Journal Entry

1 January 2005 ... Happy New Year

  200120022003 2004
Read 35 books31 books33 books 51 books
S8 71 entries61 entries86 entries 63 entries
Classes 1594 6

Look at all those books I read, wow!
Other random accomplishments:

  • I made 16 loaves of bread in the bread making machine. Yummy! Plus baked some corn bread and some cookie bars.
  • I made myself an art book and then mostly filled it with my art during November's Art By The Inch challenge.
  • Not very much web site stuff happened... minor, behind the scenes stuff, a new page here and there, and the Sea Design was put up in April.
  • I bought more software than I've incorporated into my life. For my handheld, I paid for a paint program and a screen capture program. For Fiasco the computer, there's a desktop publishing program to learn and I've not installed PSP9 yet. Also got some site manager stuff that I never used. eh.

I wanted to do a "Project" every month during 2004. I wasn't really that organized, but "something" got done each and every month. To call the "something" a "Project" is stretching it for most months, but oh well!

kaleidoscope photo

I always love beginnings, beginning of the year is no different. There are so many possibilities. And so much to do, but a whole year to get it done!

I have a lot of reading to do... over a dozen books on my "To Be Read" pile, hundreds of ebooks sitting on the computer. And now my brother is working his way through the Nebula Winners. What a good idea!

Not to mention the new software I have to learn. And so many other things to learn...

I listed "Potiential Projects" last year, and didn't really do any of them. And here I go again, listing projects. *shakes head*

  • Make a dent in the book pile!
  • Finish reading the guide for my desktop publishing software and go through all the tutorials.
  • Install and read about Paint Shop Pro 9.
  • Exercise? ugh. I could start walking to the mail every day, I guess. ugh.
  • Start a new website? I've been thinking about making a reading website that reflects my commonplace book.
  • Be more Green! Recycle, Reduce, and Respect all life. Be increasingly Vegan and Animal Friendly. Be more vocal for the Earth.

I would like to make that last one a bigger part of my life. We are killing our beautiful Earth, and something needs to be done!

Partner and I will also be moving this year, from the desert Phoenix to the rain puddle Oregon. I hope to get a better and more interesting day job there, as well make hiking a part of my life.

So: more reading, more journaling, more WWWing, more computering, more green, more money. Basically, more of everything, including time of course!

haha, I amuse me.

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