4 August 2000 ... Vector Drawing
I decided to learn how to draw with vectors. For those of you who have
no idea what I'm talking about: There are two ways to make pictures on
the computer. Raster and Vector. Raster is like painting, you make each
pixel such and such a color like piling on the paint. Vector is like
building a model, you draw lines to make the frame and you say how to fill
in the spaces.
So. I have this book and I turn to the chapter on vectors. They walk
through two projects, making a gingerbread man and making a pear.
You know, it looked pretty easy. But my gingerbread man came out rather
deformed. Something about "cusp" and "symtrical" something or other.
Whatever. I'll figure it out eventually.
But the pear came out half decent. This drawing is actually a combination
of vector and raster. The shape of the pear was done as a vector, so
was it's shadow on the table. The background and the shading on the
pear is painted on as raster.
The first few "free handed" vector drawings I did turned out terrible.
But here is today's attempt. Pretty good, huh? :)