How do you personalize your work area?
I've got my own desk at my day job, but I don't have much there...
- My calendar. It's the IFAW calender but I never gave them any money.
I draw happy faces on the holidays.
- A drawing with my name. I switch between 3 of these.
I've got a Christmas scene (tree, presents, snow flakes),
a summer scene (tree, flowers, happy sun, bunny)
and the current one with a sea horse and sea snail.
- A horse sculpture I made out of used masking tape.
His head is about 9 inches high, about 6 inches at the withers.
I think he's brilliant :)
- A braille cheat sheet with all the #s, letters,
and about six or seven contractions I use most often.
- oh, and my tape dispencer has a rats tail. Heh.
How do you personalize the car?
- dust. I hate washing the car.
- Eeyore hangs from the passenger side visor.
- a green dolphin is clipped to the driver's side visor.
- flyers get tossed in the passenger foot area.
How do you personalize the computer monitor?
- the Art Mouse
- Spikey the Zebra
- Pellet the Hamster
- Eeyore *yes, I like Eeyore, okay*
- Dickens the Donkey
- dust. I hate dusting.