To be 99° (37°C) today and there's a excessive heat
warning thru to tomorrow night. So I'm off to the garden
to water like crazy!
But because we had most of two weeks with unusually cool
weather in August... including a couple very chilly nights...
Ugh. Well, parts of the garden are quite done for.
The Lemon Cucumber are dead. And the Brandywine is dead...
The stems are still green, so the remaining tomatoes should
ripen up. But the leaves are all dead, so there won't be
any more tomatoes coming on.
sighs. But lets look at it a different way:
*laughing* at my own joke!!
Well, I'm happy to have gotten a few Brandywines this year.
After all, some years I get zero!
And, anyway... I've got two other plants supplying me with
big tomatoes! The Old German is SOOO good... fruity and light,
no acid at all. Very tasty and unique. Def growing this one
And the Black Tomatoes are good, normal tasting tomatoes.
Altho... now that I'm looking at them, the Old German
and the Black Tomato seem to have a bunch of dying leaves
as well. foo. Stupid climate change weather, anyway.
The Sungold is still fine, of course. It's a good tough
plant. But I've not been eating any, lately. The cool
weather took the sweetness away, and they just don't taste
good. meh.
Since I'm still obsessing about the new Seascape Strawberries,
here's a different view from the back,
with the happy, established strawberry plants
front and center. I should look up to see what type of
strawberries they are.
oh, haha! There's a couple volunteer squashes coming out of
the compost I dumped! Too funny!
And all the plants in the Squash Square are doing well
except the Crookneck...
I probably should have cleared that Smartweed out.
Oh well, it's pretty and makes the bees happy!
So I Thought the Buckwheat seeds would be eaten
by the birds. But I'm seeing several stems chopped off...
I'm thinking a squirrel nipped off the whole seed head,
and took it away to eat or bury somewhere! Haha! I'm
happy to supply anyone's winter meals!
And for my meals:
Yep, I'm freezing another batch of Wax Beans at home today!
And then, the Zucchinis in the Supplementary Squash Square...
You can see the Yellow Zuc on the right is losing some leaves.
That's from the Squash Beetles.
The Squash Beetles attacked the big Green
Zuc on the left, too, but it's perfectly fine. And production
here hasn't been affected at all here, tho the Crookneck in the
Squash Square is half murdered. So that's a bummer.
But, if I just step back a few steps... the happy flowers
cover up all that!
The cute little -- well, stunted, heh -- volunteer sunflowers!
This one is really gearing up!
Home, and here's Mr Unnamed!
It's nice that he's more willing to sit for some photography!