November 1 was World Vegan Day, which makes november
World Vegan Month.
The word "vegan" was invented by Donald Watson...
Here's the original newsletter:
Vegan News No. 1
published in Nov 1944, thusly this is the 65th anniversary of
the word "vegan".
Yay Vegan!
Random Vegan Links:
Latest Episode of "Bones" was all AR/Vegan!
I don't watch much tv, but I do enjoy Bones... and this
episode was actually pretty good. (link to watch it on Hulu)
Best Broccoli Ever
Veganaise on broccoli is not a combo that I would think
of. But it might actually be good!
Taste Better
This site (currently not terribly active),
and the sister site Vegan Porn (also the same), amuses me.
I _highly_ recommend the newsletter... very thought-invoking.
Possibly provoking as well. ;)
Tag: vegan