funny... Right above the Sunchoke bloom in the center of this pic, that leaning branch...

Sunchoke blooms

Goldfinch standing on a drooping sunflower stalk

Just a curvy Green Zuc today.

Harvested Green Zucchini laying on the ground

Here's the volunteer Squashes growing from the compost.

Squash seedlings

And the poor Seascape Strawberry plant, still trying to come back alive after randomly dying.

Mostly dead strawberry plant

The first planting of Fava, the winter cover crop...

Fava seedlings coming up in the garden plot

There's still little sign of the second planting. I am waiting impatiently!! So I focus on how happy these baby plants are!

Fava seedlings

I'm out! Heading home.

Scrub Jay standing on a wood fence with two nuts in her beak

Are those nuts? acorns? foo. I can't tell. But that takes talent to carry them both!!

Scrub Jay standing on a wood fence with two nuts in her beak

And here's Knotty! It's good to see her again!

Great Blue Heron standing in water, hunting

Garden Work
Wednesday 9 October 2024

The house was stuffy when I was going to bed last night, so I opened up the kitchen window. And this morning it was still so nice in the house, not cold. I can handle more of this kind of weather! It's nice to keep the house open!

Unknown tree

On the way out to the garden, I heard a bird and thought... I should know who sings that.

The song was three notes, descending. The bird kept singing, and I kept walking tho I slowed down to listen and let my brain work.

Other birds chimed in. I heard Que! the contact call of a Flicker. Closer, a Chickadee sang, and then Dee-ed once.

Still those three notes that I felt I should know. And then I remembered!

Nooo. Gold. Here.

Ahh! Golden Crown Sparrow!

They are winter visitors here. They spend the summer in northern Canada and thru Alaska. They must be just arriving. And they are one of my favorite sparrows!! I can't wait to see them!

I'm at the Garden and I've got some work in mind, but first I notice that the second planting of Fava is coming up! Yay!

Fava seedling coming up out of the dirt

Let's see. Planted this on Sep27, they have taken 12 days to come up. The cooler weather slowed them down... the first planting came up in a week!

Okay! I'm going to murder some Horseradish today!

Horseradish plants in the garden

I know: UGH! I've been so lazy thru the summer, and now I have to deal with this mess. Stupid Horseradish.

Most of this is actually in the Pissant Pot People's plot. And, as usual I am slightly annoyed that I have to take care of other people's invasives. But whatever.


Garden plot clear of horseradish

The White Crown Sparrows are also winter visitors, like the Golden Crowns... but the White Crowns have been here for a while. I saw the first one at the end of August.

White Crown Sparrow standing on a wood post above a bean plant

Dang they are cute!

White Crown Sparrow standing on a wood post

The hot peppers in the back neighbor's plot catch my eye!

Red hot peppers growing on the plant

Peppers with Nasturtium and Borage blooms

Nine Goldfinches? oop! Ten!

Goldfinches on sunflowers

Goldfinch standing on a sunflower stalk

Goldfinch standing on a sunflower stalk

I'm heading out of the garden, but looking back in I catch a glimpse of this guy.

Cream coloured cat in the garden

I've been seeing him around, and know where he lives. Outdoor cats are a bummer at the garden... I prefer the birds.

But this one was scaring the little birds away as well!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood fence

This Red Shoulder Hawk... I am def going to have to give her a name!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood fence

She even lets me get a little bit closer!!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood fence with one foot lifted up


Red Shoulder standing on a wood fence, stretching her leg

*laughs* and then she's off.

And so am I. But before I get home... A Steller Jay!

Steller Jay standing on the side of a tree trunk

Ha! She's looking for bugs in the bark, tossing litter out of the way.

Steller Jay standing on the side of a tree trunk

Thursday 10 October 2024

Partner's Dad lives down in Florida, and landfall for the second hurricane, Milton, happened at 9pm last night. Dad lost power at 10pm. He's got rain and some gusts of wind but might go in to town for some starbuck's internet! Haha!

For Hurricane Helene, he lost power for a couple days, from Sept26 Thursday night to Sept28 Saturday lunch time. [Milton isn't so bad... Power came back on in about 24 hours, this time.]

On my side of the country, we had a cold night, it was 40° (4°C) when I got up this morning. BRR! It's warmed up a little but I'm wearing the rain jacket for warmth on my walk today!

trees on the hill

trees on the hill

There's a little park across the street with ½ a disc golf course, and I decide to walk over there today. I admire the trees.

Trees in a disc golf park

Oh awesome... they have planted more trees!!

Trees and staked saplings

There's some Oak tree saplings, and I'm not sure what this is. I'm happy to see a variety of tree species!

Unknown tree

Oh, nice! They've replaced the kiosk, too! It had gotten vandalized last year.


I stop off at the Garden on my way back. Oh! Bluebirds!!

Bluebird standing on a wire trellis with sunflowers in the background

She is so cute!

Bluebird standing on a wire trellis

Close up of a Bluebird, grey sky in the background

oop! And then the Red Shoulder Hawk flies over the Garden, and scares all the little birds away. I haven't named her yet and it's starting to bug me! *laughs*

Red Shoulder Hawk standing in a tree

And this one too? Hey! Walking thru my baby Favas! You better not step on any, You! *laughs*

Cream coloured cat walking thru garden plot

I am studying the veggies a little bit closer today, because of the cold night...

Aubergines growing on the plant

But I think everything is still okay. Well. You know. Everything that didn't die after the cold snap in August. But the big tomato plants did die... and this is the LAST Old German, which has ripened on the dead plant. SIGHS.

Harvested Veggies laying on the ground

But the Zucs continue to live, and the Sungold is still mostly happy.

Cherry tomato blooms

And the Wax Bean plants are okay and the Tomatillos are hanging on too!

Tomatillo growing on the vine

At some point I'll need to pick the Soybeans... they need to dry out some more, tho. They should all turn from the yellowish ones to the darker brown.


Plants in the Tofu Patch

The volunteer squash plants growing out of the compost... might be a Crookneck or a Straightneck. It seems to be vining rather than making a zucchini nest.

Squash seedlings

The one Seascape Strawberry is setting up some tiny new leaves. And I love the random Wood Sorrel that happened to come with it too!

Strawberry plant with small Wood Sorrel plant next to it

And the bigger clump of Seascapes.

Strawberry plant

More and more of the second planting of Favas are coming up!

Fava seedlings growing out of the dirt

On the way out, I stop and admire a neighbor's Zinnias.

Pink Zinnia bloom

Many orange and pink Zinnia blooms

Peach coloured Zinnia bloom with orange and pink Zinnias in the background

Colours and Goldfinches
Friday 11 October 2024

Wearing my rain jacket, but it's not as chilly today and it's not long before I am sweating and uncomfortable! I have to stop and take off my jacket and stuff it in my backpack.

Trees on the hill

Red Maple leaves


I've walked the neighborhood zig zag today.

Looking down at the creek and bike path from a bridge

Purple Morning Glory blooms with Red and Gold Amaranth in the background

Nasturtiums, Bachelor Buttons and Blanket Flowers

Nasturtiums, Bachelor Buttons and Blanket Flowers

Purple and orange Zinnia blooms

Zinnias and Amaranth

And then I come to the mess that is my garden plot! *laughs*

Garden plot

The front Sunchoke is all lovely, but starting to lean a bit.

Sunchoke plant with blooms

And the back Sunchoke has fallen over into the neighbor's plot. Arg. They haven't been around since that disaster over the summer, but I don't want to be encroaching on their plot!

Sunchoke plant fallen over

I'm going to pick one of the Aubergines today... but check this one out.

Aubergine with two slug holes

haha, an entrance and an exit? I find one without any holes. I have no idea how to cook Aubergines, so I will have to do research about that.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Spotted Cucumber Beetle on a Sunchoke bloom

Sunchoke blooms

Sunchoke blooms

Goldfinch standing on a Sunflower leaf

Goldfinch eating a sunflower seed

Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower head

Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower head

Hilariously Bad Photo Day
Saturday 12 October 2024

This is how it's going to go today!

Goldfinch hidden behind leaves and bushes

*laughs* But here's the first photo of the season, crappy as it is, of a Golden Crown Sparrow! I heard the first one singing the other day... they are migrating down from Alaska and northern Canada and they'll stay here for the winter!

blurry Golden Crown Sparrow, looking away

Yeah, fly away little bird!

Goldfinch flying away

Her friend stayed, but she's standing in the shadows of some sticks. Stick shadows! Sheesh!

Goldfinch standing on a twig

Well. At least I can take decent pictures of the leaves!

Red Maple leaves

Red Maple leaves

Red Maples leaves

Yellow leaves

Autumn trees, past the dead branches of the leaning tree

And then this one. I was so excited to see a Nuthatch!

Nuthatch on the side of a tree trunk

But this is what I get! Bahahaha!

Nuthatch behind a clump of moss

Perfectly situated behind a perfect ball of moss!

I can just imagine Sir David Attenborough's voice: And this is the rare Moss Headed Nuthatch performing her extraordinary courtship display...


Okay. I'm at the garden, and ready to put my failures as a photographer behind me!

The neighbor's pretty Hollyhocks.

Red Hollyhock blooms in front of a blue sky

Hollyhock bloom in front of many flowers in the background of all colours

I've gathered some food, including a second Aubergine that doesn't have any holes.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

And the Happy Favas at the front of the plot.

Fava seedlings coming up

Okay. Let's try, try again with the little birds!

Goldfinches standing on sunflower stalks

Goldfinch standing on a sunflower stalk


Goldfinch standing on a sunflower stalk

Sunday Stroll with Lesser Goldfinches
Sunday 13 October 2024

The day started with heavy fog, fun to look at. But it's completely burned off by the time I get out the door.

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk

Leaves on the tree, turning yellow

I am mostly walking today, but I stop by the garden to give the baby Favas a quick watering. The first planting...

Fava seedlings coming up

And the Second planting...

Small Fava seedlings coming up

And Yay! A couple Tomatillos came off the bush with a little tug!

Two Tomatillo fruits laying on the ground

It'll be nice to start getting Tomatillos on a regular basis!

Aw, a Ladybug resting on a Sunchoke bloom...

Sunchoke blooms with a Ladybug

A precious lil Seven Spot Ladybug!

Ladybug sitting on the back of a Sunchoke bloom

Goldfinch standing on a drooping sunflower stalk

Nom, nom. Stuffing our face!

Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower with seeds in her beak

Heading home... oh, nice! There's a little group of Lesser Goldfinches flitting around.

Lesser Goldfinch standing in a dandelion like plant

The Lessers will stay bright yellow thru the winter and are easy to distinguish from the American Goldfinches, who are much duller!

Lesser Goldfinch standing in a weed

American Goldfinches love the Sunflower seeds, but Lessers prefer smaller seeds, and Dandelion seeds are their favorite!

Lesser Goldfinch standing behind a weed

Lesser Goldfinch standing in a weed, eating seeds

Thank You!

Lesser Goldfinch standing on a weed twig

Todays Walk
Monday 14 October 2024

Looks like this might be the last warm day of sunshine. The forecast says the rain starts tonight or tomorrow.

Autumn trees

Trees on the hill in the distance

Canada Geese? or Cackling Geese?!

Geese flying in the bright blue sky

Willow Tree, partly in the shade

Yay! More Tomatillos!

Three harvested Tomatillos laying on the ground

Tomatillos are crisp and taste like a lime! I don't really like them on their own, but if you add them to anything with tomato in it... oh yeah! That punches up the flavor profile, big time! Yum!

The Fava cover crop is continuing to do well!

Fava seedlings coming up

American Goldfinch standing on a Sunflower stalk with the blue sky

American Goldfinch looking down at a spent Sunflower head

American Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower head

Amercian Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower head

Walking home.

Last couple days, there's been a homeless person's tent, right on the corner where I live. We do have camper trailers and RVs parked on our street, regularly, but it's pretty unusual to have a tent set up here. The hell strip is narrow and the tent sprawls over part of the sidewalk.

As I was coming home today, there were two cop cars parked in front of the tent.

One of the homeless guys was moving around. They were being kicked out, so he was gathering stuff together.

The other homeless guy is just sitting. And as I got closer. oh no.

He's sitting and staring at a dead dog. A small black mutt.

My heart breaks.

A Walk with the Crows
Tuesday 15 October 2024

When I woke up and came downstairs this morning, the rice cooker is sitting on the floor next to the recycling bin. I ask about it and partner says It's done.

He says it loses power, randomly, and last night he had to finish the rice on the stove.

oh foo. I love that thing, it's so cute. what a bummer.

Crow and starlings standing on bare branches

Cloudy and nice this morning, it didn't get cold last night and it's 61° when I set out for my walk. 30% rain today, so I've got my rain jacket even tho it's a bit too warm to wear it.

Just past the garden, I find this one stalking some prey!

Cream coloured cat stalking up behind a squirrel


Cream coloured cat stalking up behind a squirrel

Yeah, I don't think so, Kitty. I took this photo and then I stepped between them...

Cream coloured cat stalking up behind a squirrel

The squirrel goes across the path and up a tree and I gave pets to the kitty.

Oh my gosh!

Wood Duck paddling on the water

A Wood Duck! In eclipse plumage! Look how red his eyes are!

Wood Duck paddling on the water

Wood Duck paddling on the water

See ya around? No? Probably not?

Wood Duck paddling away

Oh wow, all the crows!

Field of crows

Crow walking in the grass

Crow standing in the grass

Close up of a crow looking

And more crows over here!

Crows standing in a snag

Heading back.

Willow tree

I stop at the garden. Wondering if this thing will have time to ripen.

Butternut squash ripening on the vine

And here's standing at the back of the plot, looking over the Squash Square, at the Wax Bean trellis.

Garden Plot

Oh nice! It looks like I'll get a couple more Straightnecks!

Straight neck squashes growing on the vine

Red Nasturtium blooms and leaves

Orange coloured hot pepper, growing on the vine

Red hot peppers ripeing on the vine

The poor Seascape Strawberries.

Strawberry leaves surrounded by dead plants

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Here's my friend, hunting at the garden again!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood fence

Yeah, it's beyond time to give her a name!

I think it should be something to indicate she's a Red Shoulder Hawk, but Scarlet and Garnett don't really work. I go looking for other red names.

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood fence

ooh, how about Rudra?!

In Hindu mythology, Rudra is a deity associated with storms and wildness.

Close up of a Red Shoulder Hawk

Red Shoulder Hawk flying away from the wood fence

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Some sprinkles over night and this morning is so dark and dreary. It's 55° when I leave the house, zero wind and 90% rain and this is my kind of day!

trees on the hill

Oh, ouch! Your poor ear. You've been fighting?

Squirrel sitting at the top of a wood post

I arrive at the garden and there's a Flicker saying Que their contact call. It's too dreary for bird photos today, tho... she's a bit blurry!

Northern Flicker standing on top of a street lamp

No other humans at the Community Garden. That's nice. I have a walk about!

Petunia blooms

Lavender blooms

I'm at my plot and I stop to admire the front Sunchoke.

Sunchoke blooms

Oops, I was letting that one Zuc squash get a little bit bigger. But it's gotten huge! haha!

Zucchini plant with fruit on it

Okay! Today, before the rain starts up again, I'm picking the Soybeans.

Soybean plant with dried pods on it

The plants are very stunted... around a foot tall, some of them not even that! So Pathetic! Last years plants -- growing on the other side of the plot -- were 3 and 4 feet tall, and each plant had several tall branches.

There's just 14 little plants, when I planted probably over 100, in three separate plantings. Gah. I think there's about 100 soybean pods here.

Soybean pods gathered in a plastic bag

*shakes head* Last year, I got 60 to 70 pods off a single plant!

It would be nice to find out what's wrong with the dirt here, so I could fix it. But I'm too lazy for that!

Red sunflowers

Well. On the other side of the garden plot...

Cherry tomatoes ripening on the vine

Nothing stops the Sungolds! *laughs*

Flowers on a cherry tomato plant

The volunteer squashes, growing out of the compost are still alive. As is the volunteer clover that I found under the Snap Peas.

garden plot

And a Mystery Squash! This must be a cross between a Zucchini and a Straightneck? Ha! Not sure how that happened, but I'm going to harvest it today.

Green straightneck squash on the vine

A pretty good haul today!!

Haversted veggies laying on the ground

Oh!! My little gentleman friend is back!!

Male Anna Hummingbird standing on a sunflower stalk

Yay! I wondered if that older male who came thru here the other day had chased this one off permanently. So glad to see him again!

Male Anna Hummingbird standing on a sunflower stalk

Okay, heading out. But first, I'm looking at the flowers in other people's plots!

Hollyhock bloom with other flowers in the background

White sweetpea blooms with other flowers in the background

Pink Four O Clock blooms

Oh, hey! It's Mr Unnamed!

Western Grey Squirrel on a sidewalk, sniffing a nut

Glad to see him, even when he doesn't stick around for the photography!

Another Day with Lessers!
Thursday 17 October 2024

Good Morning Mama!

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk holding a peanut in the shell

The sun shines today, but there's a frost advisory for tonight. The forecast says it'll get down to 38°, well above freezing, but there will be some frost in the hills perhaps.

autumn trees with the hill in the background

Autumn trees and a blue sky

I arrive at the Community Garden, but I can't seem to make the photography work!

Goldfinches on a sunflower stalk


Turned away squirrel eats sunflower seeds


Garden plot

My Gentleman Friend won't even help me out!

Male Anna Hummingbird standing on a sunflower stalk, looking away

Oh well. I guess I'm to stick to flowers. The Sunchoke in the back is waning.

Fading sunchoke blooms

The Zucchinis are still going strong... tho I guess we'll see what happens with a colder night.

Yellow zucchini squashes growing on the vine

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I thought I was going to have to stick with flowers...

Pink Cosmos blooms and a goldfinch hidden in the foliage

But Yay!

Goldfinch standing among the Cosmos

Lesser Goldfinches!

Male Lesser Goldfinch with Cosmos blooms

They are eating the Cosmos seeds!

Male Lesser Goldfinch with a Cosmos seed in his beak

Lesser Goldfinch picking out seeds from a Cosmos seed head

Male Lesser Goldfinch with a Cosmos seed in his beak

How cool is that!

I'm heading home. These fluffy clouds are building up quickly...

Puffy white clouds and a blue sky

And before long it's overcast and sprinkling!

Here's the Soybeans I picked yesterday...

Soybean pods spread out on a green cloth

I've spread them out, and put a fan on them to dry!

When they are good and dry, I'll shell them and add them to the Soybeans I got last year... Yeah, I never got around to making tofu like I wanted! ha.

A Good Day
Friday 18 October 2024

Yep, it's chilly this morning, but it didn't freeze. It got down to 37° but it's already warmed up to 46°... but I turned on the heat in the house, briefly and I'm switching my cutoff shorts for long jeans today!

Trees on the hill

Trees on the hill

Neighborhood zig zag.

Trees in a meadow

These Amaranths in someone's hell strip are just amazing!

Red and Golden Amaranths

Bench along the bike path

Bench along the bike path

No one at the Community Garden! So I wander around looking at the other plots!

Canna Lilies and some Red Kuri in the background.

Canna Lilies and Red Kuri

The Bird Bath art installation still has good colour!

Flowers around an artsy bird bath

Goldfinch standing on a seed head

Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower bloom, surrounded by pink Cosmos blooms

Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower bloom, surrounded by pink Cosmos blooms

Okay! Here I am at my plot. I'm checking on the Zucs, and fortunately they lived thru the cold night! All three Zucchini plants have several squashes growing on them... But they are going to slow down if the nights continue to be chilly. So I decide to leave them today and let them all get bigger!

Green Zucchinis growing on the vine

Aw, the leaves on the big Tomatillo plant are turning yellow.

Tomatillo plant with yellowing leaves

But it's perfect weather for the winter cover crop! This is the second planting of Favas... the first planting is about 6inches tall!

Fava seedlings growing in the dirt

I'm really impressed with the effort the Straightneck is making, so late in the season!

Straightneck squash growing on the vine

Oh! My little Gentleman Friend is here!!

Anna Hummingbird sitting on a stalk

I wonder when his adult plumage will come in... He currently looks like a female: That tiny section of black on his chin is supposed to cover his whole head! Will I even recognize him after he molts?

Anna Hummingbird sitting on a stalk

Oh my gosh! I move around and he lets me get closer!

Close up of a Anna Hummingbird

Yay! I'm so glad he's trusting me today!!

Close up of a Anna Hummingbird

Close up of a Anna Hummingbird

oh my gosh, he is just so stinkin' CUTE!

Close up of a Anna Hummingbird

I have extra time after I leave the Community Garden, and I make an extra loop on my walk home.

Paved lane next to a park, with autumn trees overhead

In the news, this afternoon...

Lighting on some Eugene walking and biking paths damaged by wire theft

Oh man, major bummer. I don't ever walk after dark, but the cost of repairing this is a drain on our resources. Very unfortunate!

But here's something to cheer me up!

Strange 'Star Trek' sounds are echoing through Madagascar's remote rainforests. Scientists just found what's causing them

Oh my gosh! Newly discovered tree frogs are named after seven legendary captains: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, Burnham and Pike!!!

... huh. I wonder who Burnham is. *laughs* Silly me, not keeping up with the Star Trek shows!

Hidden Trail
Saturday 19 October 2024

A special visitor in the parking lot this morning! A Black Tail Doe!

Black Tail Deer

And I'm heading out thru the neighborhoods. I like the T-Rex!

Blow-up Halloween decorations in a yard

And the shadows amuse me!

Halloween ghosts hanging from the eave

Autumn trees lining a neighborhood street

Autumn trees lining a neighborhood street

Wild Turkeys foraging on the sidewalk

Wild Turkey

Oh my gosh! Two woodpeckers! ha!

Sapsucker on one tree, Downy Woodpecker on another

Sapsuckers live here year round, but I rarely get to see them. Downy Woodpeckers are more common.

Towhee standing in a bush

I get to the top of the hiking path, and I'm just on the edge of the Acorn Woodpeckers territory. I'm looking up at the sky, looking for woodpeckers flying by...

What in the world??!

White Pelicans flying

They're not geese! They are flying in formation, but they aren't honking.

I'm taking photos, trying to figure out what I'm looking at.

White Pelicans flying

And eventually, I just have to zoom into one of my pics.


White Pelicans flying

Pelicans!! White Pelicans!!

White Pelicans flying

How cool is that!!

They are flying approximately south...

White Pelicans flying

But they wheel around. Maybe they're looking for a place to rest for the day.

White Pelicans flying

White Pelicans flying

They soon drop below the tree line, and I can't see them any more.

I look it up when I get home. We are in an area, a little bit outside the Pelican's normal migrating route! So it's super lucky that I got to see them!!

Meantime, I've been walking back and forth thru the Acorn Woodpeckers territory...

I can hear them tapping on their trees. They say Wikka Wikka. I see them flying here and there, between their trees.

But Photography. arg. Not so much.

Acorn Woodpecker standing on a dead branch, with the holey tree trunk in the background


Here's someone willing to cooperate! A male Spotted Towhee.

Towhee standing on a post

Towhee standing on a post

Back down the hill. It really is a lovely day!

Autumn trees

And back to enjoying the Halloween decorations!

Blow-up Halloween decorations

Oh, wow! My favorite!

Halloween decorations with a skeleton

A Bright Sunday Stroll
Sunday 20 October 2024

I was able to keep my bedroom window open last night after yesterday's nice warm day. And today looks like another sunshiny and bright day!

Autumn trees under a blue sky

Marigold blooms

Too busy to show her face!

Honey Bee standing on a Marigold bloom

Orange Zinnia blooms with Red Amaranths in the background


Goldfinch standing on a spent sunflower head

I'm at my garden plot, and I'm looking at the Sunchokes. As their tall stalks have tipped over, it's kind of levering their roots out of the ground and exposing them.

Sunchoke roots coming out of the ground

Is that normal? I don't know!

A pretty good harvest today! I've been eating the Wax Beans, but freezing the Sungolds... without their sweetness, they don't taste good. But they'll be great in a future soup or something!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Sunchoke blooms in a garden plot

Bright pink Hollyhock bloom with white Sweet Pea blooms in the background, and a blue sky

blue berries

Blurry Birds and a Good Neighborhood Walk
Monday 21 October 2024

Was raining when I went to bed last night, and it rained most of the night!! I listened to it thru my open window and it was SOOO nice!

The sun came out this morning, but the clouds are moving around a lot and it's sprinkling again when I leave the house.

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig

It's a little bit too warm to be wearing the rain jacket, but there's nothing for it. Have to keep the camera mostly protected from the wet.

Willow tree

With the rain, I don't feel the need to visit the garden... altho I do have the backpack, and I walked in that direction! *laughs* Just habit!

Dead tree silhouetted against the sky

Scrub Jay standing on a dead branch of the Leaning Tree

Crow walking in the grass

Crow standing in the grass, small raindrops on her back

And I'm walking in the downtown neighborhoods.

Halloween decorations on a porch

Oh, this is an interesting variety of Sunchoke!! The stalks are as droopy as mine is, but look at the long rows of flowers on each stalk!!

Droopy Sunchoke stalks in someones yard, next to the sidewalk


Blow-up Halloween decorations and a squirrel on the lawn

Sidewalk with autumn trees over it

ha, what in the world??!

Halloween decoration on a pole

Moon behind a blurry silhouette of leaves

Moon in the blue sky

Moon behind a blury crow

White puffy clouds in a blue sky

And back at home and Mr Unnamed is hanging out! Always nice to see him.

Western Grey Squirrel sniffing the ground next to a tree

The other day I heard him yelling, yelling. I looked out the window and saw him in the branches of the tree, and a grey cat was lounging at the base of the tree. The cat was paying him zero attention, but Mr Unnamed kept yelling.

And yelling and yelling!

The cat left. And yep, Mr Unnamed kept yelling!

It was probably a good ten or fifteen minutes before he got over his anger and moved on to the next project!


A Day
Tuesday 22 October 2024

Squirrel hanging sideways from a tree trunk

Heavy fog this morning. It's mostly burned off down here in the valley, but there are low clouds still engulfing the hills.

Autumn trees

foo. A very blurry female Hooded Merganser... There were three of them here, but they were feeling shy and they quickly paddled behind some bushes!

Female Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

Fallen autumn leaves in the grass

Autumn trees and a grey sky

Yellow leaves hanging down from tree branches

Red leaves hanging down from twigs

The Sweet Peas are still blooming in the wild. And I don't know what this fruit? or nut? tree is.

Tree with tan fruits and some pink Sweet Pea blooms

Tree with tan fruits and some pink Sweet Pea blooms

Little bird in a Hawthorn Tree

Little bird in a Hawthorn Tree

Okay. Here I am at the jungle that is my garden plot.

Garden plot

I'm assessing. I could clear out more of the front garden square, and there's a spot I missed when I was planting Fava seeds that I could re-seed. I'd like to seed the Tofu Patch with Fava as well, but the Giant Marigolds are still alive and blooming. I want to enjoy them for as long as they'll give me!

Also gathering food!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Hi Squirrely! Glad to see you've gotten a little pudgy!

Squirrel sitting on a wood trellis

Oh, hey! It's my little Gentleman Friend, the juvenile Anna Hummingbird!

Hummingbird standin on a wire trellis

Last time he let me move around for a better shot... Yep! No problem!

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis

He is the Cutest!!

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis

Aaannnd, he's noticed someone invading and now he needs to go chase them away! Guarding his territory is hard work!

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis, looking away

There's a squirrel in the neighboring plot... haha! The branch didn't support him and he flipped! This is his embarrassed look!

Squirrel hanging from a sunflower branch

*struggles to right himself* I meant to do that! *laughs*

Squirrel standing on a sunflower branch

I'm heading out, but I notice these birds, who have been singing at the Garden today...

Red Wing Blackbird standing on a spent sunflower head

First time I've seen Red Wing Blackbirds at the Garden. I hope they are just passing thru, Red Wings tend to take over when they arrive.

Garden Walk About
Wednesday 23 October 2024

I walked straight to the garden today, for some work, and discovered I had the place to myself!

Purple Hyacinth Bean blooms

This vine is in a front garden plot, and I think it's Purple Hyacinth Beans.

Purple Hyacinth Bean blooms

It's def a pretty plant, big and lots of blooms! Looks like you can cook and eat the young pods. But the mature beans are poisonous, probably in the same manner that kidney beans are, where you have to cook them all to heck to remove the toxins.

Purple Hyacinth Bean blooms

This is an abandoned plot on my row, a couple plots down. At the beginning of summer, they had to cut down tall grass and then they covered it with this landscaping cloth.

Garden plot covered with black fabric

Is this some kind of mint plant?? Lemon Balm? Pretty impressive to grow through the tarp! ha! Not something I want anywhere near my garden plot!!

Mint plant growing past a black tarp

Okay! Here I am at my plot, and this is the back of the front Garden Square. I had cleared the Lemon Cucumbers from here and planted Fava as a winter cover crop. And then I cleared some more and did a second planting.

Garden plot

Today, I'm going to clear a bit more for a third planting! It's such a small area, I'm not going to mix the Fava beans. I'm just going to plant these older, store bought beans.

Fava seed pack held by a hand over the garden plot

I'm looking at the Sunchokes again... Just crazy, I don't know what to think about the exposed roots! I mean, that's the part you eat, right. So is it still good to eat like that?

Sunchoke roots in the ground

I'm gathering a few Tomatillos to take home... oh bummer! I've never seen a Tomatillo crack!

Cracked Tomatillo fruit

Too much water, probably. I'm not watering the plant specifically, but it's close to the Zucchinis which I am still watering occasionally.

Zucchini plants and tomatillo

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I kept hearing Creeak Towhee's contact call, and of course she went silent every time I tried looking for her! Ha. But finally, she flew across the garden path and let me take a few pics!

Towhee standing on a leaning sunchock stalk

Towhee standing on a leaning sunchoke stalk

Heading home... and the bike path is getting some lighting! Or... some poles, at least! *laughs*

One crew of workers was removing the hole covers and dropping the pole into it. And then a second crew is getting the pole straightened out and situated with gravel and concrete and whatever.

I don't ever walk at night, but it's probably really dark here, with the trees blocking the light from the road on the side. So it's great that we are getting some lights!

Walk on a Cold Day
Thursday 24 October 2024

It's just 37° when I leave the house, but the weather page said decreasing clouds and zero wind. I was all That sounds Lovely and head out.

Well. It would have been lovely. Except the clouds were definitely _increasing_ and the breeze was pretty brisk for zero miles per hour! *laughs*

I was freezing! Not only did I wish for a thicker layer of clothing, I also wanted gloves and a scarf!

I was going to go to the garden, but it's just too cold to do work. But also I had somehow managed to load up the backpack wrong, and it was lumpy and uncomfortable. When I finally stopped to fix it, I realized I had taken out the bag of Fava seeds when I was refilling the water bottle... and then had not put the seeds back in.

So. Oh well. Def not going to the garden, now! I WALK! Five miles! It's good!

The light poles they put in yesterday have all been straightened and tamped down in this section... but Dang it! They are kind of ruining my view of the autumn trees. Bummer!

Bike Path

Hmm. Looks like it's going to be a bad bird pic day! Ha. Here's a blurry Downy Woodpecker.

Downy Woodpecker standing on a tree branch

That's okay. I can take pictures of the trees instead!

Tree with rainbow autumn leaves

*laughs* these colours don't even look real! It's not translating to digital very well.

Autumn leaves

There was a bird running around as I walked by, and I went over to see if I could find her in the bush she was hiding under. Oh cool! A Wilson Snipe!

Willson Snipe crouching on the ground under a bush

She's migrating. Did you get separated from your people?

I had walked by this house the other day...

Halloween decorations in front of a house

But I didn't notice the dead body! Ha!

Halloween decoration

Pretty creepy! I think I prefer skeletons and ghosts.

Halloween skeleton in a yard

Halloween decorations in front of a house

A Thousand Miles Center for Reproductive Rights

Sighs. Abortion is Healthcare!

No Luck
Friday 25 October 2024

It was 33° when I got up this morning, gah! The sun is warming things up tho. And the wind isn't as bad as it was yesterday.

Clouds in the sky

heh, the new light poles along the bike path are interfering with my view! I wonder how long before they put the actual lights on the poles!

trees on the hill in the distance

Autumn leaves and the blue sky

Unfortunately, it's one of THOSE days... Blurry birds. Or they just fly away before the camera can get organized.

blurry Scrub Jay

Oh well. How about some flowers instead!

Pink Hibscus blooms

Pink Hibscus bloom and the blue sky

Pink Hibscus blooms with sky and autumn leaves

White Hibscus blooms

Morning Glory bloom emerging from the shadows

Hidden Trail
Saturday 26 October 2024

The sun is shining and it's very warm this morning!

But there's a 50% chance of rain after 11am... and that makes me very nervous about the camera. I'm imagining the clouds rolling in quickly and the rain pouring down on my way home.

But it's seriously too warm to be wearing the rain jacket. So I stuff it in my backpack to take with me just in case! Ordinarily I wouldn't take the backpack, hiking up the hill, but it'll add to the good exercise! (Or maybe it will kill me and my back, but whatever!) *laughs*

Squirrel sitting in a tree, eating a peanut

I love the colours and shapes this Persimmon Tree makes!

Persimmon fruits ripening on the tree

Persimmon fruit ripening on the tree

Oh, nice! I like these Halloween decorations!!

Blow up Halloween ghosts in a front yard

But also... What the heck! HA!

Black flamingo decorations

The trees are so pretty on this street.

Autumn trees along a street

paved trail thru a forest

waterfall behind fallen sticks and branches

I'm at the top of the hill, and Oh Yeah, I'm glad for the rain jacket stuffed into the backpack... These clouds are building pretty quickly. They haven't reached me yet, but I def would have been tempting fate if I didn't have the jacket!

Clouds thru the trees

It's nice and warm but the wind is so blustery up here... I keep thinking I see birds here and there. I took dozens of photos of this completely birdless tree, only to zoom in and realize it was just some moss waving in the stupid wind! Bahaha!!

fir tree and the blue sky

Okay. Here we have an actual bird... One of the Acorn Woodpeckers that I come up here to see!

Acorn Woodpeckers standing at the top of a snag

And some more trees dying. Climate change.

Acorn Woodpecker standing at the top of a snag, with the blue sky

Acorn Woodpecker standing on a mossy branch, with the blue sky

hm. Who's this? All I could see was a pale coloured bird at the top. I was positive this wasn't just moss again! *laughs*

Kestrel standing at the top of a snag

She flies to another snag, and I can't identify her flying silhouette either. When she lands, I zoom in. Oh my gosh!

Kestrel standing in a dead pine tree


And, oops. He's a boy! ha... Females don't have any blue on their wings.

Kestrel standing in a dead tree, a wing open for balance

He's just a little bit too far away for decent photography.

Kestrel standing in a dead tree

And he's not giving me any time to try anything different.

Kestrel flying

Plus, he's not going to bother looking this way, anyway!

Kestrel standing in a different snag

Ha. Oh well! It was nice to meet you!

Heading back down the hill.

Vine Maple leaves in autumn colours

Sunday Stroll with a Dead Garden
Sunday 27 October 2024

I'm walking across the street today, to get the mail at my PO Box... kinda sad to see the Shari's Restaurant boarded up and a homeless tent in the back of the parking lot.

Sharis Restaurant

Shari's Restaurants closes down all its locations in Oregon

Well, foo! A Steller Jay who isn't cooperating with the photography!

Steller Jay standing on the ground, surrounded by fallen leaves

Oh wow!

Autumn trees on the foggy hill

Trees on the hill with fog

Autumn trees

Hello My Dear.

Female Northern Flicer standing on the path with mud on her beak

*laughs* That's mud on her beak. She's been digging the cracks on the path, looking for ants!

I'm at the Community Garden...

dead flowers around a bird bath art installation

And I'm here at my plot to assess the situation. We had below freezing nights Thurs and Friday and I haven't been by yet to see if anything lived thru it.

Garden plot

The Giant Marigolds in the front are dead, and the leaves of the front Sunchoke are becoming all autumny. That's kinda cool.

All three Zucchini plants are dead.

Dead Zucchini plants in the garden plot

The volunteer Tomatillos are dead.

Dead Tomatillo and Zucchini plants

Oh, Hello! You rascal. You're the one scaring the birds away today.

Cream coloured cat sitting on the ground

Oh, that's all you have to say for yourself?

Cream coloured cat yawning


The Sungolds are dead. But the one in the front Garden Square is surrounded by all the happy baby Favas, the winter cover crop!

Garden plot

The Borage is surprisingly still alive as well.

Well. That's fine... There are still some bees around, and the blooms will help them. I will work around them when I start pulling out the dead veggies.

But first, I'm gathering what I can carry...

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Heading home. But oh my gosh. The Sky!

Clouds in a blue sky

There are some cumulus clouds building over here.

Cumulus clouds over autumn trees

But my goodness, the cirrus clouds are so beautiful!

Clouds in a blue sky

Surprise at Westmoreland
Monday 28 October 2024

trees on the hill

This one, a Scrub Jay, had landed in the field and dropped the Peanut in the shell she had carried here.

Scrub Jay standing in a field

And she was looking around like there are absolutely no landmarks around here... how am I going to remember where I buried this? Gonna need pretty precise GPS coordinates for this one, huh?

Scrub Jay standing in grass


Scrub Jay standing in grass

I decide to swing over to Westmoreland Park. It's a cute little park. Lots of people walking their dogs, so I rarely even see a squirrel. But it's nice to look at different things.

Trees along a path thru the grass

One of the cute lil baby trees they planted this year!

Trees in a park

For a second, the cream colour of the bird in the middle looked more yellow... and I honestly wondered if that was a parrot. Someone's lost pet!

Steller Jay and Acorn Woodpecker, both standing in the grass under a tree

But no, def not a parrot! She's an Acorn Woodpecker! The difference between the cream colour on her face and the light grey is just more pronounced for someone standing on the ground (instead of up in the sky, where I usually see Acorn Woodpeckers!)

Acorn Woodpecker standing in the grass

Well, we know what she's here for...

Acorn Woodpecker standing on the ground, looking down

But I'm wondering! Where is her territory? How far did she fly for this acorn?

Acorn Woodpeckers standing in the grass, holding an acorn in her beak

Steller Jays standing in the grass

Steller Jays flying away with a squirrel in the background

It's suddenly funny that I never come to Westmoreland because of the lack of wildlife! haha! I guess the abundance of acorns has changed that!

Kiosk next to a paved path, in a park

On the way back, I stop at the garden. I've still got veggies to gather from the dead plants. But I stop to admire my happy Favas first!

Fava seedlings

Lots of Borage in there as well... It's a summer plant, and it's surprising that it lived thru a couple of below freezing nights. I wonder how long it will live?!

These Straightnecks aren't going to last long... I grab them and I ate them as soon as I got home!

Straightneck fruits on a dead plant

I get one of the Butternuts, too. And lots of Tomatillos again!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

After I packed the veggies into my backpack, I realized I still had some room. So I picked some more Wax Beans. Most were small, but I got about 20. A very hefty serving to add to my dinner!

This lot is still hanging out at the Community Garden.

Red Wing Blackbird standing on a pole, with autumn leaves in the background

Red Wing Blackbirds. Their contact call is Check! I've been listening to them as I gathered the veggies. There's a couple Conk-la-rees as well.

Red Wing Blackbird standing on a pole, with autumn leaves in the background

Red Wing Blackbird standing on a pole

I'm heading for the gate, but this one stops me...

Squirrel hanging on the side of a fence post

Squirrel on the side of a fence post

Garden Times Two
Tuesday 29 October 2024

Oh no, what happened to your poor face? And your ear?

Squirrel on the side of a tree trunk with a wound on her nose

Well. At least they've mostly healed up!

There's a little flock of Lesser Goldfinches going after the seeds in this Alder Tree...

Lesser Goldfinch reaching for a Alder cone, up in a tree with blue sky

But they don't let me get any good photos.

Lesser Goldfinch reaching for a Alder cone, up in a tree with blue sky

Ha. Oh well.

The sun shines... and this house is always in the way of the pretty trees!

Trees on the hill

Dark Eyed Junco standing on a willow twig

I've walked out to the neighborhood, and decide to check out the Solidarity Garden.

Solidarity Garden

The neighborhood association reclaimed this little section of land next to the dog park. And they've done such good things here!

There's lots of flowers still blooming. Black Eyed Susans.

Black Eyed Susan blooms

Small fig trees!

fig fruits growing on the tree

They've also planted a couple other fruit trees this year. I have no idea what they are, they're just saplings with leaves and no fruit. But I'm going to guess Plums.

I've never seen this Aster variety before... the blooms are huge, prob about 3 inches in diameter!

Aster blooms

The Raspberries are well established!

Raspberry canes in the garden

Pink Dahlia blooms

Close up of pink Dahlia blooms

And a cute little Spotted Cucumber Beetle!

Cucumber Beetle standing on a small Dahlia bloom

It's a good garden!

Crow standing on a street sign with autumn trees in the background

Crow standing on a street sign with autumn trees in the background

And here I am at my own garden... which is much more dead and much less impressive than the Solidarity Garden.

Garden Plot

But I do have my own flowers...

Borage blooms

And I'm still collecting food.

Harvested veggies layiing on the ground

The Butternuts are small, but they still make my backpack bulge and difficult to close!

I found this Tomatillo husk has skeletonized!

Skeletonized husk of a Tomatillo

Skeletonized husk of a Tomatillo

Garden Work!
Wednesday 30 October 2024

Red sky morning, Sailor take warning.

I didn't have the camera when I was taking the mail out to the mail box, first thing this morning. But it was a beautiful sunrise!

The clouds rolled in by the time I was ready for my walk. There's 100% chance of rain today, it's 47° as I'm getting out the door and there's a good breeze, 10mph... so I'm wearing a heavy shirt under the rain jacket for the first time today.

Autumn trees with the hill in the background

I arrive at the garden and one of the beautiful plots in the front... What the HELL?

Garden Plot

Someone has bent the metal posts, holding up these re-purposed wood pallets, which are now broken all to heck. WHY? Who did this? This is where the cute little succulents were living, that I've taken so many photos of.

jerks. Why do humans have to be so horrible.

And, GAH. Just the wastefulness alone, pisses me off... Those metal posts can't be reused ever again, bent like that, they are just trash. ... assholes!

Sighs. Well. I go to the shed and get a heavy fork. I've got work to do today.

I'm going to pull out the front Sungold...

Garden Plot

I had to use the fork to get it out... it was well attached to the ground! I'm always surprised at how substantial the roots of the Sungolds are!

Next up, pulling out the dead Zucchinis and murdering me some Comfrey!

dead zucchini plants

Arg! It starts sprinkling! I hate working in the rain! But I'm bound and determined to dig up some Comfrey roots.

The dirt is nice and soft and I'm able to get some longer roots out!

Comfrey roots in a bucket

It's been a year since I've started trying to kill the Comfrey. I wonder how much longer it will take!

Here's the After picture... I do need to weed that grass out as well. But not today.

Garden plot

That green thing near the middle of the pic is the happy Columbine.

The last ripe butternut, another small one. There are two more, but they are pale, not the right colour... Can I eat them if they aren't ripe?

Harvested butternut squash laying on the ground

Yes. The internets say cooking up an unripe Butternut will taste more like zucchini. No sweetness, but it's fine.

While I've been working, there's a city crew out on the bike path...

Work truck outside the garden

They are repairing a couple lights... wires stolen for the cooper. And then they are placing these 900 pound blocks on top of the access panels, to prevent further theft.

My little Gentleman Friend, the male Anna Hummingbird is still defending his territory... He's been singing nearby. But when I get the camera he flies off!

And Rudra has been hanging out as well! First here...

Red Shoulder Hawk sitting in a tree

And then in a tree on the other side of the bike path.

Hawk standing in a tree

I'm leaving the garden to see if I can get close enough for more pics... Here's what our new 900 pound blocks look like!

Work truck and a block next to the bike path

And, no. Rudra doesn't let me get close enough for photos this time.

Red Shoulder Hawk standing in a tree

She's got places to go!

Red Shoulder Hawk flying away

Red Shoulder Hawk flying away

A Dull Day
Thursday 31 October 2024

It's sprinkling off and on this morning, and there's a breezy wind blowing as well.

Trees in a grassy field

The weather page says the wind is 12mph today. The climate change wind began in earnest in January... and I am still trying to figure out how to estimate the annoying wind...

Oh, nice. Here's a decent page...

Estimating Wind Speed

I'll have to study the chart a bit.

I'm walking the neighborhood zig zag today before hitting the garden. The trees at the edge of Gudu-Kut Park catch my attention.

Tall grasses in front of autumn trees

Looking down at the creek and bike path from a bridge

The Butternut Tree, so beautiful!

Tree over a city street

Tree over a city street

At the garden...

With the wind, I'm not coming across any birds... but it's hard to take pictures of the flowers, too! Argh! This thing is waving all over the stupid place and I get frustrated quickly!

blurry blue Bachelor Button bloom

Stupid wind, anyway.

Okay! here I am at my garden plot. Today I'm just going to put some more Fava beans down to fill this empty spot where the front Sungold was...

Garden Plot

I pulled it up yesterday. I took the plant to the compost heap, but I left all the fruits on the ground to add nutrients back to the dirt.

Now that I'm listening, I'm noticing the birds around me...

Rudra, the Red Shoulder Hawk flew away as I was coming into the Community Garden. A Song Sparrow bounced around in the dead Sunflower stalks nearby. I never saw the Towhee, but could hear Creeak the contact call.

And a little group of Juncos. But photography? Not so much!

Junco standing on a wire trellis


I've gotten the rest of the Tomatillos... almost all of them are much smaller than the husk. Not ripe, will probably be more intense lime flavor. That sounds good!

Harvested tomatillos laying on the ground

This is the back of the big trellis where the Wax Beans are. That's one of the two not-quite ripe Butternuts. And you can see the jungle of the Pot People's plot on the left, is still flowering happily.

garden plot

Their plot is pretty, but they still annoy the heck out of me! ... But at least they aren't evil like the neighbors there in the past.

On the way out, I glance back and am pleased at the growing Elephant Garlics.

Garlic growing in the garden plot

Hollyhocks are still blooming.

hot pink Hollyhock bloom

Oh my gosh... this is Death Wish Squirrel! That day he stood in the middle of the street as a car went by?!

Squirrel standing in the grass

ha. I'm surprised, but Glad he's still alive! (He's recognizable because he has a shorter than normal tail.)

And back at home... The first Butternut I picked had a small bug hole in it. So I knew I'd have to cook it up soon, before it went bad.

Cut up Butternut squash in a glass pan

Turns out it wasn't ripe, either, even tho it looked like a normal Butternut on the outside. The seeds were extremely hard to dig out, they were surrounded by hard flesh rather than that stringy stuff.

And it wasn't sweet at all. It was fine to eat... but I really wanted the sweetness, so that was kind of disappointing.

Make Diseases Great Again: Trump team says they're coming for vaccines
if the former president is given a second term in office, his administration will work to pull vaccines off the market.

Seeing this anti-vax bullshit completely mainlined... really disturbs me and pisses me off.

Portland police say ballot box arsonist has 'wealth of experience' with welding, metal fabrication

I hope they catch this evil guy. If you don't like democracy, get out of America!

Felon #45 can get out of America, as well, since he wants to be a dictator on Day One.