Journal Entry

26 April 2000 ... Randomness
You may have noticed that I have started a new page over in design. It's called Static Bar Creations and I will be displaying all the little graphics that I've made for my site map. I have discovered that the graphics are really fun to make, and I've gotten several good comments about them, too. Which makes me happy. see? :D

I've also joined a new webring. Chemical Butterfly Webring Page. Be sure to visit the home site for the ring, Chemical Butterfly. CrystalShiloh, who runs the site, has some great poetry as well as very interesting essays.

In other randomness, I'm going on a road trip. Details on that when I get back on Sunday or so. And in the meantime, don't worry, I am not going to desert you. I've got an entry planed for friday, "due to the joys of javascript" (TM) so don't think you are off the hook.

Actually, it's not really a trademark.

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