Journal Entry

2 January 2005 ... Free Time

I'm right in the middle of my Five days of freedom... in between the family vacation and when I go back to work on Wednesday... and I am very much enjoying my life right now!

I still have lots of Internetting to catch up with, and that's what I start with first thing in the morning. After I let Tegan the guinea pig out to play, that is. :)

And then, yesterday, I suddenly had a desire to upgrade my TreePad software. I have been using the free version for many years, pretty extensively.

The free version of TreePad has all the functionality that I ever needed, but since I do use the program on a daily basis I wanted to let the developers know what a great product they made by rewarding them with some money. ha.

All yesterday afternoon, I read the documentation for my new program... The Plus version is very different than the free version and also I want to know exactly how the program works. The manual is nice and long and I'm still reading it.

And when I got tired of the studious reading, yesterday, I switched to some light reading. Of a real, dead tree, book. ha. And when I got tired of reading, I moved to the TV and watched a movie.

I got Lord of the Rings #3 for xmas, which I haven't seen yet. I've watched #1 Fellowship of the Ring several times over, but had only seen #2 Two Towers, once. So I watched #2 last night.

All the horseys. :) I do like the first one, but it leaves me sad. So the second one is my favorite, especially the "The Grace of the Valar" scene. Tho, of course, the third movie is supposed to be the best, so I may change my favorite after I've watched it!

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