Yes, it's a new site design. The old one had been up for three weeks
and it is time for a change.
Mushroom Design Page
For the past 40 days I have been writing four pages a day in my paper
Which is quite a step up from the page and a half I was writing
in my last notebook.
Reasons. Hm. I have plenty of time on my hands. Taking an hour or so
out of my day to write is not a big deal at the moment. I love to write.
And writing so much, I have found, has given my creativity a boost in
other areas as well. Also, it is important to me to have something to
show for my time.
And how do I do it? Occasionally I sit down and whip up four pages of
writing. I usually start with a warm up just to get me going, about a
page or two of diary-type fluff along the lines of what happened today.
I might do a page of thoughtful meandering and I usually dedicate one
page as a response to a prompt. I get my writing prompts from
A Writer's Book of Days. Occasionally the writing I get from the
prompt ends up here in my online journal.
Other times, I write in short spurts during the day. These are usually
the more interesting pages and I have color coded some of these entries
according to subject. If I remember a dream, I write that with my sky
blue pen. If I am reading a good book, I will write a quote or a passage
into my notebook in pink. I summarize fascinating information with red.
I use green to list ideas for future projects. And purple is for fiction,
which is true on my web site as well
(story page).
I think that all this writing has done me some good. Tho I would probably
never say it out loud, I do consider myself a writer. After all, I do
write, and I write a lot more than the average human being.
Writing has also somehow given me some confidence. I have taken on more
projects in the past month than I have in the last year. When someone
offers appreciation of my projects, I am now able to accept graciously.
In the past I would not have believed that anyone liked my stuff and I
would have said something self-deprecating.
Basically, I just feel better when I am writing.