Some days, the arrangement of words is so very important to me.
The words fall into place easily and it is a joy to get them out of my
head when I write them. They may not be perfect, but I can feel the
power in them... Perhaps some small inkling of talent.
Yesterday was not one of those days. heh. I started writing without
the words in my head. I just had a topic, and it started out okay.
Well. At least I was writing something. But then I got to the "Why"
part, and there were so many answers swirling around in my head that
I couldn't make any one of them cohesive.
And I ended up calling everyone stupid. When really, I felt like the
stupid one. Because I can't even get the words out when I want to.
But that's okay. Above anything else, I consider this journal to be
a writer's journal. Some days I will have crappy entries. That does
not concern me. It concerns me when I don't write at all.
I find myself wanting to recommit to my journal writing. Not just
here, but in my paper journal as well. I don't know about daily entries
here. But I will be thinking about the words to write through the
day. We shall see what tomorrow brings...