Journal Entry

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fri 19 june 2009

Yay! I had a good time with my Mom. We mostly just hung out together. We went to Saturday Market. Watched a bunch of movies. Went walking through some forests. Did a few other random things.

(And now I'm glad to have my Internet back. :) )

The trip to Saturday Market was awesome. We got some food... cucumbers and strawberries and a pack of mushrooms. Some plants for our community garden... a cherry tomato plant for SO and a beautiful flower for me.

And a new lap desk for me as a belated birthday present. It's going to be great; I've not used it yet, but it seems pretty comfortable. And it has a wonderfully colourful fabric, from the Caribbean!
Lap of Luxury Lap Desks

Besides the plants we got at Saturday Market, we got a few more freebie plants from a nursery. Some different kinds of tomatoes, a cilantro plant and a cucumber plant. So the garden has some more useful type plants growing in it, besides all the weeds. ;) Some if the seeds we planted are coming up as well... The peas are doing well, also have several cucumber babies peeking up. Not sure about the broccoli, tho, and the garlic starts were looking kind of pathetic as well.

Anyway. a bit of walking occured in the last week as well. I've not had the chance to get my photos onto the computer yet, but I'm sure there's at least one new postcard there! :)

... and, speaking of postcards, I think that will be my first major project of the weekend...

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