16 April 2000 ... Files and Art
Well, people. After hours of semi-diligent file maintenance, I am very
close to moving my web site to my new domain. Yipee. That's approximately
175 files that I've weeded through, one by one. The results are a nice combination
of Carpel Tunnel and Computer Vision Syndrome. Not to mention the fact
that I think I will have to pay a year's advance to the ISP hosting my domain.
Yikes. This will not make the bank account of a jobless bum happy.
Especially since I am already paying two other ISPs for their services.
Yeah, the price I pay for my obsession.
I've been wandering around
Why? Because I like art, silly. I've set up a gallery there of my
favorite artists. Unfortunately, they didn't have any Thomas Kinkade,
and only one Boris Vallejo, and the only Robert Vivara they have is the
only one I don't like. Typical. But I've got some other good ones
in there...
My Gallery
(shoot, they took my gallery away from me.)
I've got a Dali, Van Gogh, Munch,
a Monet (something familiar
there, it's called Waterlilies :)
of course Da Vinci. The Mona Lisa painting is fascinating to me, Da Vinci
used lots of visual tricks to make that ambiguous smile. I am currently
looking for a M.C. Escher, I love the idea of trying to draw a Moëbius
Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life. -- Pablo Picasso