
Sunday Stroll with Flowers and a Hummer
Sunday 1 September 2024

Not as hot today, to be 82° (28°C). A bit of breeze feels nice too, and it's moving the clouds around.



Aster blooms

... I used to have Asters in my Garden plot. And then I had Oregon Sunshine. Maybe I should go for some Asters again next year?

Honey Bee on a yellow and red Echinacea bloom

Fuchsia blooms

Trees on the hill

And a wander thru the Community Garden.

Orange Snapdragon blooms

Deep red Snapdragon blooms

Pink Echinacea blooms

Zinnia blooms in pinks and oranges

Okay, here I am at my plot. Maybe I'll run the hoe today... there's a bit of grass coming up in the main pathway. Can't have that. *rolls eyes*

Garden Plot

There's not as many Wax Beans to pick today, thank goodness! *laughs* I've frozen two batches now, and still have loads more in the fridge that I need to do! So tired of Wax Beans!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Big tomato ripening on the vine

And the Black Tomatoes!!

Green tomatoes on the vine

Oh! My new Hummingbird companion!

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis

He's easily distracted, tho!

Anna Hummingbird, looking behind

The volunteer Sunflower in the Tofu Patch makes me happy... Loads of blooms, tho they are all pretty small.

Sunflower blooms

Back at home, I'm eating the first Black Tomato!!

Tomato sliced on a cutting board

hmmm. It's fine. Just kind of a standard tomato taste. It's good, but nothing special.

And while I'm here with the camera, this is the state of the potted Pansies.

Small, yellow Pansy blooms

Still sprawling!

Pansy blooms

Today with Birds
Monday 2 September 2024

Cloudy and nice today.

Trees on the hill with fog

ha, this amuses me... Someone's Squash plant is escaping the Community Garden!

Squash with a flower coming thru a wood and wire fence

But today I'm walking on past the Garden! I'll still have to water the new Seascape Strawberries, and gather the harvest. But since I won't have to water all the plants, I've got a bit of extra time. And I'm walking!

The Willow tree that lost it's huge limb in the January ice storm.

Willow tree

It's so beautiful, I'm glad they saved it.

Willow stump under the leaves

Shade under the willow tree

Oh, awesome! A Green Heron!

Green Heron standing on a branch

My Dad doesn't think she looks very green and maybe we should call this one Little Blue Heron... There is a Little Blue Heron who lives on the eastern side of the US and down thru Mexico and South America. They are incredibly beautiful as well: Little Blue Heron.

Green Heron

On my way back to the garden, a guy on a bike stops to chat. We run into each other on a regular basis, and it turns out we live in the same apartment complex! ha!

I should have asked his apartment number so I can give him some Wax Beans and Zucchini! Bahaha!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

The Sunflower in the Tofu Patch has a bloom that says 4 O'Clock! Haha... the petals in the 4 o'clock positions are darker!

Sunflower bloom

A Scrub Jay goes after some sunflower seeds!

Scrub Jay surrounded by Sunflower blooms

Close up of a Scrub Jay in front of a spent Sunflower bloom

One of the stunted volunteer Sunflowers at the front of the plot, getting ready to bloom a lot!

Sunflower buds

And a House Finch, eating Hawthorn pomes, right outside the Garden.

House finch standing in a Hawthorn tree

A Day
Tuesday 3 September 2024

There's some cute little clouds at the horizon, but they are burning off, even as I watch!

Clouds in a blue sky

It's mild again today, but the forecast says 90s thru to the weekend. Peaking at 99° (37°C) on Thursday. Ugh.

Sunflower blooms with a blue sky

There's lots of little Zucchinis coming on to all three plants! I give them all extra water!

Yellow zucchinis growing on the vine

The plants that I never water, tho? The Sunchokes! Those things are tough as nails! (The tall plant behind the Tofu Patch Sunflower.)

Sunflower in front of a Sunchoke plant

That one, unfortunately, is right on the border with the left side neighbor... the plot that got vandalized. I might have new neighbors there next year, so I should probably dig that one up as much as I can over the winter. We really shouldn't have tall things growing at the border of the plots, and it annoys me when other people do it!

Fortunately, there's a second, smaller Sunchoke growing at the corner of the front garden square. I had planted that one, and it's a much better spot for a tall plant, but thought the slugs had killed it. It's growing, but got a late start. We'll see how it goes!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

At home I boiled and bagged / froze my third round of wax beans... I had forgotten how quickly Wax Beans go bad in the fridge! I need to start freezing some more!

I think I have a technique down.

I rinse and cut Wax Beans, but don't fill the pan quite as full... that one day of 88 beans was too much! One flat spoon of salt, 3 cups water, and 26min at 90%.

Dump the water, let it cool down, then bag up and into the freezer.

That will be good food for my Casserole Bowls or some soups or even just eating straight up... I'm sick of eating Wax Beans right now, but these will be great again in the winter!

The new Seascape Strawberries seem to be doing well and greening up... tho I'm not sure about that one smaller clump on the left.

Strawberry plants in the ground

And the previously established Strawberries are happy with the extra watering too.

The volunteer Sunflower at the edge of the Wax Bean trellis...

Sunflower blooms and a blue sky

I think that's the tallest Sunflower I've had in the plot for a long time! It's probably almost 8feet!

Heading home.

Vulture flying in the sky

Oh hey! It's the new Heron, No Patches!

Great Blue Heron walking in shallow water

Ha, poor thing has a terrible name... But if she'd show up more often, I would have more time to think up a nicer name! :)

Garden and a Goldfinch Fledgling
Wednesday 4 September

Cloudy and mild this morning, tho the forecast says 94° today. The clouds burn off but the remaining haze keeps the high temperature to 91° (33°C).

Foggy trees in the distance

Oh boy. It's going to be one of Those days.

Blurry bird

Well, great. Maybe I will look at plants instead!

This is an interesting thing! A Purple Shamrock from South America...

Purple Shamrock

A pretty shade of Glads.


And some Penstemons hanging out with the tomatoes!

Pink Penstemon blooms with green tomatoes ripening on the vine

And here's my beautiful volunteer Sunflower in the Tofu Patch.

Sunflower blooms with a Honey Bee

That Honey Bee gives you an idea about how small the blooms are! Cute lil bee!

European Honey Bee on a sunflower bloom

I know, I'm obsessing about the stupid strawberries. But I have to water them so much to get to this level of coming back to life! ha.

Strawberry plants

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Sunflower blooms


Tomatillo husks growing on the vine

I am wandering around in the Community Garden again... It's so nice when I'm the only human here!

Lavender and yellow Zinnia blooms

Yellow Zinnia blooms

Okay! Finally the camera is going to be agreeable to the birds! Yay!

Goldfinch standing on a drooping stem of sunfower

That little wing motion means this is a fledgling.

Goldfinch fledgling

Oh my gosh! Here's one of the parents!!

Goldfinch fledgling with a parent

Oh Wow!

Goldfinch fledgling being fed by a parent

Oh Bleh! Slimy!! Haha!!!

Goldfinch fledgling being fed by a parent

Well that was awesome!

Goldfinch flegling begs for more

Cosmos blooms

I head home, but decide to walk a loop around the park...

Oh my gosh! The artist came back to repaint this Little Free Panty!

Little Free Pantry in a park

Thank goodness. Remember that green monstrosity? I mean, it was art... but this? This is ART! *laughs*

Little Free Pantry with a crow painted on the side

And then at home... Mr Unnamed!

Western Grey Squirrel standing on a tree trunk

Thursday 5 September 2024

To be 99° (37°C) today and there's a excessive heat warning thru to tomorrow night. So I'm off to the garden to water like crazy!

But because we had most of two weeks with unusually cool weather in August... including a couple very chilly nights... Ugh. Well, parts of the garden are quite done for.

The Lemon Cucumber are dead. And the Brandywine is dead...

Tomatoes on a dead vine

The stems are still green, so the remaining tomatoes should ripen up. But the leaves are all dead, so there won't be any more tomatoes coming on.

sighs. But lets look at it a different way:

Borage and Dandelion blooms in front of the dying tomato plant

*laughing* at my own joke!!

Well, I'm happy to have gotten a few Brandywines this year. After all, some years I get zero!

Tomato ripening on the vine

And, anyway... I've got two other plants supplying me with big tomatoes! The Old German is SOOO good... fruity and light, no acid at all. Very tasty and unique. Def growing this one again!

Big tomatoes ripening on the vine

And the Black Tomatoes are good, normal tasting tomatoes.

Tomatoes ripening on the vine

Altho... now that I'm looking at them, the Old German and the Black Tomato seem to have a bunch of dying leaves as well. foo. Stupid climate change weather, anyway.

Tomato plants with brown leaves

The Sungold is still fine, of course. It's a good tough plant. But I've not been eating any, lately. The cool weather took the sweetness away, and they just don't taste good. meh.

Since I'm still obsessing about the new Seascape Strawberries, here's a different view from the back, with the happy, established strawberry plants front and center. I should look up to see what type of strawberries they are.

Strawberry plants in the garden

oh, haha! There's a couple volunteer squashes coming out of the compost I dumped! Too funny!

Squash seedlings coming up past mulch

And all the plants in the Squash Square are doing well except the Crookneck... I probably should have cleared that Smartweed out. Oh well, it's pretty and makes the bees happy!

Squash blossoms and Smartweed

So I Thought the Buckwheat seeds would be eaten by the birds. But I'm seeing several stems chopped off...

Buckwheat seeds on a plant

I'm thinking a squirrel nipped off the whole seed head, and took it away to eat or bury somewhere! Haha! I'm happy to supply anyone's winter meals!

And for my meals:

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Yep, I'm freezing another batch of Wax Beans at home today!

And then, the Zucchinis in the Supplementary Squash Square... You can see the Yellow Zuc on the right is losing some leaves. That's from the Squash Beetles.

Zucchini plants in the garden

The Squash Beetles attacked the big Green Zuc on the left, too, but it's perfectly fine. And production here hasn't been affected at all here, tho the Crookneck in the Squash Square is half murdered. So that's a bummer.

But, if I just step back a few steps... the happy flowers cover up all that!

Garden plot

The cute little -- well, stunted, heh -- volunteer sunflowers!

Sunflower blooms

This one is really gearing up!

Sunflower in the garden

Home, and here's Mr Unnamed!

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk with a nut in his mouth

It's nice that he's more willing to sit for some photography!

Birds and Flowers at the Garden
Friday 6 September 2024

Good Morning My Dear.

Squirrel sitting on the step

Bleh, it's 70° (21°C) already when I leave the house this morning, to be 93° (34°C) today. But I guess we survived the 99° of yesterday... and there's some cooler temperatures in the forecast again, next week to look forward to.

Trees on the hill

The haze is pretty bad, again today.

Bike Path

This cute lil Downy Woodpecker - heh, molting! - did not stick around for photography.

Downy Woodpecker standing on a wood fence

The Goldfinches are fun to watch too. These are American Goldfinches, who have migrated in for the winter.

Goldfinches standing on wire trellis, eating crab grass seeds

Goldfinch standing on a sunflower

And some House Finches make an appearance.

House Finch standing on a stick

The funny Spaghetti Squash x Delicata Hybrid... Stripetti!

Striped Spaghetti Squash growing on the vine


Tomatillo husks hanging from the plant

The Pot People neighbors have a flower explosion.


And a bunch of their stuff is leaning into my plot. It annoys me when I walk on that side... even tho I love their Sunflowers and Cosmos!

pink Cosmos blooms

And Zinnias!

Yellow Zinnia

Tomatoes ripening on the vine


Honey Bee on a Sunflower bloom

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Cute Spider sitting on a Calendula. And that red-violet thing is Amaranth.

Spider sitting on a yellow Calendula bloom

A Buckwheat seed head.

Buckwheat blooms and seeds

Partner got a call from our mechanics this afternoon.

The car broke down almost a month ago, and I don't know what the heck they've been doing with it all this time!

But, whatever! They've re-wired the ignition sensor, so it only cost 260$ instead of 700$.

That's still an expensive proposition, seeing how we paid the 700$ just three months ago. But it is convenient to have a car.

Watching Goldfinches
Saturday 7 September 2024

Another hot day, to be 91° (33°C) and the haze is still bad.

Trees on the hill

Crow flying past the trees on the hill

*laughs* Wouldn't stay still for me!

Squirrel hanging and hidden in an oak tree with green acorns

Goldfinch standing on a spent Sunflower bloom

Everyone is busy eating!

Goldfinches eating from Sunflower heads


Goldfinch eating from a Sunflower head

Goldfinch eating from a Sunflower head, hanging upside down

Goldfinch hanging from a spent Sunflower head

Goldfinch on a Sunflower heaad

Goldfinches on Sunflower heads

Goldfinches on Sunflower heads

Goldfinch standing on a Sunflower

Okay! I think we can all agree the Goldfinches are super cute! Moving on!

Here I am at my plot. The stunted volunteer Sunflowers in the front are blooming more and more every day! And the Giant Marigolds have been steadily producing flowers!

Garden plot

Today I'm going to pull out some of the Borage behind the Zucchinis. It reminds me of why I love Borage so much... hardly any weeds or grass can grow up between all the Borage leaves, and it's so easy to clear out!

Zucchini plants

I thought I might plant some Fava there, for winter cover crop... but when I got done, I realized the clear spot gave me easier access to the volunteer Tomatillo at the back of the Tofu Patch.

The volunteer squashes coming out of the compost I dumped here... amuse me. In the spring, I have such a hard time getting the squash plants to live thru the hungry slugs. But these are growing, unaccosted!

Squash seedlings and compost

The new Seascape Strawberries.

Strawberry plants in the ground

The Crookneck was mostly killed by Squash Beetles... but it's going to try to live some more!

Crookneck fruit growing on the vine

Ha! Almost a rainbow of harvest today!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I ran out of time to gather Wax Beans. At home today, I'm boiling and freezing yet another batch!

Sunday Stroll with Cosmos and Tomatillos
Sunday 8 September 2024

Trees on the hill

Goldfinch standing on a wire trellis

Oh my gosh! A White Crown Sparrow! First of the season! How was Canada, My Dear?

White Crown Sparrow standing on a twig

Goldfinch surrounded by Cosmos blooms and leaves

If I could paint, I would perfect this scene! *laughs*

Goldfinch behind Cosmos blooms

As much as my right side, Pot People neighbors have irritated me this year... Their flower explosion is quite lovely!

Pink Cosmos blooms

Yay! I Will have some Tomatillos!

Tomatillos with open husks, on the vine

All the volunteer Tomatillo plants got a late start, and I wasn't sure if they would live long enough for fruits!

When they first break open their husks, they are still pretty green -- ha! They stay that colour! what I mean is Unripe! So I usually wait for them to fall off the plant before I harvest them.

Tomatillo with a broken husk, on the vine

This is one of the stunted Sunflowers in the front of the plot... I had to crouch down on the ground to get this shot! Haha!

Sunflower blooms and a blue sky

The Sungold plants are loaded with fruits... But since they lost their sweetness after the Climate Change cool weather of August, they just don't taste good. I haven't been picking any.

Sungold cherry tomato plant

The amusing volunteer squash seedlings, growing out of the compost! I wonder what they are! Zuc? Crookneck? Straightneck? Probably not Patty Pan. But who knows!! *laughs*

Squash Seedlings

And I think these are carrots growing from the compost, too. I don't grow carrots, but we eat them pretty regularly... I'm sure this is just some carrot tops, coming back to life!

Carrot plants growing

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Okay. Let's get outta here. But first, more from the flower explosion!

White Cosmos bloom

Many Cosmos blooms

White Cosmos blooms

I can never remember this butterfly's name: Hydaspe Fritillary.

Butterfly standing on the grass

What kind of word is Hydaspe, anyway?

(asking the internets...)

Oh! huh!

(Greek mythology) A god associated with the river.

Well, then! Maybe that will help me remember the word!

But then! Rummaging around the internets... we've got a bunch of different Fritillaries.

Brushfoot Butterflies of Oregon

Gardening and Birds
Monday 9 September 2024

Thick clouds this morning, instead of the usual haze. But the clouds clear out before too long and the day gets to be 88°, after a string of days in the 90s. Normal for this time of year is 80°.

foggy trees on the hill

Purple and pink Morning Glory blooms on a chain link fence

Orange Zinnia blooms

Goldfinch peeking thru leaves

Goldfinch standing on a plant stalk

This Goldfinch is eating Chicory seeds...

Goldfinch standing on a Chicory stem

But what is this interesting plant?

Goldfinch standing on a plant

It looks like the Goldfinches really like whatever it is. I want it for my own plot!

Goldfinch standing on a plant

Meantime, everyone else is eating Sunflower seeds!

House Finch on a Sunflower head

Scrub Jay standing on a sunflower stalk


Scrub Jay catching a seed

Cosmos blooms

Okay. Here I am at my garden plot... and here's the front right, which I haven't been showing lately.

Garden Plot

After all, the Marigolds and stunted Sunflowers you see in the top left are a much happier entrance to the plot. This is just the dead Lemon Cucumbers and all the Borage and Amaranth I've let grow for the bugs and birds!

I'm not doing much... but there's some Bermuda Grass reaching in from the pathway that's got to go. A bit of Crab Grass as well.

Garden Plot

Ha. I've learned the names of those different grasses, but I don't know what the regular grass is, that I'm always pulling out, with the white roots. Quack Grass, maybe?

Corner done!

Garden plot

I also cleared the right side border... not easy since the stupid Pot People have lined the edge of their plot with big plants that are getting in my way:

Garden plot

damn them.

But I also discovered that the Aubergine has fallen over, because it's fruits are so heavy. Ha.

With the weeding and the watering, I don't have time to pick much today.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

But I am easily distracted. The Leeks are so pretty!

Leeks in the garden plot

And the Soybeans are ridiculously stunted, but they are making some pods anyway!


They should be 3 or 4 feet tall, you know, a meter or more! But here they are, barely 1foot! ha, poor things!


Oh well.

Goldfinch on a Red Amaranth bloom

Goldfinch on a Red Amaranth bloom

A New Walk, with Yellow Jackets!
Tuesday 10 September 2024

We've got 100% rain tomorrow, and I've decided to not water today at the garden. I still need to go get the day's harvest, but I'm going for a good Walk first!

I'm walking thru the neighborhoods, kind of zig zagging across the bike path. Seeing new things!

This is a city park called Gudu-Kut Natural Area...

Natural area with shade trees and tall grass

It must be a wet prairie because Gudu-Kut is a Kalapuya word for Frog! The city website says this natural area is home to the Pacific Chorus Frog. The creek runs at the back of the park, and the bike path is on the other side... So I never even knew this place existed!

One of my zigs takes me over a bridge that I would normally be walking under.

Looking down at the bike path next to the creek


I walk a little bit further... and some flying and motion on the ground catches my attention...

Yellow Jackets on the ground with prey

Some Yellow Jackets are taking down some prey!

Adult Yellow Jackets are vegetarian. They only eat nectar.

But their babies need meat to eat! So Yellow Jackets bring them bugs or whatever.

And that's why they show up at your picnic... it's perfect for them! The adults sip at your coke, and then cut off a bit of your burger or hot dog to bring home to the kids!


At first I can only see that the prey is a dark colour and I think they've gotten a Roly Poly.

Yellow Jacket attacking prey in the grass

But no! Oh my gosh, they're taking down a Devil's Coach Horse!!

Yellow Jacket stinging a Devils Coach Horse

Wow! This is so amazing! The Coach Horse has been subdued and other Yellow Jackets move in.

Yellow Jackets pile onto the prey in the grass

I am being watched! Both from the ground...

Yellow Jackets piling onto prey in the grass

And by others, flying around.

Yellow Jackets on a Devils Coach Horse in the grass

But they understand that I am being utterly respectful.

I love Yellow Jackets. They are awesome little creatures!

Yellow Jackets piled onto prey, with others flying around

Well. I leave them to it, and head back to the garden.

And I've decided to water the new Seascape Strawberries, after all!

Strawberry plants in the garden

The volunteer Squash seedlings coming out of the compost! I watered them too!

Squash seedlings

And then I gather the veggies! All the tomatoes today are Black Toms.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

And, yeah. Those are some dried up Elephant Garlics!

I accidentally brushed by the clump, and they just pulled out of the ground! ha, okay.

You've got a peanut in the shell? Haha, are you going to bury it in the Community Garden?

Squirrel holding a peanut in the shell

Pink Zinnia bloom

So the debate tonight is between Harris and Felon #45...

*giggles* Oh how the tide has turned!

Close up of a pink Zinnia

A Rainy Day, and some politics
Wednesday 11 September 2024

Mr Unnamed...

Squirrel hanging from the side of a tree trunk

It rained from about 3am to 6am. Maybe. I wasn't very awake. heh.

I'm wearing my rain jacket for my walk today. Mostly because it's chilly and I hoped I wouldn't need it for actual rain.

Spoiler: I got poured on! haha!

Foggy trees on the hill

I walked on past the garden. I kept seeing wildlife... But with the clouds and the dreary and everybody is just a bit too far away anyway. Well. Blurry, blurry photos!

Wood Pewee standing on a twig
Red Shoulder Hawk standing in a pine tree

Well. Never mind!

Here's a cute and clueless fledgling!

Crow standing in the grass

I love seeing all the fledglings this time of year!

Close up of a Crows face

And just after my turn around point is when the rain starts pouring down! The ducks are happy, I suppose.

Ducks on the bank and paddling in the creek

A couple of the males are still in eclipse plumage! The duck on the far left is a male, as well the middle Mallard on the water. And, of course, the duck at the bottom is close to his normal plumage.

The rain is still heavy when I reach the Community Garden.

Community Garden plots with foggy trees in the distance

But the front left of the plot is as cheerful as ever!

Flowers in a garden plot

I don't think I've EVER gathered zucs and tomatoes in the pouring rain! Our rainy season doesn't start until October, so all of these rain showers we've gotten in the last month or so, are highly unusual! Climate Change.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

On my way out, I crouch down to get the full effect from the Stunted Sunflowers!


Okay. As I said! The tide has turned.

I didn't actually watch the debate with Harris and Felon 45 last night... I think the previous debate with Biden kind of traumatized me, and I was content to read about other people's reactions, after the fact!

And pretty much everyone's reactions are about the same!

Kamala Harris absolutely killed it at the debate by Kos

Days in politics don't get much better than this for Democrats by Mark Sumner

Tonight was a victory for journalism and democracy. David Muir, Linsey Davis, thanks for your part. (About the real time, fact checking that happened.)

So this is great.

When Biden first dropped out, I felt betrayed. Biden was our nomination. The people nominated Biden!

And I didn't know much about Harris. But I've learned more. And her prosecuting attorney skills were out and shining for this debate.

And I'm excited. We are going to have our first woman president, and I almost have hope that the USA is going to continue get better now.

Yeah. Almost. Hope is a dangerous emotion... Especially for American politics.

We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Because there is a lot of MAGA evil to clear out. With Trump out of the picture, that will be easier, I think. But it won't be smooth sailing.

Politics Continued... Happy Book News!
Wednesday 11 September 2024

There's just all kinds of happy news today!

Tomorrow Will Be Different by Sarah McBride

Sarah McBride just won her primary and is likely to become the first trans member of Congress It was a landslide election, with McBride winning nearly 80% of the vote.

Wow! This is so cool and I'm so pleased!

I enjoyed her book Tomorrow Will Be Different. I read it a few years ago and it's stuck with me. So of course, I just love her! :)


The Pengooms by Paul Castle

Short, Paul going crazy that Tim Walz, future vice president... mentioned his books?

*laughs* Paul is so sweet! But I would assume everyone thinks of And Tango Makes Three, the very delightful banned book about a penguin family.

But it's true, Paul's book is about penguins as well!!

His book is a bit expensive, but you can watch him reading it here...

The Pengrooms, Read Aloud by Paul Castle (and background music is played by his partner, Matthew!)

Thursday 12 September 2024

I am walking the zig-zag along the bike path again today, and I decide to walk around Gudu-Kut Natural Area. They have mowed a big swath around the edges, and I think I can just walk a U-shape around the park.

Grassy area with some trees

They've left the middle of the park in it's natural state. Since this is home to Pacific Chorus Frogs, it's undoubtedly wet prairie... and in the winter this will all be a big puddle or maybe even a pond. I will have to check it out!

Grassy area with some trees

I get to the back of the park and here's the creek... The bike path is on the other side, but when I see the fence I realize... That Willow tree in the photo above? Ha, I've been looking at it from the bike path for years! I never realized it was in a park!

Creek and a wood fence

It's good to get a different perspective sometimes!! :)

What a cool little natural area! And as I was walking back to the sidewalk, thru this mowed area... I heard a frog!!!

Grassy area with trees

I get back around to the garden.


I'm gathering the days Wax Beans but the Zucs coming on are still on the small side, and I don't feel like messing with the tomatoes.

Harvested Wax Beans laying on the ground

I notice the peppers in Kevin's plot. Aren't they pretty!!

Peppers ripening on the vine

I don't grow any kind of peppers, myself. I don't like them. And haha, I know! I'm a weird vegan who doesn't like peppers!

Peppers ripening on the vine

And the cute little volunteer Squash plants growing from the compost!

Squash seedlings

As I leave, I crouch down to show the stunted sunflowers to advantage! Barely a meter tall, but so many blooms!


Goldfinch standing on a wire trellis

At home, I'm assessing the veggie situation.

I've currently got 13 zucs... That's a lot, and I'm eating them like crazy. So far I haven't had to throw any out, except for the few that went bad in the fridge at the beginning of this adventure. I didn't realize how quickly the Yellow Zucchinis go bad in the fridge!

Since then, I'm storing all the summer squashes on the counter. They last a lot longer that way!

The tomatoes are a thing of beauty. *laughs*

Harvested tomatoes gathered on a plate on the counter

The colour combinations with the big, orange Old Germans, and the darker Black Tomatoes, and the single red Brandywine. I don't know. It's just nice to look at! :)

Harvested tomatoes gathered on a plate on the counter

Fun Birds!
Friday 13 September 2024

It's so chilly this morning, I'm wearing my rain jacket for warmth. But the clouds are moving around and the sun will warm things up to 78° today.

Normal for this time of year is 79° (26°C) but the Autumn temperatures started a month ago, and I'm nostalgic for summer already.

Puffy clouds and blue sky over the bike path

The humidity is up tho... 93% and I'm happy to see some Roly Polies out. They have gills, so they can only walk free when the air is humid.

Roly Poly walking on the path

Trees on the hill

I am walking the Neighborhood Zig Zag again, looking at interesting things. This? I have no idea!

Unknown seed balls hanging from a tree

I go around the front of the Events Center...

Trees over the sidewalk

That sign between the tree trunks says Dahlia Show This Weekend. Well, that sounds interesting! When I look it up online, the hours on Saturday are in the afternoon. But it opens at 10am on Sunday, and there's no entrance fee!

The wild Chicory still has a few blooms.

Chicory bloom in the grass

A Downy Woodpecker up in the dead Leaning Tree.

Downy Woodpecker standing up on a twig

And who's this?

White Crown Sparrow standing at the top of a pine tree

Oh cool! Juvenile White Crown Sparrow. A winter visitor, they are flying down from Canada!

White Crown Sparrow standing at the top of a pine tree

The American Goldfinches are winter visitors as well, but they didn't have far to fly. Short distance migrant.

Goldfinch standing on a plant stalk

Goldfinch flying away, surrounded by spent Sunflower blossoms

Goldfinch sitting on a Sunflower branch

The Goldfinches are happily chowing down on Sunflower seeds!

Goldfinch on a Sunflower seed head

In my garden plot, the volunteer Sunflower in the Tofu Patch is looking pathetic...

Garden plot

The branches are all drooping and Squirrels have taken the bigger flowers, for the seeds. Mostly just tiny blooms are left. That's fine, tho I do hope some seeds have gotten to the ground so another Sunflower grows next year!

A big branch from the bean trellis Tomatillo has also drooped to the ground. I should have put it in a tomato cage.

Harvested zucchinis laying on the ground with a tomatill branch with fruits and flowers

The new Seascape Strawberries are doing okay. That single leaf strawberry in the lower left has some kind of wood sorrel? growing with it and that makes me happy!

Strawberry plants

And the cute lil volunteer Squashes growing out of the compost.

Squash seedlings

I saved this clump of clover when I cleared out the Snap Pea Patch. It was shocked by the removal of all it's shade and sun protection, but has recovered nicely!


And I think that's a Carrot leaf, also growing from the compost!

To be continued!

Fun Birds, Continued!
Friday 13 September 2024

Oh my gosh, too cute!

Two Goldfinches on Red Amaranth

heh, overexposed. Let's see if I can get the camera settings corrected!

Goldfinch standing on a Red Amaranth catkin

These are American Goldfinches munching on a Red Amaranth!

Two Goldfinches standing on a Red Amaranth catkin

Goldfinch standing on a Red Amaranth catkin

And the lovely Cosmos in the Pot People's flower explosion.

White Cosmos blooms in a garden plot

White Cosmos bloom

The Hollyhocks are drooped over, but still blooming!

Dark red Hollyhock blooms

On the walk home, I run into a flock of Bushtits. They bounce around way too fast, and the focus on the camera cannot keep up. But I decide to click a few times in their general direction!

Most of the photos look like this...

Blurry photo

Bahaha! But it makes me appreciate the ... uh ... Less Imperfect pics!

Bushtit standing on a twig, looking away

Bushtit hanging from a hemlock branch

They are on a Poison Hemlock plant... and definitely eating the seeds.

Bushtit eating Poison Hemlock seeds

Stupid stick!

Bushtit hanging from a Poison Hemlock flower cluster

But dang, they are cute!

Bushtit standing on a railing

Bushtit standing in a dandelion type plant

But... yeah.

Bushtit standing on a twig, looking away

Todays Walk and Garden
Saturday 14 September 2024

Trees on the hill

I am walking the Neighborhood Zig Zag again today and here is the story of Death Wish Squirrel.

I needed to cross the street, but could see a car coming so I turned onto the sidewalk instead. Mr Death Wish Squirrel was just standing in the middle of the damn road. He was in the middle turn lane, but just sitting there.

And the car is getting closer, and I'm all, Dude! What are you doing?! And the car comes up, and they have slowed down a little, but I'm still frozen in terror!

The squirrel doesn't move from the turn lane and the car goes on by without squishing him dead!

Phew! I can breathe again!

And then the guy walking his long hair chihuahua on the other side of the street says, He's almost gotten run over TWICE.

And I'm all: Oh sheesh! He heard me talking to the wildlife!


I walk around Gudu-Kut Natural Area again. I don't hear any frogs this time, but I do find this...

Basil blooms

Ha, I think it's Basil! Never thought I'd see Basil in the wild!

I didn't attempt any Basil in my garden this year. The slugs like to munch the baby plants to death, and it's just really hard to keep alive in the spring. I should try planting it later!

I keep walking, out past the dead Leaning Tree.

Fallen and Dead Leaning Tree

And then I come back on the bike path... The cute little minnows are still hanging around in the creek near where the 2nd Barn Swallow family had their nest.

Three minnows swimming in water

And then I'm back at the garden. Ha! I've walked 3½ miles just to get here!

Dark red Hollyhock blooms with blue sky

The sunshine and blue sky makes everything look all cheerful.

Sunflowers blooming in the garden plot

But when I come around the corner... AWW, the end of the big Yellow Zucchini plant has wilted to death! WHY!

Zucchini plant in the garden plot

The dirt around it is not dry, so maybe it was the cold nights?

The good news is that this plant actually started fruiting at it's other end! I'm not sure why, and I've never seen a zucchini make fruit at two ends... but here we are. And I assume it will keep making squashes at it's other end!

The Compost Squashes are still okay!

Squash seedlings

And while the Squash Square doesn't look great with the big Crookneck mostly dead, the smaller squash plants there are still fine.

Squash plants growing and blooming

The abundance of life here makes me happy... the blue flowers are Borage, and the pink things are Smartweed.

Squash bloom

All making the bugs happy... but uh... guys? Are you just sitting there, drinking up the nectar?? That's NOT how this is supposed to work! You're not pollinating anything!

Beetles in a squash flower

*laughs* That's a Spotted Cucumber Beetle, and the other one you can't really see is a Striped Cucumber Beetle.

Here's the bean trellis Sunflower... prob 7 or 8 feet tall!

Sunflower blooms and blue sky

And the top of the Sunchoke... it's well over 7 feet tall too.

Sunchoke and the blue sky

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

And I'm still fascinated by the neighbor's flower explosion.

White Cosmos blooms in the garden plot

Pink Zinnia with white and orange flowers in the background


Pink Zinnia with white and orange flowers

Okay. Heading out. But first...

Goldfinch standing on a wire trellis with a rainbow windsock

Goldfinch standing on a wire trellis

See Ya!

Goldfinches fly away from the wire trellis

Dahlia Show!
Sunday 15 September 2024

I'm heading to the Dahlia Show at the Events Center today... I've been looking forward to it!

I have no idea what to expect! But I assume there will be roots for sale, so I make sure I have some cash with me.

I walk out... oh foo, the back gate is locked.

Events Center thru a chain link fence

That's where I want to be! I keep walking... and the other walking gate is locked as well. Okay, I have to go all the way around to the back...

And then the museum gate is shut. And the big, main driveway gate is shut!

Seriously? I had to circle ALL the way around the Events Center and then to the other driveway... And then I had to walk thru the CAR gate, because the people gates on the sidewalks are closed as well!

Sheesh. Just say you don't want humans walking to your stupid event, will ya?! GAH.

I try to release my annoyance as I walk over, because I really am curious about the show!

I walk into the building... Well! This is a Complete Surprise!!!

Cut flowers

This is a cut flower competition?! Ha!

So. Okay! I start walking up and down the aisles.

The light in here is terrible, and I don't want to use the flash on the camera. So I jam the exposure up and try to steady my hands to take photos.

Some of the cut flowers have ribbons... They must have awarded them yesterday.

Cut flowers with ribbons

Okay. So! My Expectations have been adjusted and I settle down to do some photography!!!

There are hundreds... Thousands? of cut flowers in here!

Colourful cut Dahlia blooms in vases on a table

Big red and yellow Dahlia bloom

I get around to the other side of the building... and there are arrangements here! I love these!

Dahlia flower arrangement with a Puffin statue

Dahlia flower arrangement with a Puffin statue

This one says Best in Show, Water Feature.

Orange Dahlia blooms with Oak leaves and blue marbles in a basin

Orange Dahlia blooms with Oak leaves and blue marbles in a basin

But this little one is my favorite!

Garden Arrangement

Ha! It has Tomatillos in it!

Garden Arrangement

And Dill flowers! Oh! And some Sungolds are tucked in there as well!!

Garden Arrangement

And some Kale! And some kind of fancy cabbage! And I don't know what the tiny white flowers are, but they are cool too!

Garden Arrangement

*Laughs* Yep, that one definitely gets my vote!

Okay. Back to walking the aisles. I think I like the squiggly Dahlias the best!

Squiggly pink Dahlia bloom

But the variety of blooms is really astonishing!

Dahlia blooms

Cut Dahlias in vases on a table

Cut Dahlia blooms in vases

Squiggly Red violet Dahlia bloom

Star shaped Dahlia bloom

It is just crazy that these are ALL Dahlias! The Artificial Selection on display here just fascinates me!

Pink Dahlias

Close up of pink and yellow Dahlia bloom

Close up of a pink and white Dahlia bloom

Pink Dahlia with a large orange center

Purple Dahlia with a large center

Close up of a Dahlia

I've made my way around to the Flower Arrangements again...

This one is so simple, but the colours are amazing!

Yellow and Orange Dahlias with a blue fabric and sea shells

I really like this one too.

Beach Combing Arrangement

Close up of Beach Combing Arrangement

So, that was awesome! I'm so glad I went!

This is a place holder... I really want to talk about this video as well.

Margaret Atwood on the truth in The Handmaid's Tale

Garden Work
Monday 16 September 2024

I'm heading straight to the garden today. There's rain in the forecast and I want to get some work done before that happens!

Trees on the hill

On the way, there's a little flock of our Lesser Goldfinches bouncing around!

Male Lesser Goldfinch

Female Lesser Goldfinch

And then I get to the Community Garden, and I have it all to myself! So I have a little Walk About!

The flowers around our Bird Bath Art Installation are still lovely.

Bird bath with Zinnias

Zinnia blooms

Pink Cosmos blooms with yellow in the background


Pink Echinacea blooms

Okay. Here I am at my plot, and this is the front right corner I'm working on today...

Garden Plot

The trellis was for the Lemon Cucumbers, which died after the two weeks of cool weather we got in stupid August. So Disappointing! This was not the year that I got sick of eating Lemon Cucumbers... and I really thought I could do it because I had 12 plants!! Twelve! Stupid Climate Change.

Well anyway.

I left the wild Amaranth for the birds. And I left a couple over ripe Lemon Cucs for the soil. And I thought about leaving a couple Borage plants, but no... if the rain starts and it gets cooler, the Borage will all die off anyway.

Garden plot

Behind all that is the Eggplant.

Aubergine plant

I still haven't picked any.

Aubergines ripening on the plant

And in the back Squash Square... huh. What the heck is this??! Another mutant? *Laughs* It looks a bit like a Straightneck, except Straightnecks are yellow. and it's kind of furry, that's weird!

Unknown Squash on the vine

When I was clearing the front, I noticed how dry the dirt was. So I quickly watered the rest of the garden... I felt pretty weird about it too, ha, it's cloudy and there's 100% rain tomorrow!

Sunflowers and Zucchini plant in the background

So many tomatoes! I love how the Sungold has sprawled all over the Old German and Black tomato plants!

Tomato plants with fruits ripening

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I thought this was a volunteer Snap Pea, coming up behind the Strawberries. But now that it's gotten bigger, I recognize it! It's not a pea... It's a Fava! The first of the winter cover crop!

Fava seedling behind a strawberry leaf

Ha. I noticed someone has been taking apart the Marigold seed heads. A bunch of the seeds have just fallen...

Garden plot

Messy bird! I wonder if the seeds weren't yummy enough.

Marigold seeds on a leaf

Heading home.

Squirrel sitting on a wood fence

At home, Partner tells me he got an email about a Compliance Check at the Community Garden.

Which is... Interesting.

I double checked the Comm Garden Manual. There are compliance checks in late May, late July, and mid-December. Just the three checks and there isn't a fall or September compliance check... and I'm not sure what the point is, or what they are looking for?

I guess I will run the hoe again soon, since I know they don't like grass in the pathways. But Gah. What do they want??!


Squirrel sitting on a wood fence

More Garden Work
Tuesday 17 September 2024

Looks like today's rain won't get going until this afternoon, the forecast says 70% after 4pm. And I'm glad... that gives me the chance to run the hoe for the Surprise Garden Compliance check. *grumble*

Cloudy trees on the hill

You can see, there's a little bit of grass coming up in the pathway. I know they obsess about that, for whatever stupid reason. (Just MY grass, tho... they don't care about anyone else's grass.) *grumble* some more.

Garden Plot pathway

One of the plants in the Squash Square has climbed up the back of the Wax Bean Trellis. Butternut! I hope there's enough time left in the season for it to grow to full size and ripen!

Butternut squash growing on the vine

Oh, nice! There's a couple more, hidden under the leaves!

Butternuts growing on the vine

heh, the Cosmos are leaning over from the Pot People's garden plot... I have to step over them when I walk along the right side of my plot! Well. I step over their Cosmos, and I duck under their Sunflowers. Annoying.

Cosmos blooms with squash plants

It would be nice if the Garden Director, with all her surprise compliance checks, would make the Pot People follow the rules. You aren't supposed to have tall plants on the border of your plot, and your plants def shouldn't be intruding past your borders.

But the Director only hates me. Nothing will be done about others who don't follow the rules.

Okay. Back to the things that make me happy.

Like the cute little volunteer Fava, behind the Strawberries! Plenty of Borage seedlings coming up, too. But they will die back once the nights get chillier.

Strawberry plants with other seedlings coming up

And the other volunteers, the Squashes growing out of the compost! Unfortunately, they will die back with the cold as well. But they are cute right now!

Squash seedlings

The Soybeans are terribly stunted, but there are a few pods!

Green Soybean pods, hanging from the plant

The First Tomatillo!!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I've been checking the fruits on the plants... Tomatillos will fall off once they are ripe, so I give each of the big fruits a little tug. Nope, nope, nope.

But today, one has fallen to the ground! Yay!

Tomatillos are crisp and have a lime taste. You can add them to anything with tomatoes to elevate your meal with contrasting flavors!

Okay, the grass has been murdered, and running the hoe was a good work out for me!

Garden plot

Back at home, in the news...

Scientific American backs Harris, slams Trump: It's only the second time SA has endorsed a candidate

Oh, Heck Yeah! Proud to be a subscriber of Scientific American!

I like Daily Kos for the comments, but here's a direct link to the article at SciAm:

Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment Kamala Harris has plans to improve health, boost the economy and mitigate climate change. Donald Trump has threats and a dangerous record

Colourful Things
Wednesday 18 September 2024

Neighborhood Zig Zag again, in a different way. Isn't this tree glorious?!

Butternut tree over the street

And this is someones hell strip! Just stunning!

Yellow Lilies with Red Amaranth and purple Morning Glories

Never mind that Road Work sign! haha, just part of the landscape!

Morning Glory leaves and purple blooms

At the Community Garden. There are a couple gardeners who have Canna Lilies in their plot...

Orange Canna Lily blooms

The leaves are very lovely, but overall not really my thing.

This, behind the Cannas, I had to look up. Red Kuri.

Red Kuris on the vine

Not sure what these orange ones are.

Orange flowers

Yellow and red Zinnia blooms

Yellow and red Zinnia blooms

I'm at my plot, aw, one of the stunted Sunflowers in the front is all droopy, poor thing.

Drooping Sunflower blooms

Drooping Sunflower blooms

And I notice the Spaghetti Squash vines are quite dead. Great! I grab two... but my goodness they are small. Are they even 1 pound?

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

And a couple more Tomatillos that came off in my hand!! And the last Crookneck. sighs.

A neighbor has cut down their Red Amaranth... and I decide to do some seed gathering!

Red Amaranth seed stalks layiing on a ziplock bag on the ground

Are they mature enough for seeds? I rub a portion of a seed head stalk in my hands. Oh yeah! Tiny black seeds come out!

Heading out, but first I must admire the Hollyhocks!

Dark red Hollyhock blooms and the blue sky

Dark red Hollyhock blooms and the blue sky

Dark red Hollyhock blooms and the blue sky

And some Chrysanthemums!

Pink Mum blooms

Planting Fava
Thursday 19 September 2024

Morning clouds eventually broke up for a beautiful Autumn day. It's not summer anymore.

Trees on the hill

*laughs* I don't know about the vaguely cute green creature, but Sí se puede means Yes You Can! That's a nice sentiment!

Graffiti on a wall

Squirrel sitting on a wood fence

This tall thing is interesting...

Three Goldfinches standing on a Mullein stalk

This is Common Mullein, naturalized from Europe and northern Africa and Asia. It is easily managed, and makes all kinds of pollinators happy. And some seed eaters as well! So it's a friendly plant to have around!

Mullein is pronounced mull, like Mull it over, and linn, like the name.

Goldfinches standing on Sunflower stalks

Goldfinch standing on a spent Sunflower head

There's a couple House Finches spending time with the Goldfinches, but I guess they are less interested in the photography.

House Finch standing on a Sunflower stalk

Goldfinch standing on a broken Sunflower stalk

Okay! I'm at my garden plot and I'm going to plant a little bit of winter cover crop today!

a hand holding fava beans

These are Fava beans that I collected in 2023 from a cover crop that lived thru the winter. (This past winter's Favas were all killed in the ice storm of January, long before they could make beans.) The holes in the beans are from Broadbean Weevils...

The internets say the holes will affect productivity by about 15%. Might be a problem on big operations, but it's negligible for me! I won't even notice the difference, and I'm happy to support bugs!

I'm putting them down in the Lemon Cucumber area that I cleared the other day. I've moved the trellis, but I'm keeping the wild Amaranth.

Garden Plot

I've given the planted beans a good water and now I can goof off. I love it when the garden is a big happy family...

Tomatilo and a soybean

That's a Tomatillo and a Soybean, and the red stalks on the left are some wild type Amaranth!

The volunteer Sunflower in the Tofu Patch is winding down.

Drooping Sunflower bloom

Oh hey! There's some Heal All growing in the Tofu Patch as well!

Close up of a Heal All bloom

And that blue flower is Creeping Speedwell, another little wildflower that I love.

I got tomatoes off all three big tomato plants: 3 Old Germans, a Black Tomato and a Brandywine!

harvested veggies laying on the ground

I was fixin' to leave, and I turned to take in the garden plot... and I noticed the sunflower leaning over from the Pot People's plot! Haha, how did I miss that??!

garden plot

Sheesh... this is a good 2meters inside my plot. Rude.

sunflowers over the Sungold

But maybe some of the seeds will fall here... I do love the lemon coloured Sunflowers!

Honey Bee on a sunflower

Spotted Cucumber Beetle on a sunflower

Borage bloom

Okay, this time I'm leaving for real... Here's some of our native Milkweed in someone else's plot!

Milk weed plant with a pod

It's Showy Milkweed! Good Luck, little seeds!

Milkweed seeds

A Two Hawk Day and my Garden Companion
Friday 20 September 2024

The sun shines bright this morning, and it's the first time in a few days that it's warm enough to leave the rain jacket behind!

Trees on the hill

This is blurry pic of a Goldfinch, but the colours and the shapes are kind of captivating.

Goldfinch standing on a hemlock stalk

Oh awesome!

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch with her tail spread out below

That tail! She must have just taken a bath in the creek, a couple feet below!

And also: That tail! Cooper Hawks are distinctive with that long tail, and this is a juvenile who doesn't have the adult colours on her head yet.

Shake it off!

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch, shaking off the water

Cooper Hawk standing on a branch with tail feathers spread out below

She's moving to a new branch.

Cooper Hawk flying away from the branch

Cooper Hawk standing higher in a tree


Cooper Hawk standing higher in a tree, with wing and tail feathers spread out

Heh! Checking out the nail job on your talons?

Cooper Hawk up in a tree, looking at her foot

Cooper Hawk up in a tree

Okay. Moving on! And there's another hawk, just outside the Community Garden! A Red Shoulder Hawk!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a branch

She flies away. But the Community Garden would be a great place for her to hunt... plenty of mice here, maybe some snakes -- Red Shoulders Love snakes!

But she has scared away all the little birds in the garden. ha. Oh well.

I'm just gathering at the garden today. The cooler weather is slowing down the veggies, but they're still coming!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I have got to get some Nasturtiums next year. They usually mostly re-seed themselves, but I don't have any this year.

Yellow Nasturtium bloom with cherry tomatoes and other flowers in the background

Oh! Haha!

Honey Bee inside the yellow nasturtium bloom

Pretty cozy in there!

Honey Bee inside the yellow nasturtium bloom

And then I hear my Young Gentleman Friend!

Wire trellis with a hummingbird

He's still so nervous around me, and I knew I wouldn't be able to walk around to get a good pic... So I stayed where I was and hoped the camera could pick up the correct focus...

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis

Isn't he adorable!

He's kind of wagging his head in a weird way that I've never seen before...

Anna Hummingbird standing on a wire trellis

Ha! I think he's trying to flash his little gorget at me!

He'll need to practice that some more, in order to show off to the girls.

I wonder when he'll get his adult feathers? Those shiny ones should cover his entire head and throat!

Saturday 21 September 2024

Magnolias fascinate me! They've been on Planet Earth for 95 million years! They've lived with dinosaurs!

Magnolia cone with seeds on the tree

Magnolia cone with seeds on the tree

I am walking the Neighborhood Zig Zag to the garden again today.

Red Maple leaves

The novelty of this walk is starting to wear off... I'm walking on the sidewalks along streets, and there's just not much to look at after I've stared at everyone's yards! *laughs*

Gibbous moon in the blue sky

I get to the garden and I water. But decide the big tomatoes could ripen a bit more. And the Zucs could get a bit bigger. So I don't harvest a single thing today.

But of course, I take a few pictures!

Creeping Speedwell bloom in the Clover

Squash seedlings

I try to get Artsy with the Pot Peoples Sunflowers that are leaning down into my plot.

The backs of sunflower blooms

Lemon coloured Sunflower blooms with a blue sky

Tomatillo fruit with flowers

Heading home, someone isn't sticking around for decent photography! *laughs*

Blurry Squirrel behind a wood fence

Turkey Vulture flying above trees in a blue sky

Hm... Great Blue Heron... but that's quite a bit of cinnamon colour on their shoulder patch. This is someone new!

Great Blue Heron walking in water

Little Free Pantry in a park

At home, I'm reading last week's alternative newspaper, the Eugene Weekly... and I notice my Garden Friend Roz wrote a letter to the editor! Ha! That's awesome!

Sunday RANT
Sunday 22 September 2024

I am so sick and tired of men making me feel not safe!

Today, I was walking down the sidewalk of a major street, going across the driveway to a diner. A car surprised me... wanting to drive in, but no signal and wasn't even in the damn turn lane!

He saw me and stopped, thank goodness. But with the back end of the car stopping traffic behind him, since he wasn't in the turn lane.

I hurried on across, grateful that I didn't get squished.

But as he pulled into the parking lot he screamed at me thru his open window. F bomb and calling me a few names.


Going across that street is the worst. And now I can't even be safe from attack on the damn sidewalk.

Men... you suck!

And do NOT whine to me about Not All Men!

That's bullshit, and you know it!

Because that guy's friend, in the passenger seat? He didn't chide the drivers inexcusable behavior. You know he didn't.

The passenger might have laughed nervously. Or he may even have contributed a few cuss words himself.

And that's the thing, right? All of these maladaptive men have friends who make NO effort to correct bad behavior when they witness it!

So Not All Men? It IS ALL MEN!

And if you are a man, and you don't think so... then you need to step up!

How about using your male privilege for good instead of evil for once?

How about making the world a better place?

Moon in a blue sky, past green leaves of trees

Blue Sky Day with Cedar Waxwings!
Monday 23 September 2024

One last run of warm weather, here... 82° and 83° (28°C) yesterday and today, and low-90s for tomorrow. After that it looks like more normal temperatures in the mid-70s.

But, really, after the two cool weeks in August... I've been so discombobulated about the weather, I'm mostly just trying to ignore it! ha.

Cirrus clouds in a blue sky

I'm walking the Neighborhood Zig Zag again. Since the sun is shining, I am amused to photo my own shadow.

looking down at the creek from a bridge

This glorious tree, again.


And the amazing hell strip flower bed...

Purple Morning Glory with Red Amaranth in the background

Red Dahlias

Oh my gosh! I come across a flock of Cedar Waxwings!!

Cedar Waxwings in a dying hawthorn tree

But the sun is so stinkin' bright, I can't see the screen on the camera. So I'm just pointing and clicking!

Lots of juveniles in this group... they are the ones with stripes down their front.

Juvenile Cedar Waxwing

This Hawthorn tree looks like it's dying rather than shutting down for winter. I wonder what's wrong with it.

Cedar Waxwing standing in a dying Hawthorn tree

The Hawthorn berries are all dried and shriveled, but apparently still good to eat!

Cedar Waxwing eating a Hawthorn pome

Since I can't really see what I'm doing, it seems like the cutest birds are always right at the edge of the frame! Haha!

Juvenile Cedar Waxwing

Or they are tucked behind someone else!

Cedar Waxwing behind the tail of another Cedar Waxwing

Three Cedar Waxwings in a Hawthorn tree

See ya!

Cedar Waxwings flying from their branches

Gibbous moon in a blue sky

I've zig-zagged for almost an hour, and now I'm at the garden. I water and gather.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

It looks like the Wax Beans are going to start another round!

Wax Bean growing on the vine

And the Sunchoke...

Sunchoke bush

Is finally getting some blooms!

Sunchoke blooms

Hello, My Dear!

Squirrel standing on a wood fence

Close up of a squirrels face

Oh! and Foo! She flew away before I could get closer! Red Shoulder Hawk... same as the other day?

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a chimney cover

Cirrus clouds and a blue sky

Rose hips

Tuesday 24 September

Hot today. It was already 64° when I left the house and the sun is heating stuff up quickly. To be 93° (34°C) today... but hopefully this will be the last of the ninety degree days this year!

I'm doing the neighborhood zig zag... I don't know why this view cracks me up so much!

At the garden, I was just going to water like crazy... but there's no one here! So I walk around and look at the other plots!

Cosmos blooms

Cosoms blooms

These things are interesting!

Unknown bloom series against the blue sky

Goldfinches standiing on old sunflower heads


Goldfinch standing on a sunflower stalk

Goldfinch standing on a stalk of yellow flowers

Okay! Here I am at my plot! The back Sunchoke is just starting to bloom.

Sunchoke flowers against a blue sky

And there's a squirrel going after the Pot People's Sunflower heads!

Squirrel hanging from a sunflower stalk


Squirrel hanging from a sunflower stalk

The Wax Beans have a few yellow leaves... but they also have some blooms and some pods growing!

Wax Bean growing on the vine

The Sungold is gearing up as well!

Cherry tomato blossoms

Unfortunately, the Sungolds lost their sweetness after the couple of cold nights at the end of August. So I've not been picking any.

Cherry tomato blooms and sunflowers and blue sky in the background

The last two Black Tomatoes. Sighs. There's still several Old Germans left on the vine, but that plant is dead as well.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

The blooms on the stunted Sunflowers at the front of the plot didn't last very long.

Garden plot

But the Giant Marigolds have bloomed forever!

Yellow Marigold bloom

... And a Political Rant!
Tuesday 24 September 2024

GOP Senate candidate says women are 'crazy' to care about abortion

Yeah. You know what?

I am a single issue voter this year, and my single issue is abortion.

(well. okay. Maybe climate change, too. But it's absolutely abortion first!)

As a female type person, who is over 50, in a state with zero abortion restrictions... ZERO! ... Yes, abortion bans are an issue for me!

First... there's this little thing called Empathy.

I know that guy in the news article doesn't understand Empathy at all. But most people do.

And then there's the very important fact that abortion is health care. When women and people with uteruses can't get health care in certain parts of the country, it affects ALL OF US!

Honestly, abortion bans terrify me!

Denying health care to women, means that we are less than. We don't have bodily autonomy... which means we are no longer full citizens!

You remember our supposed unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence? Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness? We cannot pursue Happiness if we are Dead because of abortion bans!!

Be sure to dig into the comments on the article above... good stuff there!

At the Garden
Wednesday 25 September 2024

The clouds are moving around a lot this morning, and even the forecast can't figure out what the weather wants to do... the chance of rain is 50%. *laughs*

I have to bring the rain jacket to possibly protect the camera... but it's already 63° when I leave the house, too warm to wear the jacket! I stuff it in my backpack and head out for the Neighborhood Zig Zag.

There's clouds covering the sun when I happen to pass over the bike path... So I don't get to photo my shadow.

Bike path and creek from a bridge

Here's a pretty kitty sitting outside their home...

Tabby cat sitting on the sidewalk

And Look! They are polydactyl! Cool!

And that amazing hell strip flower bed. I just can't get enough of the colours.

Purple Morning Glory in front of Red Amaranth

I arrive at the Community Garden and the big family group of crows is here!

Crow standing on a wood fence with sunflower blooms in the background

Crow standing on a wood fence

Crow standing on a wood fence

I'm at my plot. Since I'm not sure what 50% rain is going to do, I decide to water a bit.

Here's the back of the Wax Bean trellis... As I mentioned, there's some yellow leaves but it's gamely trying to make more beans!

Bean trellis in the garden plot

Butternut squash ripening on the vine

The funny little volunteer Squashes growing from the compost!

Squash seedlings

And the rest of the Squash Square is just a happy jumble! ... Altho, I probably should have pulled out all that Smartweed. *laughs* Oh well.

garden plot

Yep, I found TWO Wax Beans that were long enough to harvest!

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

The first Sunchoke blooms.

Sunchoke blooms

I'm trying to take photos of the Goldfinches...

Goldfinches and spent sunflower blooms

But the clouds are getting heavier... and the Goldfinches aren't very cooperative anyway!

Goldfinches and spent sunflower blooms

Heading out, I notice the blooms on the other stunted Sunflower, in the front, have extra, weird petals...

Sunflower bloom

Must be a genetic thing?

Sunflower bloom

Haha! One of Pot People's Sunflowers is leaning into the Garden path!

Squirrel eating from a fallen sunflower head

Squirrel eating from a fallen sunflower head

Heading home, and Oh Wow! Look at what the clouds are doing!!

Clouds over the tree tops

I left just in time... when I get home it starts to sprinkle! We don't get much, but I'm bummed that I spent time watering the garden!! Ha!

This is something fun from the news...

How a catchy tune became the soundtrack to TikTok's silliest videos Monkeys Spinning Monkeys!

*laughs* This is super awesome!!

Yesterday I was so mad about idiot republicans, I decided to get another round of Vote Forward addresses...

They give you addresses and letters to print, and you write your own thing on the letter. Just encouraging people to vote. And then I decorate the envelope to have some fun.

When I went to get the addresses, they had a new thing... you could sign up for your own display page! That sounds cool!

But re-reading the info about it, I had to temper my excitement. I think this is just a basic page, and it doesn't look like people will even be able to add an intro or anything personal.

And I got my page today... and yep, it's a bummer that I cannot do a single thing with it. :(

But there I am! An overly boring page with my letter writing progress. ha.


Garden Work
Thursday 26 September 2024

Chillier this morning, just 54° when I left the house and the high today is only 70° (21°C).

Trees on the hill, some with autumn colour

I'm walking straight to the Garden today, to get some work done!

Two Goldfinches standing on a wire trellis surrounded by green

Goldfinch standing on flower stalks

Goldfinches standing in a row, on a wire trellis

Goldfinch standing on flower stalk with a yellow bloom

peach and yellow coloured Dahlia bloom

White Dahlia blooms with purple edges

Okay. I've decided to clear the way for more Fava to be planted... in amongst all that Borage behind the wild Amaranth is a Spaghetti Squash, the secondary Sungold, and the very dead Brandywine.

Garden Plot

Bummer... I only found two, very small Spaghetti Squashes! Maybe I shouldn't have let the Borage overrun everything! And I got the last small Brandywines before I hauled the plant to the compost pile.

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

I couldn't bear to pull out the Sungold... it's still very much alive with fruits and flowers! heh. So the spot isn't as clear as I envisioned it!

Garden Plot

But there's a bit of room for planting.

Garden Plot

The damn Comfrey has cozied up to the Green Zucchini... and it's too much trouble to try to murder it under all the Zuc branches.

Comfrey leaves and a blooming zucchini with fruit

All three Zucchinis have good sized, harvestable squashes... but all that is not going to fit into my small backpack with the two Spag Squashes!

Yellow Zucchinis growing on the vine

Cherry tomatoes ripening on the vine

The Sunchoke is just over 7 feet tall.

Sunchoke plant

Sunchoke blooms

Okay. Heading out!

Spent sunflower bloom

On the walk home, I notice this...

Silky Dogwood berries

Most of the dogwoods along the creek are Red Oiser Dogwoods, which have white berries. I forgot there's a couple of Silky Dogwoods, here too, with lovely pale blue berries!

Garden Rant!
Thursday 26 September 2024

So the 2025 Community Garden Manual came out, and I'm scanning it over to see about the stupid Autumn Compliance Check that they just made up this year.

Yep, sure enough. It's there and we've now got four checks per year, instead of three.

Which is amusing because they can't employ enough people for all the work there was already... they use the volunteers Extensively! So I don't understand why they want to give themselves more work with a fourth, completely unnecessary compliance check.

But then I notice a new section...

A list of Prohibited Plants

I am shocked and DISMAYED that Borage is on the list of Prohibited Plants.

Borage is NOT an invasive plant!!! It is easy to identify and it is easy to kill by simply pulling it up. It's a naturalized plant, and in my opinion probably the most perfect summer cover crop AND companion plant.

So that's going to be a major problem for me next year. I'm almost surprised that they didn't ding me on their illicit Compliance Check this month, for all my precious Borage.

*** Oh, and I checked that link for City of Eugene, Prohibited Plant List and Borage is not on it. What a surprise.

But now that I'm over my initial outrage... well, not really. I'm still extremely outraged!

But I'm looking a bit closer at the list.

Marsh Marigold?

What the hell. Who wrote this ridiculous list???

As far as I know, we don't even have Marsh Marigold here... and it's a native wildflower, not aggressive. What kind of moron puts that on an invasive species list??

It IS a look-alike to Lesser Celandine, tho. Which is horrifyingly invasive. And, seriously, who's going to plant it, knowing how horrible the Lesser Celandine is? But regardless, Marsh Marigold has no business being on that list!

And then they snuck in GRAPES there under Large Woody Perennials?! oh my god. People have to... what? just cut down their grape plants. This is ... GAH!

The Community Garden at the river has a whole row of glorious, OLD grape vines! The thought of pulling those out, killing them, oh gah it's tragic.

Dang it, I hope someone objects.

And finally, at the bottom... Yes, mint should always be in a pot. But Raspberries and Marionberries? There are a few gardeners who grow berries, including my friend Roz. What's he supposed to do? Dig them up to put in a damn pot? He said he loved his berry harvest so much this year. Sticking the raspberries in a pot is going to disrupt production, and shrink it to hardly anything.

Grr! *Grumble, Grumble*

It's just terrible and I'm ready to revolt!

Planting More Fava
Friday 27 September 2024

Cloudy but nice this morning, it was 61° when I left the house, to be 71° (22°C) today. But there are warmer and sunny days in the forecast, and I'm going to put down more Fava seeds to take advantage of the warmth!

I'm not having much luck with the birds today...

Goldfinch flying away

I've brought two bags of Fava today: one I bought a couple years ago and one I collected from the garden last year... and here's a surprise!

Bags of different coloured dried Fava beans

They are different colours?! That's so odd!

And does that mean I hadn't planted any of the lighter coloured Favas when I was collecting the darker beans? And, why? Did none of the lighter bean plants survive? Or did they survive and just not produce any beans?

So that's a mystery. But I'm still going to plant a mix of both, here in the spot I cleared yesterday!

And then I have plenty of time to relax!

One of the Sunchoke branches is drooping, so I get to have a different view of the flowers.

Sunchoke blooms

Tomatillos growing on the vine

Tomatillo on the vine

Borage bloom with tomatillos

Harvested zucchinis laying on the ground

Sunflower bloom in a garden

Ha! I didn't notice the house fly! My little pollinator friend!

House fly standing in a red sunflower bloom

I'm walking out of the Garden... but a flock of Goldfinches distracts me.


They seem to love this plant! I must find out what it is and plant some in my plot next year!

Goldfinches gathered on a plant

Just look at them all!

Goldfinch flock

At home... here is the state of the kitchen!

Harvested veggies on a kitchen counter and stove

Haha! Need to eat faster! The tomatoes are starting to go. The zucs are fine yet, they last longer on the counter rather than in the fridge!

A Sunny Day
Saturday 28 September 2024

I need to visit the garden today, to water the Fava seeds I put down yesterday. But I'm going for a good walk first!

Bittersweet Nightshade berries

The fallen Leaning Tree.

Fallen Leaning Tree

Squirrel and Flicker standing on the sidewalk

Northern Flicker standing on the sidewalk

Squirrel standing on a broken stump of a branch on a tree trunk

Oh nice. Someone has Sunchoke growing in their hell strip!

Sunchoke blooms

And there's a cute lil Hoverfly!

Hoverfly standing in a Sunchoke bloom

Oh foo.

Scrub Jay standing on a wood fence, looking down

Goldfinch standing on an old Sunflower head

Huh, this is interesting! This Sunchoke bloom hasn't opened yet and it won't have any seeds made...

Goldfinch on a Sunchoke bloom

Maybe they are going after whatever bits will become seeds?

Goldfinch on a Sunchoke bloom

Goldfinches on Sunchoke blooms

At my plot, I've watered everything pretty heavily. Especially the new Fava seeds in front. Not much to pick today, but there's more Wax Beans coming on, so that's nice!

Harvested veggies layiing on the ground

I had gotten so sick of eating stupid Wax Beans, and I froze a bunch of bags. But now I could eat them again. In moderation, you know! ha.

A Call For Men to Engage


Bright and Cheerful Sunday
Sunday 29 September 2024

The sun is shining and I saw Mr Unnamed, our Western Grey Squirrel neighbor... but he was too quick for me to get photos. Next time, Buddy!

Blanket flowers

Aster blooms

Trees on the hill

Sunchoke blooms

Sunchoke blooms against a blue sky

*laughs* I love my Sunchokes!

Sunchoke blooms

Tomatillo fruits growing on the vine

Harvested veggies laying on the ground

Pink Dahlia blooms against a blue sky

Pink Dahlia blooms against a blue sky

So while I was all focused on the front of the plot, clearing the Garden Square and planting Fava... the new Seascape Strawberries just kind of ... died?

Dead strawberry plant

what the heck? Why? I've been watering them. Were the nights too cold? The lows have mostly been in the 50s but it had gotten down to 43° a week ago. But that hardly seems like something to die over.

Well, I don't know. But there is a tiny new leaf in there, so maybe it will live.

Tiny green Strawberry leaf in a dead plant

The volunteer Squashes, growing out of the compost are still alive... and you'd think they would be more delicate than strawberries with cooler nights.

Squash seedlings

Well, anyway. On the way out, I stop to look at the section of Favas I planted last week! Yay Baby Favas!

Fava seedling growing from the dirt

Lovely Fall Day
Monday 30 September 2024

The sun is shining again today and it will warm up to a very pleasant 75°... Normal for this time of year is 73° (23°C) and with all the crazy fluctuations I've been trying to ignore lately -- last tuesday the high was 93° and the next day the high was 67° -- yeah, I'll take some normal!

I'm walking the neighborhood zig zag today.

Looking down at the creek and bike path from a bridge over them

Purple Morning Glory with yellow lilies

oh! Haha! Here's a House Finch with yellow feathers instead of red!

House Finch standing behind some Kale

The colour of the feathers depends on what they eat! And they need a variety of carotenoids to add up to the usual red-orange colour! Maybe this one has been binging on a favorite food that's full of beta-carotene!

House Finch standing behind some Kale

Sunchoke blooms

Monday's are now my compost run days.

This used to be Partner's chore to handle. When we accumulated a full bag of kitchen scraps, he would drive it to the Garden and dump it on the Community compost heap.

But in August, the car broke down and was in the shop for a month. And I started taking care of our bags of compost... A week's worth of kitchen scraps fits almost perfectly into my small backpack with my water bottle.

And since I've been clearing some areas, where stuff has been dying, I've been able to put the scraps into our own garden plot. I'm just spreading it out a bit on the surface, sometimes I cover it with a pulled up Borage plant.

Compost on the dirt

Over the winter, with the rain we get, it will all break down to nothing! I might find a bit of avocado shell, later... not to mention some volunteers growing like the Squash seedlings and the carrot tops! But that's all good.

Yellow Zucchinis growing on the vine

Close up of a Squash bloom

Sunflower bloom

Sunflowers and Dahlias

And ever more Favas coming up in the first area that I seeded!

The cute little Fava bunny ears!

And, of course, Borage comes up whenever you disturb the soil! That's fine, it will die off when it gets cold.

I happened to come across this article in my internet wanderings, and I want to contribute a few of my own thoughts!

Not every public mention of religion is 'creeping Christian nationalism' Magazine editor Clara Jeffery saw backlash after complaining about a flight attendant who wished her a 'blessed' night

I was walking on the bike path the other day, and there's a guy going the other way. I smile at him in greeting and he says, Have a blessed morning!

And, yeah. Like the complaining person in the above article, I was a bit disgusted. This guy was NOT wishing me a happy morning. He was just broadcasting his religiosity. ugh.

It ruined a chunk of my nature time as I thought about all the different ways that religion has screwed people up.

But when I went to rant about it here... yeah, it just sounded kind of petty! *laughs* I deleted my original rant... But, with the article, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the impulse to complain about how people greet me!

And I got good ideas from reading the comments, too!

I can respond with the very Wiccan, Blessed Be! Just to remind the jesus freaks that there are other religions out there!

Or, if I'm feeling especially spicy I could just say, Hail Satan! *giggles*